Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: No. 5 in Danbang, Xiao Tianzhen!

Unintentionally stunned, he suddenly laughed and said: "Is there any way to cure the situation of the younger brother?"

Ghost Doctor suddenly felt annoyed and angry, "How is it possible that he is different, a piece of rag wants to hug a blaze of flames. Healing is not impossible, he can recover his flesh by throwing a body for me, but he refuses. I also With that plan in mind, I really have to reach the point of last resort, so I will help him get rid of it. "

Unconsciously silent, he understood what it means for a monk to become a monk. A person who was not suitable for cultivation suddenly gained a huge ability, afraid that he would not give up.

Ghost Doctor: "Why, do you think the two treasures are fooling you?"

Unconsciousness is naturally unbelief, "Master, where in the world are you talking about such a magical medical code?"

The Ghost Doctor knew that he did n’t believe it, pushing his heart and said: "Have the Queen of the Song Dynasty heard of Li Ge? These two things are the things of Li Ge. Before Li disappeared, he gave these two things to his confidant maid, and this The maid was the first saint who later founded the demon. I knew the later saints because of my destiny. When she saw me, she saw me good at practicing medical skills and passed these two things to me. Do you understand? ? "

Unintentionally wondering, "The sage of the demon is passed on to you? Master, are you a demon?"

The ghost doctor smacked his mouth, and suddenly felt awkward and lost his way: "How can I say this, it is not, it is not. I have not joined the cult, and the saint has not let me join, if the inheritance of the sage is still there If you are instructed, I ’m not good at it, but the sage maiden behind has died one after another, and the sacred church has become black and smoldering because of the usual, so I do n’t need to post it again. I heard that a sage , Messy, I do n’t know what ’s going on. "

Wuxin still wondered, but he listened to Master and said such things, and understood the origin of the things, and asked, "This medical classic is so powerful?"

The ghost doctor glared: "Is the teacher a nonsense? It's just that the medical code is so profound that the teacher can't fully understand it."

Unconsciously wondering, "I can't comprehend your Master's medical experience. Is this medical classic so difficult?" He is also very interested in medical matters.

The ghost doctor sighed: "It's not difficult, but some of the conditions recorded above can't be encountered in this world at all, and there are some medicines and medicine refining things. I haven't heard of this world at all, it should not exist at all. Lige, I suspect that it is not a person in this world at all. It is most likely that the broken void came from another world. The Shang Song and his wife had the ability to break the void. "

"Another world ..." Unintentionally surprised and dazed, facing the vast starry sky, a distant feeling.

For Ghost Doctor, it is only mentioned that he is not concerned about this, but others, and once again temptingly asked: "Want to see the medical scripture, can you want these two treasures?"

No heart wry smile, nodded and said: "Of course I think."

The ghost doctor stood up: "Then go back with me, as long as you want to go back, after going back, I will immediately pass two treasures to you, how?"

Wuxin was silent again, and it was an attitude not to speak.

The ghost doctor was anxious. "I'm talking about you here. If you don't go back with me this time, if there is something wrong, I won't care about you anymore."

Wuxin suddenly smiled, "When I left, Master said that no matter what I did, but Master still came this time. The disciple didn't mean anything, just the love for Master, it was really nothing."

The ghost doctor shook his head: "Stupid boy, this time I am no longer just like talking about the last time. This time, I have offended Xiaoyue Pavilion and Yu Cang too much. How powerful is Xiaoyue Pavilion, it is not us at all Affordable. You are involved in the disputes of the major forces and are looking for death. You have been caught in the limelight this time and have been stared at by all parties. Staying here is a living target. Those people are people who eat people and do n’t spit bones. People, if there is value in use, what can't be done? "

"I came here at all costs, in order to fulfill the feeling of apprenticeship between you and me, to cherish you for the teacher, and to try my best to save you again. If something goes wrong, I really ca n’t help you. I really won't care about you anymore, do you understand? "

He still has self-knowledge, knowing that this act of striving for the limelight has caused great trouble.

But he couldn't help it unless he didn't want to save his apprentice.

People dare to catch your apprentice, do you think you can let someone go if you find someone to plead or pray? Who are they? The lower your posture, the more embarrassing your attitude will be. Not only will the apprentice not be rescued, but you may also be able to get in on your side.

Probably having the ability to resolve the suffering God Pill, he has already committed the taboo of Xiaoyue Pavilion. He suspects that Yu Cang arrested his apprentice this time. No one else could have imagined that he, the doctor, reacted to what he experienced in the first place.

If this time, if you are not tough, you will be able to break through the battles in the future, and you will have endless troubles.

It is said that his ghost doctor has revenge, and if he is comfortable, no one wants to cause trouble. Many things are forced.

And he also hoped that by letting the apprentice understand the strong relationship this time, he cut off the apprentice's continuation of the idea, but it did not seem to achieve the effect he hoped for.

Nodded involuntarily, "disciples understand!"

"You ..." The ghost doctor was speechless, knowing that it would be useless to say anything. After all, he got up and flung away.

In the evening of the same day, someone in the palace came to invite him and said that Qi Emperor Qi and the three leaders sent a banquet in the palace and invited the ghost doctor to the banquet.

Ghost Doctor did n’t want to get involved in those conspiracies, and refused because of the critical moment of detoxification for the apprentice ...

Two days later, Guo Man ran from outside and ran to a few people. He wanted to say something, but when he saw no presence, he became speechless.

Seeing something wrong, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Guo Man hesitated and said, "The Dan Pavilion ranking has changed."

As soon as this word came out, everyone guessed what they were looking at together.

Involuntarily tried to ask: "But my brother is on the list?"

Guo Man: "Dan Bang's fifth-ranked name is Xiao Tianzhen! Yu Cang ranked sixth, and the subsequent rankings were pushed back in turn."

"Xiao Tianzhen?" Zhu Jian muttered beside him, as if thinking about something.

Not to mention him, Yan Baoru and Yu Peipei also felt that the name was a bit familiar. It seems that they have heard of it, but Wu Xiang has been wearing a hat and covering his face all the time. .

After everyone's eyes fell on the ghost doctor, I remembered the relationship between the ghost doctor's last public appearance and something, and gradually realized one by one that I knew who Xiao Tianzhen was.

Just because he knew who Xiao Tianzhen was, a few people were surprised, how long did he have such a strong strength, how did this ghost doctor do it?

Ghost Doctor and Wuxin were calm, and it seemed not surprising at all.

Because the two knew that there were people of the Nine Saints in the Valley of Medicine, it is not surprising at all that the pavilion could know the true identity of the unrelated.

Because of this, the ghost doctor got into trouble before hoping to return to Yaogu with him unintentionally, and it was safe to return to Yaogu.

Ghost Doctor got up and returned to the house. After inadvertently coming in, he calmed down and said: "Stayed for two days. At present, Xiaoyuege still dare not act rashly on you, and I feel more or less at ease. Maybe it is because of the war ahead Undecided, I do n’t want to act rashly until I ’m unsure of my depth.

Hearing this, Wuxin tried to ask, "Is the Master going back?"

"Why don't you go back? Stay here and wait for all kinds of guns and arrows to kill me?" The ghost doctor's attitude seems to change, and the tone becomes a bit cold. "I will ask you one more time at the end. go back?"

Unintentional arch: "When the disciple has let go of his mind and can practice with peace of mind, go back and serve Master!"

Ghost Doctor: "This time, it was too much trouble, I don't know if it helped you or hurt you, but at least I saved you right now, am I doing something wrong?"

Involuntarily busy: "Master is correct, the fault is all in the disciples!"

Ghost Doctor: "Okay, this time we have the feeling of apprenticeship between you and me, I am worthy of you, and I can't take the lives of others in Yaogu for you!"

"Tuer, I said I would n’t force you, I would n’t force you, I said I ’m never threatened by others, I wo n’t be threatened by others, I do n’t have the energy to play with those crooked things, and then something happens, I wo n’t care about you any more. I hope that the incident that happened this time will have a certain deterrent effect, so that people will not dare to act lightly on you. I hope that Yu Cang can take care of the poison in his body and dare not act on you. I hope You can go back to the medicine valley alive. If you die, I will have revenge for you if there is a chance. "

"Thank Master Zun, Master Zun's kindness, the disciple will never die!" Unintentionally, he bowed his hand.

"The word" love "hurts people. There is still one lying in that room, which is also hurt by love. I was a lot of age and I didn't expect to meet the love. I will take the medicine valley from now on. There are a lot of rules to keep the infatuated kind of constant love. From now on, you can do it for yourself, and ask for more blessings! "Ghost Doctor threw his words away.

When he left this place, he really left, and the ghost doctor quietly left Beijing, facing the repeated invitations of the emperor and the heads of the three major schools, and he did not make an appointment until he left.


Jinzhou thorn Shifu, is a day of great joy, former Empress Zhao Guo Empress Shang Youlan Dashou!

In the inner house, Hai Ruyue grabbed her chest with her hands, her chest was undulating, her eyes were full of inexplicable, trembling: "Zhen'er? Lao Li, can you be sure that it is Zhen'er? Will it be the same name? ? "

Li Wuhua sighed: "The person next to the ghost doctor, also called Xiao Tianzhen, except for your son, there should be no one else."

Hai Ruyue's face was full of tormented expressions, "How is this possible? How can Zhen'er have defeated Xiaoyuege's master Yu Cang in the past few years, and how could he become the fifth master of Danbang? Zhen'er is naturally weak. , You ca n’t even practice! "

Li Wuhua: "Don't forget, his master today is the first person in the world to practice medicine, and it is not surprising that the ghost has used magic to change his body!"

"Zhen'er became a ghost doctor disciple? Become a ghost doctor disciple ..." Hai Ruyue murmured and backed away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ finally fell into a chair and fell down, tears in his eyes.

I thought the son who was taken away by the ghost doctor would die in the hands of the ghost doctor. Who wants to be alive, not only alive, but also a disciple of the ghost doctor. .

Over the years, she has been suffering from that in her heart and feels sorry for the son.

Now that her son is well, her tears are both comforting and proud of her son, and she still feels a little bit distressed.

Li Wuhua has a haze, he is worried that Xiao Tianzhen will get revenge ...

Shang Youlan, who was in the depth of the inner house, shut himself in the house alone, turned out a calligraphy and painting from a congratulatory gift, opened it, saw the secret in the painting, and immediately walked to the basin with water.

But I did not know that in the corner of the cabinet, there were a pair of eyes staring at her every move through the gap.

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