Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Wuchang, the soul-stirring Dafa!

As soon as the fruit arrives, Niu Youdao has not awakened from the healing, they are already preparing for the recovery of the old patriarch's body, not to wait for Niu Youdao to agree, and Niu Youdao not agree.

They also feel that they deserve it. Without the help of the fox clan, Niu Youdao cannot get these fox fairy fruits. Why not give them a copy?

Of course, Niu Youdao can take the initiative to express his position, and it is best to save a lot of contention and conflicts.

While carefully collecting the fruit here, Niu Youdao tried to ask, "How long can the patriarch recover from the fruit's medicine?"

Heiyun: "The elder patriarch's body has already been shaped, and with the power of the fox fairy fruit, it can naturally restore its transformation ability. The problem now is that the elder patriarch's body is injured and needs to restore the injured body."

Niu Youdao understood that referring to the vertical eye that Yin Ji had dug himself, he nodded and said, "Can I start now?"

There is another reason to restore the old patriarch to the fruit first. He has no experience with innumerable fruits. The fox clan must have experience here. He wants to observe it.

Heiyun: "As long as the fox fairy fruit is in place, you can start anytime, but you have to wait for someone to come. I have summoned the elders distributed in the wilderness to rush back as soon as possible to help the elders recover."

Niu Youdao immediately humbly asked: "Do you need help from others to use Fox Fairy Fruit?"

Heiyun shook his head and explained: "No, you do n’t know the situation of the old patriarch. She has been in a coma. She ca n’t exert the power of magic power to rejuvenate the fairy fruit to achieve the purpose of recovery. She must be helped by outsiders. The people are not in place. It ’s just a few of us. I ’m afraid it ’s safer to wait for someone to be there when I ’m afraid that the demon power will be lost. ”

"It turned out to be so." Niu Youdao nodded. If so, then it can only be waited for the people to meet again, and can't wait.

Through inquiries, I learned that the elders would probably arrive half a day later, and when they arrived, the black cloud would allow them to restore the magical power they spent.

For the Fox family, helping Yinji recover is a big deal, so careless, you must be very careful.

Niu Youdao was not in a hurry, taking advantage of his injury and recovering his energy, and began to arrange his own affairs.


Luo Fangfei came to Sharulai's office hurriedly in the Holy Land of Luo.

Sha Rulai only glanced up at her, and then continued to focus on her own. Who knows Luo Fangfei supported the case with both hands, and leaned over: "Brother, something happened, Niu Youdao died."

Sha Rulai froze, slowly raising her head, unable to channel: "What are you talking about?"

Luo Fangfei: "Niu Youdao died, was assassinated in the wild, and was killed."

Sha Rulai was shocked, stood up, and said in a deep voice: "How is this possible?"

Luo Fangfei was stunned, but he did not expect such a big response from his brother, and said, "What's impossible? I just confirmed that there would be no mistake."

Sha Rulai: "Araze was assassinated ... was the demon fox doing it?"

Luo Fangfei: "No, it is said that it was done by a group of masked people, whose identity is unknown, and the identity of the murderer is currently being traced. Even his father was alarmed and asked Tiancheng."

"Dead?" Sha Rulai muttered to herself, wandering away from the case, a little dazed, a little difficult to accept.

Not long ago, he received a message from Tiancheng, saying that it was the people of Wushuang Holy Land who had brought the seven inspectors to control. He was wondering what happened. Is it because of this?

Seeing that Brother ’s reaction was a bit abnormal, Luo Fangfei doubted: "Brother, what ’s wrong with you?"

Sha Rulai shook her head and sighed, "I'm fine."

Luo Fangfei took his arm recently. "It can be seen that Brother really is very concerned about this cow's Dao, is it appreciated? I know that this cow has a bit of ability, and it is a pity to die."

When she said that, Sharu had come back and forth and denied, "You think too much, I'm just surprised. What is Niu Youdao's identity now? Who is the courageous inspector of the Lord?" He is the killer? "

Luo Fangfei: "Yeah, I also want to know who did it. It's such a big dog!"

Sharulai suddenly remembered something and tried to ask: "Are you sure that the cow is dead?"

Luo Fangfei was stunned, "Brother, what's wrong with you, and you can still falsely report the news? Of course, it is Niu Youdao who died, not Niu Youdao or others?"

"I don't mean this. I asked if the body was a cow. You said it." Sha Rulai said a pale excuse. The reason is because he knows another thing. He once gave a cow You're coming in.

Luo Fangfei: "Even my father was alarmed, naturally it was confirmed, how could it be wrong."

"It makes sense!" Sha Ru nodded, and then sent Luo Fangfei away under the pretext of having official duties.

After the person left, he was not busy with official duties, still hovering in the house, his expression was doubtful, was he really dead? Isn't there still a ‘bull ’s way’ in the Holy Land?

He suspected that the dead one was fake, but he thought about it and thought it was wrong. Regardless of the true or false, as long as one died, the other would not be able to reappear. Is it true that Niu Youdao was really surprised? Can such a cunning kid really die so easily in the hands of others?

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing. The more you know, the more you think and the more annoying.

After that, King Zun came and presented a secret letter.

It was a secret letter from Niu Youdao, asking him to meet. The old rules, the meeting time is arranged by Sharu, because Sharu comes here with more concerns.

Seeing this letter, Sha Rulai breathed a sigh of relief. It was estimated that the dead was a fake, but she did not understand why the cow had the way to do it. If one died in the holy territory, could you still show up?

Anxious to know the reason, immediately set about meeting ...

Asked inside Tiancheng, the atmosphere was extremely tense. The manager of Huang Ban, who was sitting here and there, was very upset. There was no way out. The scene was too big.

A little asked Tiancheng, it is rare to see a saint come, and now the nine saints are gathering, Huang Ban feels a lot of pressure.

Waiting outside the courtyard of the Jiusheng Jutou, Huang Ban constantly estimated the time, estimated when Ding Wei came, and estimated that it should be coming soon.

I also hope that Ding Wei will arrive soon, otherwise I feel a bit overwhelmed, Jiu Sheng is in a bad mood, and I do n’t know how to die in case of bad service.

Xuan Yao also accompanied him, and was very quiet.

To a certain extent, it should have been him who asked Tiancheng, and now something like this has happened. It is a blessing that he was exempted. It is not his turn to bear the pressure.

"Manage the matter, Niu Youdao's body has arrived." Zhou Tianyu came in a big step and reported to Huang Ban. He was also haggard, unable to catch the murderer, suffering from torment, and always worried.

Huang Ban said angrily: "How can I get it now?"

Zhou Tianyu busy explained: "We are in charge, we can't let the assassins escape, and we have been doing our best to search around. After receiving the summons from the steward, we turned the bird back and sent the body back, so it was delayed."

Huang Ban sneered: "Searched? Did you find it? Dare to openly kill the killer, how could they not be prepared properly? At that time, I couldn't catch it and wanted to find it later? I think you are deliberately rubbing it again!"

In front of his own people, Zhou Tianyu didn't tell lies, and said bitterly: "Huang Guanshi, I know it's rubbing, but I can't help it. I don't do my best. What to do, just search twice and come back. Do you cross? "

During the talk, two demon fox division personnel came with a simple stretcher, and a body was lying on the stretcher.

Huang Ban immediately stepped forward to look at it, and after seeing the face of the dead, he couldn't help but sigh, "It's really this man!"

Xuan Yao also hurried forward and looked at it. After seeing that the deceased was really a wise man, he also reached out and probed the body of the deceased, and confirmed that he was really dead. His eyes flickered, and he looked back into the courtyard. See what the body does.

"Come on, carry in carefully." Huang Ban greeted him with a wave, led the stretcher into the room, and also greeted Zhou Tianyu. "You also come in, you are the party, the Lord may have something to ask you."

Zhou Tianyu hurriedly said: "Management, I didn't see it with my own eyes, I was over when I arrived, and I also heard the following. They saw it, they knew it." They pointed to the two who carried the stretcher and wanted to avoid it Seeing the Nine Saints, I was really scared.

Huang Ban was angry. "Let you come in and come in."

Zhou Tianyu was helpless, Xuan Yao reached out and pushed behind his back, and took the initiative to follow in.

When the stretcher entered, it was placed in the middle of the courtyard. The others stood hand in hand, and Huang Ban adjusted his clothes before entering the main hall.

Soon, he bowed out again, and then nine men and women came out one after another.

"See Lord!" The few standing hand in hand quickly saluted.

Yuan Se, who walked like a big meat ball, waved his hand. The people who were present in the pavilion were all people in his great yuan holy place, and now he is in charge of the Yuan yuan holy place.

The salutes immediately retreated from the stretcher.

Jiu Sheng walked to the stretcher and looked at his body. Luo Qiu asked, "This is the right way?"

Huang Bangang just wanted to answer. Who knows that Superintendent Wuxu squinted and stared at Lu Wushuang, "Is Niu Youdao just asking Lu Damei, who should be familiar with him?"

Several people looked at Lu Wushuang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lu Wushuang coldly said: "Don't be vacant, don't be yin and yang here, I just met him outside the Wuliang Park, and I am not familiar with it." The money moved, walking up to the front and glancing down, "It should be him."

Mu Lianze looked at Wu Chang aside, "Demon, show your evil magic."

He was tall, half naked, showing a strong muscle. Wu Chang, who was radiating his hair, walked out of the person, staring at the body and looked at it with a deep voice. It ’s basically impossible for me to evade fear, and after so long. "

Mu Lianze: "Basically doesn't mean complete hopelessness, always try it!"

Wu Chang didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly a shock, a strong wind broke the eyebrows of the body, and a drop of coagulated blood slowly floated from the breach.

After the blood drop floated to the height of his chest, Wu Chang's mouth seemed to miss words, and suddenly his palms flicked, and there was a looming dark mist around the palms.

The little fingers and ring fingers of the left and right hands closed together, and the **** and index finger of Huo Ran poke out, pointing to the floating blood drops, and the black mist between the fingers immediately flew to the blood like a black snake.

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