Heavenly Genius

Chapter 211: Mountain Beauty

How dangerous Shao Pingbo is is, he doesn't know, and needs to be understood slowly.

Although there is no small autonomy, people like Shao Pingbo are so easy to get started, he has no chance to get close to others, and they ca n’t get close to them. There must be expert protection around them, whether it is clear or It is difficult to have a chance in the dark.

This embarrassed him so much that he could only slowly understand and ponder.

After returning to the rented yard in the city, he laid out a map of Beizhou Fucheng and stared at it for a long time.

After that, he put out a blank piece of paper and began to draw the relationship graph of the characters around Shao Pingbo on the paper, marking the situation learned by Wu Sanliang on the map to avoid forgetting. The relationship diagram of the characters is not complete. Wu Sanliang didn't come long, and his understanding was limited. The rest required him to explore and fill.


Something fell in the courtyard outside the house.

Lu Shengzhong quickly put a roll of things on the table and hid them before opening the door.

There was no one in the yard, only a ball of paper. When I walked to pick it up, there was a rock in the paper.

He quickly opened the door of the courtyard and looked around on the street. He saw scattered people coming and going, and he didn't know who threw it in.

Closed the door, went back to the house, and unfolded the paper ball to see. There was a special drawing on the corner of the paper ball. At first glance, it was news that Niu Youdao had sent people.

He has no direct connection with Niu Youdao, and Gold Wings are also a flaw in the city, which is easy to cause doubts and also guarantee his safety.

Niu Youdao didn't say who the middleman contacted him. He only arranged for a person doing business on the street to give him something. He could send the news to the other party. Someone would naturally pass the news to Niu Youdao.

The paper is full of ciphers. Lu Shengzhong searched for the pen and translated it first, and then checked it carefully.

The content of the secret letter made him find a way to get online with Shao Pingbo's two younger brothers Shao Wubo and Shao Fubo, and find a way to let them know something.

After reading what was pointed out, Lu Shengzhong thought deeply and burned the secret letter together with the translated things.

Looking back, he flipped out the relationship diagram of the figure he just drew, touched his chin and continued to think, his eyes flickered ...

In Lingbo Mansion, in the study room, Shao Pingbo got all the official documents, and gave instructions in turn.

Busy until near lunch, the housekeeper Shao Sansheng stepped forward and reminded: "Master, take a break."

He took out a performance report and handed it over, "The news over Qingshan County, the Shang Dynasty has already taken over the military and political power of Qingshan County and Guangyi County!"

Shao Pingbo appeared bright in his eyes, Huo Ran raised his head, reached for the performance report, opened it and looked closely.

After reading it, it was a long time before he said, "Knowing that Feng Lingbo is not the opponent of Shang Chaozong. Sooner or later, he will be annexed by Shang Chaozong, but I didn't expect such a fast and fast integration speed!"

His gaze fell on the content of the report again, "New Deal ... Farmers don't pay taxes on farming. As long as they settle in the two counties, there will be fields, and the merchants will have their business tax halved. How come he has such great financial resources?"

Shao Sansheng: "It should have received the strong support of Tianyumen, otherwise the provision of Tianyumen alone will not be so easy for the two counties, and there will be military and administrative expenses of the two counties, and there will be no support for Tianyumen. Chaozong couldn't do this. "

Shao Pingbo leaned back in his chair and sighed: "Farmers who farm land without paying taxes will inevitably attract the Sifang refugees to reclaim. If there are more people gathered, the business will certainly prosper, coupled with the halving of the business tax levies of the merchants. It will inevitably attract a large number of merchants to do business. It seems that the commercial tax will be halved, and the amount will not be lost. Over time, the New Deal faith spreads, and people, property, and goods will be hoarded in the two counties. The large amount of property brought by merchants, The gathered people are thriving, and the people are reclaiming and accumulating food in the villages. It takes money and money, people and people, and food and food. This is the long-term vision, which shows that Dachan Mountain is not as good as Tianyumen! "

Shao Sansheng: "The expense of so many people in Dachan Mountain is not easy to make a decision like Tianyumen. Small places also have the advantages of small places. The lack of one or two Tianyumen has little effect. If Beizhou is so big Territory, Tianyumen could not bear it. "

Shao Pingbo waved his hand, but he was helpless and did n’t want to mention it. Zuobao also threw it back to the case. He did n’t want to see it. The envy and upset of watching it. If Dachan Mountain could show such great courage to support the Shao family, he would also It would save a lot of trouble if you don't have to work so hard.

Shao Sansheng: "It has been confirmed that Niu Youdao has indeed returned to Qingshan County and is currently hiding in a valley outside the county."

"Retreat in a valley outside the city?" Shao Pingbo narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is there any chance to kill him directly?"

Shao Sanxing shook his head: "It's very difficult. He sent someone to try to get close, and couldn't get close at all. He has folded two people. According to the information returned, Liuxianzong, Fuyunzong, and Lingxiushan, the three factions have migrated as a whole. Niu Youdao is surrounded by a large group of monks, and the masters are gathered. They do not know how many times stronger than the guard forces around Shang Chaozong. Outsiders have no chance to start. Even if a large number of monks gather to attack, I am afraid that I will not be seen before. He slipped away. "

"Pull so many people to protect and be guilty of thieves!" Shao Pingbo snorted, and said slowly: "The three factions attached to the Song family instead turned to him. It seems that the Song family's mass annihilation may have been done by him."

Shao Sansheng: "Master, he has returned to Qingshan County, is it possible to go to Chiyang Zhu Guo?"

Shao Pingbo asked: "Is there anything abnormal in Jinzhou?"

Shao Sansheng: "No abnormality found?"

Shao Pingbo asked again, "How long has it been since the Ice and Snow Pavilion happened?"

Shao Sansheng: "It's almost three months."

Shao Pingbo flashed coldly in his eyes, "Wait! Either don't move, if you move, you'll be killed. You can't give him a chance to turn over. This is a cunning, in case he is in the wind, he hasn't been rescued, let's expose Can't implement his handle ... "Speaking of this froze.

He slowly looked back at Shao Sanxing and asked, "If a good doctor visits Xiao Tianzhen for treatment, would you say Hai Ruyue will agree?"

"Naturally, I promised, even if it is not cured, I hope to try it with a glimmer of hope. In these years, Hairuyue has taken the initiative to find a lot of good doctors ..." Speaking of which, Shao Sansheng also stunned, and immediately showed a sudden realization.

He understood the meaning of Shao Pingbo. If Niu Youdao didn't use Chiyang Zhuguo for treatment, Hai Ruyue would naturally agree. If it had been cured, there would be no need for a doctor to come to Hai Ruyue.

This is to be tested! Shao Sansheng nodded and said: "Understood, the old slave would arrange the right manpower."

Spring Breeze Tower, the largest blue tower in Beizhou Prefecture, is in front of the door, and will be greeted by guests in the future.

Opposite the Chunfeng Building is a restaurant, with a window on the second floor, Lu Shengzhong sat in front of a table of dishes and slowly took a drink.

"Wu Gongzi walks slowly." The exaggerated tone of the old bustard sounded.

At the window, Lu Shengzhong leaned his head to look out across the window, and saw three magnificently dressed young people swaying out. The young man named Wu Tiannan in the middle was particularly cared for by the old bustard.

It is inevitable to receive the old bustard's enthusiasm, and more money is inevitable. Wu Tiannan still has a heavy identity. The son of Pingchuan County County Cheng, who has contacts with Shao Jiawubo and Fubo Brothers, can't talk about anything. Xiaoxiao County Cheng's The brothers of the Shao family may not be able to catch their eyes.

However, it was such a person that Lu Shengzhong stared at him for a few days.

No way, Niu Youdao said that Shao Pingbo was so dangerous. According to the investigation, Shao Pingbo and his two younger brothers did not seem to deal with it. He was worried that the two brothers were also under the supervision of Shao Pingbo and they dared not directly contact them. A person who is too close doesn't dare to rush in and can only pick someone who is far away.

Watching Wu Tiannan leave, Lu Shengzhong also threw money on the table, got up and left ...

Two days later, Lu Shengzhong appeared in a city outside Beizhou, and also came to a blue building.

"You don't want a girl, you have to see me, and you're still interested in me?" The fat old bustard fan covered his mouth and giggled.

Lu Shengzhong showed a golden ticket and pushed it in front of her.

The old bustard couldn't laugh, and looked at the golden ticket with a face value of 10,000 on the table, his eyes shining fiercely.

"Young, beautiful, and in good shape, you can sing and sing, you can sing poems and songs, you can pretend, you can act!" Lu Shengzhong popped up a finger is a request, "can find, this money is yours!"

Finally, a horse-drawn carriage stopped at the gate of the backyard of the Qinglou House. A woman wearing a shawl covering her face, with a graceful figure, walked out of the backyard, followed behind Lu Shengzhong, and got into the carriage together.

With a whip, the car rolled away ...

You Yan Xiao Xiao echoed in the forest.

Shuqi stopped, Wu Tiannan on horseback looked around, his eyes were fixed, he stared at a hill in the shade of the road, I saw a white dress like snow, the skirt of the woman fluttered, the face was beautiful and delicate, and the slender fingers Wearing a hole flute, blowing sad tunes, the expression is full of sadness.

Seemingly found rude peeping here, the Qingli woman stopped playing, frowned slightly, and turned down the back of the hillside.

Wu Tiannan looked at each other with a few entourages, and was a little surprised. Looking at the pure appearance, she knew that she was a good family woman. Where is this good family in this mountain?

Several people looked at each other and squeezed their eyebrows, and ran to the foot of the mountain together, only to find that a carriage was parked in the forest.

Several people jumped off the horse, climbed the hill, and saw the curvaceous girl in white.

However, there was a man beside the woman who was burning incense and burning paper in front of an old tombstone. A man and a woman were obviously celebrating someone.

This place is in Pingchuan County ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wutian Nan strode down the hill with great confidence and took a few people to the grave.

Both men and women looked back, and men were none other than Lu Shengzhong.

A close look at the woman's appearance is even more beautiful and beautiful, with a slightly elegant book, white skin, and the graceful figure of the thin waist and breast augmentation. Beautiful woman.

choke! With a sound of sword, Lu Shengzhong suddenly grabbed the sword beside him, his long sword came out of the sheath, and the wave of his hand shook his hand.

Wu Tiannan and others suddenly startled, only to realize that they ran into the monk, and quickly put away their mischief.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Shengzhong asked coldly, with a warning in his eyes.

Wu Tiannan waved his hand hurriedly: "Mage don't misunderstand, but just through this place, I suddenly saw a weak woman haunting the mountains alone, worried about safety, so she came over and looked at it."

Lu Shengzhong said coldly: "Do you think I will believe it?"

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