Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 26 World Source Power

Chapter 026

Fate, how many fate points do I have now?

Chen Mo asked after calming down from his excited state.

Two months ago, he drew a lot of hatred, and now he should have a lot of fate points.

A total of 11,611 points...

Destiny replied, The most of them are Li Mengqi's 2,000 points, and the remaining 8,000 points are newly added, mainly from the freshmen of Void Academy, but the increase of Destiny Points is gradually decreasing, many people do not believe your qualifications better than them.

Modify fate...

Chen Mo instantly activated the power of the Book of Destiny, and the Destiny Points accumulated so hard were deducted by 10,000 all at once.

Then he saw that he was searching for various ways to improve the quality of the Void Pyramid in the study tomorrow, and finally found a ecstatic look. Chen Mo immediately wrote down the name of the book and rushed to the study.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow, he was going to find the book now.

Turning on the large reader, Chen Mo quickly searched for this book from the library of Void Academy.

When I opened it, it turned out that it was not a serious book, but a diary left by the earliest students of the Void Academy 20,000 years ago. The reading records behind it can be said to be very few, and some people's post-reading feelings are mostly ridiculed. .

I am sixteen years old this year. It is my first time to come to Void Academy...

The Void Pyramid is amazing, I must build a black quality Void Pyramid...

I failed, I failed again...

I made it, I had my first black quality brick...

I'm crazy, I want to build the nine void pyramids in the Katu stage for six thousand years...


I found a way, the almighty world source...


I succeeded, I got my first World Source Power...

I finally built the first black quality void pyramid...

World Source Power?

Chen Mo turned his head to look at the diary he just jumped over to read.

As soon as he saw the dawn, Chen Mo rubbed his sour eyes and smiled happily.

After reading all night, he already knew how the road ahead should go.

It turns out that in any world, there must be a source of world power.

The source of the world is the foundation of the existence of a world. Only with the source of the world can a world be born with intelligent life.

If there is no world source, then this world cannot give birth to highly intelligent life.

Thirty thousand years ago, there were so many planets near Blue Star why only Blue Star gave birth to high-intelligence life, and why many planets with similar environments to Blue Star did not give birth to high-intelligence life, the reason is that Blue Star is a planet with the source of the world.

The collision point of the two universes shattered into the heavens and the worlds, and most of the worlds in the heavens and the worlds did not have the source power of the world.

This type of world is usually used for mining and farming.

Even farming can only breed species with extremely low intelligence.

The remaining fragments of the world that have the world's source power and high-intelligence life, the diary records three ways to obtain the world's source power.

The first is to become the master of the world, and naturally be able to freely use the world's source power.

The second is to destroy the world and directly extract the world power of a world, but this method has a huge side effect. The death of the world will make the world power full of negative power. Using this world power will make one's own emotions and thoughts. are going extremely negative.

The third is the opposite of the second, not destroying the world but saving the world.

If a world is on the verge of destruction, the world will seek help from the outside world and start saving itself. If the world is saved, it will reward the person who saves the world with a portion of the world's power. This is also the easiest and most effective way to obtain the world's power.

Why is the third method more efficient than the first?

The reason is that it is too difficult to be the master of the world,

The world itself will resist. If you are hard in the process of resisting, and you can successfully suppress the world's resistance, you can become the master of the world.

Humans in the card world usually use the third method.

The first two methods are still tried by some human beings, and the second is simply not tried, because destroying the world will leave traces of destroying the world on the body, and those worlds that are on the verge of destruction will not ask the world for help. Destroyer calls for help.

However, the question arises, where do the heavens and the world come from so many worlds that are on the verge of destruction?

And even if the world asks for help, a group of people will come at that time. It may be a human being in the card world, it may be a life in a different universe, it may be a powerful native of the heavens and the world, and these top powerhouses can sense the world calling for help. Then come and divide the meat.

In the earliest days, the human powerhouses in the card world competed for speed with their competitors.

Until later, the strong human beings in the card world secretly started a plan.

Create the card world, and then use the card world to actively invade the heavens.

If there is a direct conflict between the card world and a fragmented world, the fragmented world will regard all humans in the entire card world as enemies, but the card world is the card world, the card world is the card world, and the card world invades other worlds. It's like pulling a fig leaf.

First locate a world, and then the card world invades this world.

Then, human beings sneak into the invaded world through various means such as reincarnation in advance, and are recognized in this world in advance. When the card world begins to invade, the human beings in the card world can save the world when the world is in danger.

The world is on the verge of destruction, and it's not like asking for help as soon as it comes up.

Rather, it first relies on the highly intelligent beings in its own world. Often at this time, the highly intelligent beings in the world will give birth to many geniuses and many strong people. The world itself uses these strong people to help itself. If self-help fails, it will ask for help. .

Asking for help outside will attract opponents who divide the meat, and the world will rot in the pot if the world chooses to save itself.

Relying on this kind of self-directed and self-acted show, the human beings in the card world have grown so fast.

This kind of prank is very powerful, but it is not always successful.

This is the same as the brave man slaughtering the dragon. The dragon slayer succeeded in obtaining the world's source of self-rescue rewards. If the dragon slaughter failed, he would die without a place to be buried. Some warriors even went to the new world and became fettered there, and finally followed the card. It is not rare for the world to turn its face and become an enemy.

After all, no matter from any point of view, this self-directed and self-acted practice of human beings is cruel to life in other worlds.

Human beings are very complex beings. There are people who are willing to protect cats and dogs, not to mention the high-level intelligent beings in the heavens and the world. There will always be humans in the card world who can’t stand the way of the card world. The opposite of humanity in the card world.

The good part of it is simply protecting the highly intelligent beings in other worlds.

An extreme part of it even led the natives of the heavens to retaliate against the human beings in the card world. There are many organizations in the card world that tried to destroy the card world - all because of this.

Chen Mo finally understood why there was such a line in the school motto of Void Academy.

There is no right or wrong in the confrontation of races, only survival and interests are everything.

Plundering is not for destruction, but if you do not plunder, you will gradually become the lower layer of the food chain and be slaughtered by others. If you want to remain at the top of the food chain, you can only plunder and destroy everything that can threaten your existence, otherwise you can only Entrust the survival of the race to the benevolence of the alien race.

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