Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 968: Should we have a wedding?

Nan Xiyue said, she wanted to take Shi Qingjue away.

With slender and white fingers, holding the man's well-knotted wrist, his eyes seriously pulled him out...

Shi Qingjue let him drag himself like this.

In front of the iron gate, he suddenly stopped, looking at her back and thin lips, "Nan Xiyue."

Nan Xiyue turned her eyes to look at him a little impatiently.

"Shi Qingjue! I warn you better not to talk nonsense with me! I haven't settled the account with you about you ran out without permission! You close your mouth and go to the doctor with me now..."

"I lied to you." Shi Qingjue laughed helplessly.

Nan Xiyue's voice stopped abruptly, she raised her eyes to look at the man, and quickly released his wrist.

She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, "Shi Qingjue! You are so boring! I will take care of you from now on and I will have your last name!"

When the sound fell, Nan Xiyue ran long legs and ran back to the villa, her back showing a bit of anger in frustration.

Luckily she was nervous just now, he was so nervous...

Can this kind of thing be taken out casually to deceive people!

Shi Qingjue realized Nan Xiyue's emotional changes, and reflected on whether he was really too much just pretending to be injured.

"Xixi!" He immediately chased him at a rapid pace.


Shi Qinglan went back to the bedroom to find her medical kit, but Bo Yucheng grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

The woman frowned, "You go to play on your own, and my brother's injury must be dealt with as soon as possible. You fly back for more than ten hours, and no one will give him anything..."

"No need to look for it." Bo Yucheng interrupted her.

He put his hands on Shi Qinglan's shoulders, led her to the bed and sat down with her, "Your brother is okay."

"Isn't he injured?" Shi Qinglan asked back.

Bo Yucheng raised his eyebrows without a trace, "It's just a lie to Miss Nan, he is very good."

Shi Qinglan couldn't help lowering his lips reluctantly.

She rubbed her temples with a headache, "Then he really used the wrong method. Baby Xixi will be **** off by him."

"Really?" Bo Yucheng didn't think so.

He sat next to Shi Qinglan, wrapped her in his arms, and leaned his head slightly against her shoulder, "We should not participate in their affairs, but we..."

Bo Yucheng is preparing to talk to Shi Qinglan about the wedding.

But Shi Qinglan didn't realize it, and she turned her eyes to intercept his words, "By the way, how are you doing in country A?"

She still doesn't know the situation from beginning to end.

After all, the Jane family has considerable power in Country A, and this person's methods are vicious, even if Bo Yucheng and Shi Qingjue return safely, it is difficult to guarantee that they have not suffered.

Bo Yucheng squeezed his lips lightly, "Take care of it, the Jane family will not pose any threat to you in the future."

As he said, he rubbed Shi Qinglan's head.

The gaze slowly moved down to her lower abdomen, "From now on, you will be able to raise your baby in peace, and no one will dare to move you anymore."

Shi Qinglan nodded his head in relief.

"That..." She grabbed the corner of Bo Yucheng's clothes lightly, and wanted to ask something more, but the man's big palm held her hand.

Bo Yucheng's voice was low, "Don't worry about the Jane family, let's talk about the affairs between us first."

"What's the matter with us?" Shi Qinglan wondered.

Bo Yucheng held her shoulders and turned her around to face him completely. There was something serious in his slightly deep eyes, "Lan Lan."

Shi Qinglan hadn't been staring at him so seriously in a long time.

She suddenly became a little nervous, "What are you doing..."

"Should we have the wedding?" Bo Yucheng looked at her with low eyes, with a touch of tenderness and affection and expectation in those ink-like eyes.

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan's red lips slightly.

Bo Yucheng held her hand, slipped his knuckled fingers into hers, and clasped her fingers tightly, "You promised me when you were in country A, and you will have a wedding when you come back."

Shi Qinglan bit her lips gently.

Suddenly mentioning the wedding, her heart was a little excited, "But I got pregnant by accident..."

"That's why we have to do it as soon as possible." Bo Yucheng whispered.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Shi Qinglan's lower abdomen, "In a few months, I won't let you wear a tunic wedding dress."

He knows that weddings and wedding dresses...

It's the romance that every girl dreams of.

The day every woman becomes a bride will be the most beautiful and memorable day in her life. He wants to give her a grand and perfect wedding, including wedding dresses.

"Ah..." Shi Qinglan opened her red lips again.

She also gently stroked her lower abdomen, "Isn't that time in a hurry? You might be pregnant in three months."

"Leave these things to me." Bo Yucheng voiced Shen Che.

He smiled and looked at the woman, "You only need to take care of you and your baby, and be the most beautiful bride on the wedding day. I will help you arrange everything else."

In fact, he was already planning the wedding.

Shi Hongxuan and Jiang Yunxin have also been planning, but they are always delayed by various things and are not officially put on the agenda.

"Good." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled slightly.

She reached out and put her arms around Bo Yucheng's waist, "Then...I have to choose the style of the wedding dress myself, it's too ugly."

"Yeah." Bo Yucheng complimented.

He squeezed the tip of the woman's ears, "As for the guest list, my parents and I have drawn up a copy before. If you have any other friends you want to invite, just tell me."

Shi Qinglan raised her face and looked at him, with a bit of playfulness between her eyebrows, "Who I want to invite, don't you know?"

All her friends Bo Yucheng already knew each other.

"Such matters should be handed over to you directly." Shi Qinglan pursed her lips lightly, "I...I'll take care of the baby."

She lay on her back on the bed like a salted fish.

In the past ten years, she was used to doing almost everything by herself. Now she feels happy to be a salted fish...

Who doesn't want to spend the days lying down with money?


But Shi Qingjue on the other side was thrown into the Shura field.

Nan Xiyue ran back to the room directly, and then slammed the door shut, blocking Shi Qingjue outside.

"Tough--" Shi Qingjue knocked on the bedroom door.

He frowned slightly, "Xixi, Xixi, I was wrong, you open the door first, huh?"

Nan Xiyue glared at the door angrily, ignoring him.

She lay on the bed, pressed the pillow on the back of her head to buy this one, and kicked her legs a little irritably, "Shi Qingjue! If you don't kneel for an hour today, you can sleep in the living room with durian!"

I'm so angry...

She worried about him so much that he actually lied!

When Shi Qingjue heard the sound coming from the bedroom, he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with some headache.

At this moment, Ji Lin passed by and helped him to get a durian very insightful. "That...Master Xiao Jue, this is what your dad left on his knees before. Do you need it?"

Shi Qingjue: "..."

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