Heavenly Genius

Chapter 202: A little bit out of hand

Generous gift? Black Peony didn't know, and was a little puzzled.

Shang Chaozong and others were a little surprised, remembering it, when Dao Ye had closed the gate, this was indeed said, and now I think of it, they are all startled.

Lan Ruoting wondered: "Dao Dao, is it the kind of gift that Dao Da was referring to?"

Niu Youdao said with a smile: "Are a few factions come to help the lord to seize Nanzhou ... Mr. Lan is still too disrespectful?"

"No no no! Hou Li, absolutely Hou Li!" Lan Ruoting waved his hand, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe it, explaining: "I just thought ... Did Dao plan this step in the first place?"

Niu Youdao shook his head: "The situation has changed. The gift he was referring to was not this. Follow the trend, in short, it will not be worse than the original."

Lan Ruoting breathed a sigh of relief, and thought that even if he could have today, if that was the case, the strategy would be too scary and scary.

The brothers and sisters of the Shang family also relaxed a little, and were just astonished just now.

Although he was relieved, the emotion in his heart was still beyond description.

Marrying Feng Ruonan, borrowing soldiers from Guangxi County, based on Canglu County, convincing Hai Ruyue, and conquering Qingshan County, and now attracting several factions to help Nanzhou, this series of steps down is truly breathtaking.

Several people have to admit that a cow has a way to change their destiny completely. I thought that the two brothers and sisters were going to escape overseas through the secret road. When the family dog ​​fled from Beijing, who had thought of having today?

Originally borrowed troops from Feng Lingbo, but now in turn want to take Feng Lingbo's years of hard work as his own, so how can some people not feel sorry?

Several people estimated that Tianyumen was not in a hurry to tell Feng Lingbo this matter. If Feng Lingbo knew about the matter, how could he really feel?

Shang Shuqing couldn't help but glance at Yuan Gang behind Niu Youdao, still remembering what Yuan Gang said to her at Nanshan Temple, every word was still in my ears: I know what your brothers and sisters think, do you think Dao Ye The cultivation base is not high. That is because you do n’t know gold inlaid jade. For your situation, Dao Ye is more important than his cultivation base. You have retained the wrong objects!

Recalling this sentence now, I really understood how little words Yuan Gang said at that time should be the words Zhuji!

All of today's everything confirms what Yuan Gang said at the beginning, and it can be seen that the person who really understands the Taoist is Yuan Gang, and it can be seen that Yuan Gang really pointed out a clear way to them!

Looking back now, Shang Shuqing was afraid, but fortunately, if he missed it, could the brother and sister be today? At least in any case, it is impossible to rise so fast, only six months after fleeing the capital!

After putting the matter of generosity aside, Shang Chaozong asked for advice: "Dao Ye, Hai Ruyue has urged this side a few times."

Niu Youdao asked, "What are you urging?"

Shang Chaozong: "She is anxious to see the effectiveness of Yingyang Wuliewei, and I can understand her mood, worrying that her son is in trouble, Xiao family is not in love, Wandong Tianfu will do unpredictable things to her at any time, so anxious Seeing here shows the strength that can support her. I can understand the mood, but the matter is so urgent, training is not an overnight matter, and there are many conditions. Since it is a cavalry, a large number of horses are indispensable. It is difficult to achieve this in the short term alone. "

Niu Youdao thought about it a little, "Our current conditions are limited, the prince does not have to ignore her, and can proceed in an orderly manner at a rhythm that he can control."

Lan Ruoting inserted a sentence, "Dao Ye means to abandon Hairuyue?"

Niu Youdao shook his head slightly, "It seems that no one in charge of Golden State is as good for the prince as Hairuyue. In short, the prince doesn't have to worry about it. The prince just concentrates on doing his own things. Hairuyue I will deal with it. . "

Hearing this, several people inexplicably felt that this trouble was no longer a problem.

The next long talk mainly discussed the next steps. Niu Youdao had advised the Shang dynasty, and the Shang dynasty nodded from time to time, writing down Niu Youdao's account.

Know that Niu Youdao has been working hard for a long distance, and a few people did not disturb for too long. After a while, he said goodbye!

Niu Youdao personally sent out, although Shang Chaozong and others repeatedly said that they did not need to send, but Niu Youdao still abide by some rules and kept sending Shang Chaozong several people out of the gate.

He spent so much effort and so much risk to support Shang Chaozong, he did not want to help out a ruthless come, take a few steps more politely and effortlessly.

After watching a few people leave, Niu Youdao turned around and whispered back and forth, whispering to the left and right.

Black Peony nodded, "Yes!"

The round side is strange, what is the Daxue Mountain?

Yuan Gang was silent, he understood that it seemed that Dao Ye didn't want to let the Shang brothers and sisters know that the support was back to the support, and Dao Ye still left a hand after all!

Black Peony tried to ask again, "Dao Ye, if it's nothing else, just take a break."

Niu Youdao nodded his head, and after the black peony was prepared, Niu Youdao asked Yuan Fang, "Old Bear, how is that Lu Shengzhong now?"

Yuan Fang said with a smile: "Living well, keep it closed."

Seeing his weird smile, Niu Youdao said: "Take me to see."

Yuan Fang led him straight to the courtyard where the monks of Nanshan Temple lived.

Walked under the eaves and successively passed through several rooms with windows. Every time I passed a room, I looked at it. As a result, I saw that the monks were still bald, and they were copying the scriptures with their lights.

This scene shows Niu Youdao secretly shaking his head. Needless to say, so many monks can not be tempted by the outside world, and they must be inseparable from Yuanfang, the host of the teaching.

Obviously, Yuanfang still remembers the revitalization of Nanshan Temple. No matter how many things have been experienced, no matter how much experience and prosperity he has seen, Yuanfang still has his original intention!

To this, Niu Youdao didn't know whether he should admire him, or whether he should kick his feet, mix with Lao Tzu, but his heart was on Buddha's side. What's this matter?

This kind of thing, you still can't say anything, can you say that Yuanfang is two-hearted? It is useless for you to have an opinion on the illusory Buddha, but it makes you unreasonable!

Niu Youdao also knows that this is the belief of Yuanfang. Many years ago, Nanshan Temple adopted the young man, and he did not let him starve to the forest or be harmed by the beasts. Yuanfang wanted to spend his whole life to pay back. What can you say? Do you want Yuanfang not to repay her?

He can't tolerate the ungrateful, so there is no way. It is estimated that there must be a group of monks around him for a long time. Quandang is a group of people around him praying for himself.

Is just a group of monks with him. He always feels weird, and he never thought that there would be this day when he added it in his entire life.

Yuanfang led him to a cellar, and waved to the guardian monk to open the cellar.

As soon as the cellar floor was uncovered, there was a bad smell, and Niu Youui frowned.

The two monks descended the steps of the cellar, and soon there was a sound of iron chains in the cellar.

After standing in front of Niu Youdao, Lu Shengzhong with iron chains attached to his limbs, Niu Youdao could not recognize it completely. He was unkempt and his face could not be recognized clearly. It was like a layer of something, and his clothes were dirty and unsightly.

Lu Shengzhong couldn't help raising his hand and scratching his head, Niu Youdao's eyes flickered, and clearly saw a small bug crawling out of Lu Shengzhong's hair, his expression twitched instantly.

Coupled with the bad smell on his body, Niu Youdao rubbed his nose and frowned: "Let him wash well, change into clean clothes, and bring me to see tomorrow."

Originally wanted to talk to Lu Shengzhong, but in this case, Lu Shengzhong was afraid of avoiding it. The key is to face such a stinking Lu Shengzhong, there is no way to talk, choking!

Yuan Fang immediately waved the monk to follow.

Niu Youdao noticed, and Lu Shengzhong, who heard the words, cried and shed tears.

On the way back, Niu Youdao asked Yuanfang, "How do you make people like this?"

The truth of the round side is also very simple. Your Dao Ye ordered not to let people run away. He was also afraid of any accidents on the way, so he explained to the monks in Nanshan Temple to avoid any unexpected situations.

To put it bluntly, I just did n’t untie the iron chain on Lu Shengzhong. Lu Shengzhong has never washed it since he was arrested, eating and drinking in any place, and has not changed his clothes. It ’s strange that he does n’t smell ...


Returned to the main hall of Junshoufu Lan Ruoting suddenly sighed.

The seated Shang Chaozong asked: "Why do you sigh?"

Lan Ruoting shook his head and smiled bitterly, "If it wasn't for fear that it would provoke Dao's disgust, I really want to go and see that small temple village in person. It is rare to be able to produce a person like Yuan Gang in a mountain village in troubled times It ’s such a wickedness to be a debut man, and still so young, I am deeply ashamed of the teacher ’s teaching for many years, I am afraid that the teacher will have emotions in the world ... "

He shook his head, then stopped his disrespect to the teacher, and sighed: "It's too young, no matter how life experience and knowledge are possible? I can't imagine ... it really is a talented person from the generation of Jiangshan ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ I do n’t want to be dissatisfied, maybe this is the legendary celestial bar! "

Shang Shuqing comforted: "Sir is too humble, he has his own strengths. The military strategy and government affairs that Mr. is good at, Dao Ye basically never touches. It can be seen that this is not what Dao is good at. At this point, Dao Ye Certainly not as good as Mr. "

"Ah!" Lan Ruoting waved his hand, said nothing, he calmed down his emotions, and pondered again: "My lord, I'm thinking about one thing, the lord has always helped us, and we never seem to have What has been paid, this is not a long-term plan, I promised him to cultivate resources ... "

The rest of the talk was not finished, but the brothers and sisters of the Shang family all understood what he meant. The resources promised were basically occupied by Tianyumen.

Shang Chaozong gritted his teeth, "It would be unreasonable to say nothing, no matter how difficult it is, I have to squeeze out some people. He also has people around him. He can't even have the basic expenses. Let's find a way to squeeze 10,000 gold coins out!"

It ’s not that he is stingy, but Qingshan County ’s people ’s livelihood is withered, and when the original Qingshan County ’s horses are defeated, they can take away the bulk of the rolls. There are too many places here to spend money, the time is still short, and the vitality is temporarily slow. In the future, it was not easy for Tianyumen to support Qingshan County. Now it is impossible for Tianyumen to provide financial resources.

Lan Ruoting said: "It's a bit impossible to take it. Nuo Daqing Qingshan County can only give him 10,000 gold coins. Does he believe it?"

Shang Shuqing said: "Since Taoist can propose to Tianyumen to restore people's livelihood, it should be a reasonable person. I am a woman who speaks well. I took it to him and explained to him that he should understand."

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