Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: Am I bad?

Shao Sanxing had long known that he had been thinking about the identity of the shopkeeper. He couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

Shao Pingbo: "You can enter and leave the Holy Land freely, you can grasp the details of Niu Youdao in the Holy Territory, and you can kill the Hong Yun Law, one of the three deacons ranked by Qianzhuang. On the outside, this person especially understands the situation of the three Western countries. It is relatively clear that the ability to detect news in the east is obviously weak. In addition, with several news exchanges, the time can be judged. This person should be in the three western countries. Based on the frequency of the news time, it can be concluded that this person should be Long time in the three western countries. "

"Combining all kinds of conditions and signs, how many people do you think meet all the conditions?"

Shao Sanxing thought about it, and doubted: "There should be a lot of people who meet these conditions?"

Shao Pingbo: "It seems that there are not many people who fully meet all the conditions. They meet all the conditions and are reasonable ..." Looking back and smiling, "You will know it after a try!"

Shao Sansheng asked: "How to try?"

Shao Pingbo: "Not in a hurry, I will say it later when I go back at night."


In the palace of Qin State, Zhuang Hong's mother and son looked at each other at the news of Yu Cang's death.

"Dead ..." Zhuang Hong paced slowly in the hall with a worried look on his face.

Xia Lingpei waved away all the servants, walked to Zhuang Hong's ear and whispered: "After the mother, Xiaoyue Pavilion has no head."

Zhuang Hong turned his head with cold eyes and said, "What do you want?"

Xia Lingpei: "It's not what my son wants, but I don't know what Yuege will do now."

Zhuang Hong turned around, "Peir, do you remember what your teacher said?"

Mentioning this, Xia Lingpei fell silent.

Zhuang Hong said with a serious face: "What is the current situation of Qin Kingdom, what do you think you can really become an emperor with real power? What can you do to change the situation? The emperor's imaginary name is just the surface, in the final analysis, it is strength. What if you do n’t have the strength to be an emperor? Wei Niang has been honored as an empress since marrying your father. After so many years, it ’s too clear what the name is like. You do n’t forget, Yu Cang is dead, but Xiaoyuege still in."

"Ah!" Xia Lingpei sighed, his expression slightly sad.


In Nanzhou Fucheng, Niu Youdao and Yun Ji came back. As for Yuan Gang, he was sent back to Demon Ridge by a detour.

Upon hearing the news, Guan Fangyi immediately packed up and went to Yunji.

It ’s false to see Yunji, and it ’s true to see the cow has the way. When the room saw the cow there, Guan Fangyi froze. He circled around the cow and looked up and down.

Niu Youdao was a little uncomfortable, coldly said: "Why?"

Guan Fangyi stopped, strangely said: "Meet the monkey, why are you also red, have been given by the monkey?"

Niu Youdao said indifferently: "A little sun in the desert. Is there anything abnormal when it is red?"

"Poof ..." Yun Ji on the side was always indifferent. He couldn't hold back when he heard this, and smirked.

She found that the Taoist really cares about his own image. Is there anything to hide from this kind of thing, afraid to be a joke of the following to affect her prestige?

Guan Fangyi immediately looked at Yun Ji ’s reaction, realizing that it was definitely not what Niu Youdao said, and quickly glanced at Niu Youdao ’s neck, suddenly reached out, grabbed his collar and pulled it out, and stood back He raised his toes and glanced into the clothes.

Niu Youdao was annoyed and angry, and even pushed her away, pushed her away and reprimanded, "Where is this stink?"

Guan Fangyi had a teasing look on his face, "Dao Dao, you said that the sun is red, and the sun outside is just red. Why are you even sunburning inside the clothes? Are you stripped and basking in the desert?"

Niu Youdao: "What do you know?"

Guan Fangyi lifted his chin and signaled, "How big is the sun, and even his hair is curled?"

Niu Youdao said impatiently: "If you have something to say, don't look for it if you have nothing to do." The skin color is actually not that red anymore. It has faded from the beginning, and it will take some time to completely return to normal.

Guan Fangyi walked to Yunji's edge and took Yunji's arm, "Sister Yun, what's going on?"

Niu Youdao immediately stared at Yun Ji with cold eyes, warning.

Yun Ji is not afraid of him. He doesn't have to be ruthless. If she has to slap her face, then she's welcome, and she says indifferently: "It's nothing, but he was cut by thunder."

Guan Fangyi was stunned, thinking that he had misheard, "It was chopped by thunder? How could it be chopped by thunder?"

Yun Ji: "Here, you have to ask yourself." She didn't care about the fifth world.

"Really chopped by Thunder?" Guan Fangyi looked back at Niu Youdao, with a new look, very impatient to see Niu Youdao, understood, it should be true, and the laughter was unbearable, "Dao Ye , How much ethics did you do, and you can actually invite condemnation? Tell me, what's going on? "

In the universal concept, being chopped by thunder is doing bad things and being retaliated, so how can she be unhappy.

Niu Youdao: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Is there anything? Just leave if you don't have anything!"

After Guan Fangyi stopped laughing, it seemed that she really couldn't laugh, and stared at him and asked, "Did you hear about Ximen Qingkong?"

Niu Youdao hesitated and said, "What's wrong with him? Isn't he on the unintentional side? Was there an accident?"

He did not bring the Golden Wings for communication on this trip, plus the secret of this trip, he did not contact other people.

Hearing what he said, Guan Fangyi knew that he didn't know, and sighed: "Ximen Qingtian is dead, he killed Yu Cang!"

Niu Youdao and Yun Ji were both stunned. Even in Yun Ji's conception, Ximen Qingtian was also a powerful master. Before she cultivated into the Yuanying Realm, she believed that she was not an opponent of Ximen Qingtian.

"Yu Cang is also dead ..." Niu Youdao's face was slightly dignified. In his eyes, Ximen Qingtian was not as important as Yu Cang's role. He asked: "What's going on?"

"Simen Qingtian stayed there for a short time, and secretly left Qijing. It was Jin Kuoyuan, the embassy of Jin State in Qijing, who quietly took him out. It is estimated that he wanted to use Ximen Qingtian. Soon after leaving the city, Bai Kuanyuan was killed by Ximen Qingtian, and there was a lot of noise in the incident. Later, Ximen Qingkong Shanjian Guqi broke into the Qin State military camp ... "Guan Fangyi took the latest situation from beginning to end Speaking carefully, until the Ximen Qingtian fell to death.

After that, the room was quiet for a while.

After a long time, Niu Youdao shook his head slightly, seeming to have infinite emotion, "It can break the sword of heaven sword with one sword, the first master of Danbang, it really is well-deserved!"

He also carried the Sky Sword Rune. He knew how powerful the Sky Sword Rune was. With his cultivation ability and the mysterious power of the practice, he could only block it. However, Ximen Qingtian could actually break it with a sword, break the sword with a sword and break the rune, this strength is really staggering.

Yun Ji also sighed, "It's a pity to practice talent like this, but to be so light-hearted."

Niu Youdao regretted and sighed, "Isn't it that people who are so stubborn to get Dafa practice?"

Yun Ji shouted, "What's the solution?"

Niu Youdao said: "I just think so. The Kunlin Tree of Tianhuo Religion, in order to seek revenge on me, just ignored the persuasion to retreat in a dark place for ten years. Let's see, it has been impossible for several generations to practice Tianhuo Religion. It ’s a great skill. If you do n’t say anything, look at the monkey, you ’re stubborn enough. You do n’t even listen to my words, and there are many people who practice hard Qigong, but only he does it. Mingtang. Now that the Ximen clear sky is emerging again, it is also a disobedient master, alas! "

Yun Ji thought slightly and nodded slightly, "It makes sense! It seems that practicing one has something to do with the attachment of your heart."

Guan Fangyi whispered beside him, "But Ximen Qingtian is not as good as them. Monkeys and Kunlin trees are at least protected by you. What about Ximen Qingtian? Let you save you even if you want to."

Niu Youdao looked sideways, "You still blame me for not succeeding? I haven't rescued him. He was poisoned in the country. If it wasn't for me to point out the way to save his life, he would have died. But he would have to run back, I knew that this person was not saved. Xuan Wei died, and no one could save him. Did n’t the ghost doctor save him? Is there any difference between the ghost doctor saving him and me saving him? But look at the results, or To die, who can save this kind of person? "

Guan Fangyi complained slightly, "After all, he is not worth your attention in your eyes. If you want him to live, I don't believe you have no way."

Niu Youdao turned around and asked, "What's wrong with you, Matchmaker, does a Ximen Qingtian make you blame me like this? There are so many people in misery in the world, why are you staring at a Ximen Qingtian and can't pass me?"

Guan Fangyi: "I haven't been with you, I just think that there are few good things for men in this world. There is such a thing. Women who don't want him to die, at least I hope he lives well."

Niu Youdao said a little quietly, and Nan Tian Wufang flashed in his mind. Then he looked at the sadness of this man and casually gave the sentence, "You think too much."

Guan Fangyi shook out a piece of paper from his sleeve and gave him, "Danbang announced the new ranking. Yan Baoru became the first master of Danbang. This is the news from Guo Manna. You can see for yourself."

It sounded a bit wrong. Niu Youdao didn't know what news came, and after receiving it, he read it in silence.

The news that Guo Man was too late to deliver last time now has an opportunity to unravel the mystery of the list of Wufu. The questions he couldn't figure out before, now have an answer.

He guessed right, that bracelet was indeed Xuan Wei's personal accessory, Xuan Wei's bracelet, which was entrusted to Ximen Qingkong by Guoman before his death.

Guo Man thought at the time to find an opportunity to see what secrets in this bracelet, because considering that Xuan Wei might be rescued inadvertently, I would n’t be able to hand it over and I might be in trouble.

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed, and Yu Cang personally approached the door. In a hurry, Guo Man had no time to check the secret carefully, and then he took the time to send the bracelet out.

The reason why Xuanwei gave this bracelet to Ximen Qingtian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xuanwei said that it was used to protect Ximen Qingtian's life.

After reading this, Niu had a sense of heart and sigh, and probably understood what the matchmaker wanted to express. Xuan Wei's death left Ximen with a clear sky to save his life, but it fell on this hand, but here refused to save Simon. Clear sky's life.

Seeing Yun Ji's intention to see it, Niu Youdao gave it to her smoothly, and turned to Guan Fangyi: "The matchmaker, in fact, you know clearly, Ximen Qingtian is dead or alive, it does not depend on whether there is this thing in your hand. Ximen Clear sky wants to live, this thing is a bit useful, if he does n’t want to live, he will give him ten or eight pieces, he ca n’t live. ”

Guan Fangyi was ashamed, "I understand that no matter whether Xuanwei is dead or alive, he just wants to be with Xuanwei. But my heart is uncomfortable, such a good man, how can I not meet?"

Niu Youdao measured himself with his hands up and down, "Am I not good?"

"Oh, someone who is struggling with thunder, is he embarrassed to compare himself?" Guan Fangyi rolled his eyes and turned away.

PS: Thanks to the new leader "Wind blowing crotch hair flying" for his support.

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