Heavenly Book Evolution

Chapter 10 Swamp Ant Jungle

Chapter 010

Swamp Ant Jungle, one of the most famous hunting spots around the GM1989 Survival Base.

This is a forest swamp covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, and there are countless swamp creatures living. The swamp ants are the dominant creatures here, although their individual strength is not very strong. But the number is conservatively estimated at around one million.

Since the establishment of the GM1989 survival base, swamp ants have erupted three times and surrounded the entire survival base.

The swamp ant jungle was once the first forbidden area near the survival base.

Get a swamp ant here, and you'll soon be confronted with a swarm of even more swamp ants.

It took decades for this situation to change.

Some Katu accidentally discovered that the swamp ants were afraid of the smell of perfume. The three consecutive swamp ant sieges did not treat humans as food, but were warmly welcomed by the swamp ants because the domestic sewage of the base city was discharged into the swamp at that time.

If swamp ants are intelligent, maybe they think humans invite them to a dinner party?

Since then, the survival base has improved the sewage treatment system, and the swamp ants have never left the swamp ant jungle.

All you need is a small bottle of perfume and spray a few times after killing the lone swamp ants.

The other swamp ants will immediately avoid them. From now on, not many of the Katu in the survival base die under the swamp ant's mouth in the swamp ant jungle. Instead, the swamp quagmire and methane explosion here pose a greater threat to Katu. .


Through the spiritual connection, Chen Mo transmitted the information of the swamp ant jungle to the green skin.

The main ones are how to avoid the swamp quagmire hidden in the jungle, and how to find the swamp ants under the swamp. Although the katu in the survival base has summed up a lot of experience and skills and even has teaching videos, it seems that the experience and practical application are not enough. The difference cannot be underestimated.

If it was just an ordinary card student, Chen Mo would definitely have a headache now.

Even with the leadership of the elderly, it will take a long time to apply the experience that seems to be in practice.

But with the Book of Destiny, all this is not a problem.

As early as last night, he had consumed 200 Destiny Points and modified his Destiny to encounter Swamp Ants at a specific location.

And it's not an ordinary swamp ant, he will meet a swamp ant queen.

An ordinary swamp ant is worth a thousand yuan. The shell of the swamp ant is a very efficient fuel after special treatment. In addition, formic acid also has a wide range of uses. Each shrunk is the size of a ball. One trip can earn thousands of dollars.

In three or five years at most, the resources owed to the survival base can be paid off.

This also shows the gap between the card students and ordinary people. The living materials of ordinary people in the survival base are very cheap. The basic living needs of an ordinary family do not exceed 2,000 yuan a year, and the annual income of a family is 5,000 yuan. to ten thousand.

But a one-star card student can earn 10,000 yuan a day by hunting swamp ants.

When it comes to high-level card students, the currency they use is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Chen Mo didn't have three or five years, so he chose to consume Fate Points to let him encounter an ant queen.

Swamp ants have no natural enemies in the swamp ant jungle. If they didn't live long, they would have already flooded. When two ants appear in one ant nest, the one that left will come to the edge of the swamp ant jungle to develop its own ant colony.

The GM1989 survival base was established 610 years ago, and no more than ten ant queens have been captured so far.

The value of the queen ant is completely different from that of ordinary swamp ants. The lord crystal can be produced in the body of the queen ant, which blocks the soul of the queen ant. If it is handed over to the card maker, it can make a precious card with the effect of group summoning.

Only one lord crystal is enough for him to repay all his debts and buy a shuttle ticket.

Greenskin, mine these places

Chen Mo told Green Skin the location of the landmine he had chosen through a spiritual connection.

Greenskin took out two pieces of iron to cast the magic of engineering. The iron soon turned into two pairs of iron shoes with oversized soles. Then he put them on his feet and slowly walked into the swamp, and quickly placed five goblin mines in the swamp. superior.

The material of these goblin mines is very poor and the weight is not small, and they fall on the swamp and start to sink a little bit.

Slowly leaving the swamp, Greenskin handed Chen Mo ten remote controls.


Chen Mo took it over suspiciously.

The material is so bad, the remote control may not work well.

Greenskin laughed.

Oh! If your engineering was a purple one star, you wouldn't be able to make something of this poor quality.

Chen Mo said calmly.

Green Skin couldn't laugh anymore, and was speechless in the face of the pot thrown over by Chen Mo.

He is no longer a goblin businessman with a high level of goblin civilization, he is just a talent card and a tool.

Seeing the silent green skin, Chen Mo knew that the green skin remembered his sadness.

But that's exactly what he wanted, because greenskins are just cards.

For human-shaped cards, there are two choices for card students to pass. The first is to get along with each other and cultivate feelings. If the human-shaped cards are good-looking, quite a lot of card students don’t even mind letting the human-shaped cards fall in love with them.

There are ten or eight novels in the bookstore about this kind of novel about the love between the card and the humanoid card.

Although the green skin is not ugly, it is far from the aesthetic standard of human beings.

What's more, it's not necessary to cultivate feelings as a male.

Because he could see that Greenskin held a grudge against humans, and was honest because he couldn't resist his orders.

This is normal. His world was conquered by humans, his clansmen were slaughtered, and he himself was refined into cards alive to survive and die. If he still had a good impression of humans, it would be hell.

This goblin has hated him ever since he summoned the greenskin.

Whether it was when the goblin mine was made in the hut or when he was holding the remote control just now, the green skin had the idea of ​​pulling him to death, but it was controlled by the card. Although he thought so, his body would not do it. .

The talent card is perfectly integrated with the spiritual profound orifice, and any thoughts in Green Skin's heart can't be concealed from him.

It is too difficult to make Green Skin let go of his hatred.

Therefore, it cannot be maintained by feelings, but by grace and coercion.

Because from the green skin's psychological activities, he found that there is a fatal weakness in the green skin's heart.

Greenskin longed for the safety of his people.

If he promises to help Greenskin retake his hometown one day, free his people from slavery, and then give Greenskin a real hope, then Greenskin will definitely be better than the puppy he used to keep. Be obedient.

Whether the green skin is convinced or not, the gap between them is not small.

Although there will be no discount for the greenskin to execute all his orders, but if he orders the greenskin to study engineering and the greenskin to learn the card-making technique, the greenskin's body will make him pick up the book, but his mind will not It is okay to deliberately not study while holding a book.

On the contrary, let the green skin see hope, and he will definitely try his best to improve himself.

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