Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 32: Sniper and Hunt the Dragon

Chapter 032

Among the fragments of the world, Chen Mo relied on his spiritual power to perceive the water vapor in the air, and soon found the only river in this world.

The fragments of this world are not large, and the diameter of things is estimated to be hundreds of kilometers. The sun in the sky is not a real star, but a phantom of the stars condensed by the world origin of this world fragment. It can also sway the sunlight to make the whole world come alive.

Because no humans were cutting down trees, the land was covered with jungle and vines everywhere.

There are quite a few mountains, but the highest is only more than 200 meters.

The only river that runs through the mountains and divides into small streams is the source of life in this world.

Because the world is not big, the food chain in this world is not complicated.

At the bottom of the food chain are plants, and further up are some herbivores with powerful reproductive capabilities. Finally, there are dinosaur monsters occupying the upper layer of the food chain. Unlike the legendary dinosaurs in the Blue Star era, the dinosaurs in this world have some extraordinary abilities.

Chen Mo observed the river from a distance, and there were many dinosaurs drinking water by the river.

If he can find a commanding height, relying on the wind snake sniper rifle, he can remotely hunt down LV3 dinosaurs that are equivalent to three-star kart. After more than half an hour of investigation, Chen Mo selected a mountain cliff two kilometers away from the river. .

The advantage here is that the field of view is wide enough, the disadvantage is that it is vulnerable to flying dinosaurs.

Selecting the location, Chen Mo activated Void Walk to go straight through all the obstacles along the way, and it took less than two minutes to reach the cliff on the side of the mountain.

Activate the Wind Snake Sniper Rifle card, and Chen Mo has a sniper rifle with a two-meter barrel in his hand.

This is not an energy composition, but a physical sniper rifle sealed in the card.

In fact, if it is not sealed in the card, this sniper rifle can also be used normally, but if it is sealed in the card, the card will be able to resonate with the card through the spiritual profound orifice. Although he only got this sniper rifle for the first time, But there is also a sense of familiarity.

The wind snake sniper rifle with a purple star is not only able to provide this familiarity similar to the unity of man and gun.

It also has a little weak inheritance card effect, which can let him directly master the skilled sniper rifle shooting experience when activating the card, and the familiarity of the unity of man and gun brought by spiritual profound orifice and card resonance. , he is now no less than the ace sniper who has been trained for many years by ordinary people.

Chen Mo squatted down halfway. The top of the rock on this cliff was very small, so he couldn't lie down and could only squat down.

But the 9.9 physique brought by Void Breathing is enough for him to control all the reaction force of this gun.

Bow his head to activate the eagle eye, and cooperate with the scope to lock on a triangular velociraptor drinking water by the river.


There is only a slight sound of air being torn. The wind snake sniper gun does not use gunpowder to provide kinetic energy, but through the enchantment of the wind magic array to make the bullets continue to accelerate in the barrel, so there is no gunpowder gun bursting gunshots.

Although the sound is not large, the lethality is amazing.

The four-meter-long triceratops was covered in outer armor and was drinking water with its head down. His right hind leg was directly torn by the high-speed rotating bullet. The powerful anesthetic filled in the specially customized bullets began to take effect immediately. Loss of feeling in right hind leg.

The overall speed of the Triceratops is not fast, but the burst speed is very fast.

Suddenly attacked, the Triangular Athlon instinctively turned around and accelerated and ran.

However, due to the anesthesia, one leg lost control, and the remaining three legs suddenly turned and accelerated. Suddenly, they lost their balance and slid forward on the ground. The triceratops barely stood up but could not run. Before moving away from the river.


Another bullet, this time aimed at the left front leg.

Blood and blood splattered, and the only remaining right front leg and left rear leg of the Triangular Velociraptor could no longer support the body and fell to the ground.

Chen Mo aimed at the middle of the three horns on the forehead of the triangular velociraptor,

It was replaced with armor-piercing bullets that hit one by one, but none of the armor-piercing bullets could shatter the bone armor behind the forehead, and could not damage the vital brain protected behind the bone armor.

Finally, it was not until the seventh armor-piercing bullet hit the same position that the bone armor penetrated straight into the brain and was killed with one blow.

Hunt the LV3 Triangular Velociraptor and get 300 Destiny Points...

The body of the Triceratops was placed by the river, and soon other carnivorous dinosaurs were attracted by the blood.

Every time Chen Mo hit the leg first, making the prey incapacitated, and then slowly killing it.

In just half an hour, he had accumulated 2,600 Destiny Points.

However, there have been dinosaurs dying by the river in a row, and the remaining dinosaurs in the vicinity cannot dare to approach no matter how low their intelligence is.

Chen Mo was about to put away the Wind Snake sniper rifle and start hunting again on the hills on both sides of the river bank.

It would be great if the fate could be modified, so that the dinosaurs would continue to come and die. Unfortunately, if the dinosaurs with the modified fate were hunted and killed, there would be no fate points. A flash of light.

Modifying the fate of the prey will cause the prey to fail to generate Fate Points.

So when he hunted the swamp ants, he didn't get any fate points.

But what if it is an indirect modification?

For example, if he modifies the fate of a dinosaur and makes this dinosaur a bait to attract other dinosaurs, then for other dinosaurs, he does not directly modify their fate, at most it has an indirect effect.

In this case, will the dinosaurs attracted by the fate-modifying bait dinosaurs have Fate Points?

Trying to not get pregnant, Chen Mo raised the wind snake sniper rifle again to look for dinosaurs around.

He quickly found a group of dinosaurs, which were not very large egg-stealing dragons. The distance exceeded the effective range of the Wind Snake sniper rifle, but it was completely within the scope of the fate of the book of fate.

The Book of Fate modifies fate, and the basic conditions that need to be met are seeing and knowing.

It's best to see it with your own eyes, but it's okay to not see it and know the target exists.

If you can't see the target and don't know the target exists, then modifying the fate cannot be specific to a person.

Four egg-stealing dragons wandered around after changing their fate.

Dinosaur eggs that are usually difficult to find by them, but today they find an accurate one. The few oviraptors who are full and well-fed no longer need to replenish water, but they still go to the river according to their usual drinking habits, because with the help of river water, they can Mask your odor.

The dinosaur whose egg was stolen, followed the smell of the oviraptor to the river.

Before continuing to look for the egg thief, the bullet of the Wind Snake sniper rifle has penetrated the hind legs of the dinosaur.

After a few shots, Chen Mo saw an increase of 200 Destiny Points.

Sure enough, as he thought, after being hunted by a dinosaur that indirectly affects fate, he also has fate points.

Chen Mo looked at a few more egg-stealing dragons, and was already very satisfied with these cute little guys.

The next few egg-stealing dragons are like the gods of luck, and they can encounter well-hidden dinosaur eggs when they walk around. They don't know why they still want to destroy the dinosaur eggs when they are full, but they destroy them every time. Afterwards, go to the river to eliminate the smell.

From noon to night, Chen Mo has hunted more than 100 dinosaurs.

In just one day, the Destiny Points have accumulated to more than 20,000 points. If he continues to work hard in the next few days, he will be able to accumulate 100,000 Destiny Points in a short period of time, and synthesize a drop of Destiny Divine Power that takes ten years to synthesize in the survival base.

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