Heavenly Book Evolution

The first thousand and fortieth chapters are the only one

Chapter 1040

Taiyi Butterfly, who was already desperately trying to come to the super-dimensional arena, completely burnt everything down.

Even his own body is burning little by little in the candle of fate.

Just to completely suppress Chen Mo in the super-dimensional arena, but the super-dimensional arena has not yet decided his victory.

On the contrary, the super-dimensional arena itself can't bear the constant collapse of his power?

Senluo Mirage...

Tai Yi Butterfly exclaimed in despair.

Obviously, He and Chen Mo are not in the super-dimensional arena at all.

Chen Mo had long thought that he would take him back to the super-dimensional arena for a desperate fight, so he put a layer of illusion of Sen Luo Mirage outside the real super-dimensional arena in advance. He thought that he had returned to the super-dimensional arena desperately. In the end, even suppressing Chen Mo completely would be a waste of effort.

His last chance to eat Chen Mo has been ruined because of the fake super-dimensional arena.

He, the super-dimensional life itself, relies on fate to cover up and falsify, and as a result, Chen Mo used his own way to heal his own body.

Taiyi Butterfly's only thought now is to escape. As long as he escapes and survives, even if he has to hide for countless years, as long as he is alive, there is still a chance to make a comeback.

However, at this moment, Chen Mo's counterattack started.

In terms of pure quality, the super-dimensional power that Taiyi Butterfly currently possesses is even better than that of him.

But in terms of quantity, at least in the power of super-dimensional destiny and super-dimensional dimension, he is definitely better than Taiyi Butterfly. After all, his clone has robbed the dimensional roots and fate of dozens of space-time dimensions through the dimensional wormhole. source.

Now that Taiyi Butterfly has become too strong and weakened, he is sure to break free from the suppression of Taiyi Butterfly.

Chen Mo's body grew out of countless branches of the divine tree, and the branches turned into a giant whale in the vast sea, biting Taiyi Butterfly, and all the super-dimensional power was used up to barely suppress the super-dimensional power of Taiyi Butterfly. Taiyi Butterfly enters the real super-dimensional arena that is close at hand.

Taiyi Butterfly was crazy, forcibly cast Dimension Shuttle to get rid of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo turned into a god of heaven and firmly bound Taiyi Butterfly,

Die does not let go, and reversely uses the Life Soul Covering Technique to devour Taiyi Butterfly.

Several times, he was almost freed by Taiyi Butterfly, and several times he was forcibly dragged by Chen Mo who did not hesitate to burn his life.

Over and over again, Taiyi Butterfly's resistance became weaker and weaker.

Finally reaching a critical point, Chen Mo suddenly felt that he was in complete control of the super-dimensional arena. He could fully mobilize all the power of the super-dimensional arena. Obviously, Taiyi Butterfly, who was gradually weakening under the judgment of the super-dimensional arena, had completely lost.

Tai Yi Butterfly, who also noticed this, gave up all resistance in despair.

With his current weak state, it is impossible to escape the super-dimensional arena, and even self-destruction under the suppression of the super-dimensional arena can only be swallowed and assimilated by Chen Mo under the suppression of the super-dimensional arena.

I didn't lose to you...

Taiyi Butterfly said unwillingly.

I know.

Chen Mo said with emotion.

If it weren't for the fact that he got a lot of alien roots from Blue Star, if it wasn't for the visitors from other worlds who trapped Taiyi Butterfly and caused him to be hit hard by his own cards, if it wasn't for Taiyi Butterfly, he didn't expect that the first-generation Bronze Pagoda Master left behind a powerful means of saving destiny, too Yi Butterfly may not lose to him.

I curse you, curse you to be swallowed by me in other parallel dimensions...

Taiyi Butterfly stared at Chen Mo, and cursed with resentful roars.

Chen Mo indifferently cast the fate-covering technique, bit by bit devoured everything that assimilated Taiyi Butterfly.

For thousands of years, Taiyi Butterfly has been weakened to the brink of death.

A few years later, Tai Yi Butterfly took his last breath.

Chen Mo completely integrated everything about Taiyi Butterfly, he got all the memories of Taiyi Butterfly, inherited all the power of Taiyi Butterfly, completely controlled the supreme destiny and supreme miracle, and even the refining of the supreme dimension has changed. very smooth.

After only tens of thousands of years, he has completely refined and controlled it to a high dimension.

The entire dimensional pyramid has completely fallen under his control. He can destroy and create any space-time dimension at will through the highest dimension, and can create countless worlds and countless lives in these space-time dimensions at will, and can perfectly control the fate and miracles of all beings in the world.

But these are not the biggest changes. The biggest change is that he has become a real dimensional life.

The real dimensional life does not need to synthesize the three supreme roots of different time and space dimensions, and can directly convert any kind of energy into super-dimensional power, and is completely immune to the suppression of the three supreme forces, and even has the ability to open up dimensional wormholes. talent ability.

Any dimensional life can open up dimensional wormholes between different parallel space-time dimensions.

This is not those small-dimensional wormholes that the first-generation bronze tower masters used absolute luck to open up. A dimensional wormhole of that scale is simply not enough to let the real body of the dimensional life pass, and the only dimensional wormhole that can make the real body of the dimensional life pass is the nightmare Xinghai. this one.

Even if it is the positive and negative nine domains, that dimension wormhole can pass the most dimension domain masters.

Forcibly opening up dimensional wormholes seems to be powerful, but in fact it requires a huge price.

Even dimensional life will use up almost all of its power. If you encounter a strong enemy at this time, it is no different from courting death.

Therefore, even if the dimensional life masters the power to open up dimensional wormholes, it will never open up dimensional wormholes by itself if it is not necessary, but will look for the natural dimensional wormholes generated by the friction and collision of different parallel space-time dimensions.

Then artificially expand on this basis, and then increase the upper limit of the power that the dimensional wormhole can shuttle.

He wants to leave the dimension pyramid, and in the end he can only use this way.

But he is not in a hurry. He is countless times younger than Taiyi Butterfly. He is not in a hurry to go to the parallel space-time dimension to harvest other himself. When he completely loses his pursuit in the dimensional pyramid, it is time for him to leave the dimensional pyramid.

Chen Mo's avatars have no skills, and each avatar is a nine-turn heavenly emperor.

All the clones spread out and began to go to the time and space dimensions to reverse the time and space to revive the destroyed time and space.

Before destroying these space-time dimensions, it was necessary to kill the chicken and get the eggs in order to defeat the Taiyi Butterfly.

Now that the entire dimensional pyramid has completely belonged to him, it is natural to restore the damage that has been caused and restore the prosperity and stability of the entire dimensional pyramid to its former prosperity and stability. Of course, the premise is that all beings in all time and space dimensions, all worlds, and all beings must respect him.

The period when the dimensional domain master ruled the space-time dimension has completely disappeared from now on.

Because without his permission, the Dimensional Pyramid will not even give birth to a new Dimensional Domain Master from now on.

He wants to establish the only force that dominates all time and space dimensions in the entire dimension pyramid.

Then, with the help of the power of the entire dimensional pyramid, he will save enough resources for him to leave the dimensional pyramid in the future.

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