Heading to Hell

002 Kind-looking teacher

[21 minutes and 7 seconds until the β1-2103257 secret realm erupts. ]

Li Qingming finally finished using the toilet before the deadline and saved his endocrine system.

After returning to the corridor and confirming the fierce keyboard sounds in the psychological counseling room, he walked to the door of the senior class three and four classroom with a relaxed look.

Although it was still lunch break, everyone in the class had already taken their seats. The head teacher Han Chun was saying something in front of the podium, pointing to the school motto on the blackboard from time to time.

The head teacher was a middle-aged man with glasses and sparse hair, wearing a faded brown jacket and loose gray trousers. There was nothing worth remembering except his ridiculous name.

Li Qingming never cared about his malice unless he really wanted to murder someone.

But now it seems that this is just his refreshing fantasy.

After knocking on the door three times without any interest, Li Qingming walked into the classroom alone without waiting for the response from the people inside.

The class was no longer surprised by him, but the conditioned reflex still existed, and many people still shrank back at his arrival.

Han Chun boldly asked Li Qingming directly: "Didn't I ask you to go for psychological counseling?"

"It's over." Li Qingming closed the door, put his hands in his pockets and walked to the back row, "Completely healthy."

"No! We have to talk it through this time." Han Chun stepped down from the podium and chased after him, "I'll be frank, many classmates and parents have opinions about you, and your mental state must be explained today!"

"I have a hospital certificate." Li Qingming walked to his desk, pulled out the chair and pointed at the black schoolbag, "I gave you the electronic version."

"This time is different." Han Chun raised his hand to stop the table, "This time we have to give an assessment from the perspective of collective impact!"

"The psychology teacher is writing it."

After Li Qingming finished speaking, he politely pushed Han Chun's arm away and sat down steadily.

Then he slowly put on the black earplugs and lay on his black goose down pillow.









A soft snoring sounded.

He fell asleep.

The whole classroom fell into silence.

Only Han Chun's breathing gradually became heavier.

Seeing him standing there stiffly and not coming to the stage, the class monitor Zheng Ruixing, who had a classic crew cut, quickly stood up and said, "Teacher Han, I will urge him in the afternoon. Let's not delay the class meeting."

Han Chun stared at Li Qingming for a long time, then swallowed his breath, took off his glasses, wiped the sweat off his face and walked back to the podium.

The people in the class looked at him, although they felt distressed, but also helpless.

It's hateful to say that even though Li Qingming did so much evil, he never publicly violated school rules and regulations.

Of course, he just didn't have evidence to catch him.

Let alone school rules, most people believe that Li Qingming has violated the law, and there is no future for him. He is a criminal master incubating.

No, no, a criminal master will at least disguise himself and pretend to be harmless on weekdays.

Li Qingming was totally disdainful of this. He never concealed his intentions and was always consistent. He was simply an outlaw!

On the contrary, Han Chun, who questioned Li Qingming's style and eliminated harm for the people, was full of flaws under the constraints of regulations.

At this moment, under the sympathetic eyes of the class, Han Chun walked all the way to the podium, rubbed his face hard with his back turned, put on his glasses and turned around, forcing a smile and said:

"Let's talk about business first, so as not to affect the class meeting.

"You should have heard that there have been frequent secret activities in Xinhai City recently. There have been three small and medium-sized secrets this month. According to the notice of the Secret Security Bureau, we need to strengthen safety education.

"I don't want to take up the time after school, so I have to convene a class meeting during the lunch break. I hope everyone will understand.

"Then the class meeting officially begins.

"From the agency announcement, although this wave of secret realm activities is intensive, the intensity is weak and the scope is small. The probability of encountering is not high, but we still have to take it seriously.

"As non-professionals, if we encounter a secret realm, we must strictly follow the principle of 'three no's and one wait'.

"So what are these 'three no's? Let's say it together-"

Accompanied by Han Chun's call, the class responded sparsely:

"Don't act rashly-don't panic-don't flee-"

Han Chun nodded:

"Although these three points have been said a long time ago, we still have to expand on them.

"There are many types of secret realms and different situations. In addition to unimaginable monsters, they are often accompanied by puzzling rules.

"So encountering a secret realm is like being forced into a game where you don't know the rules and goals. It is very dangerous to act rashly.

"The correct approach is to observe and analyze as much as possible, and don't act if you can. If you have to act, you must do the most reliable and most likely to survive action. ”

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

As soon as the voice fell, a sultry male voice came from the middle row of the classroom.

“Just listen to my instructions when the time comes.” A boy with a middle-parted hairstyle and acne on his face said while playing with his hair.

The class suddenly burst into laughter, and many people looked at the short boy.

Han Chun also shook his finger and laughed: “The most taboo is people like Cai Zhixin, who thinks he is an expert after reading a few secret novels, acting blindly and giving blind instructions, leading everyone to fall into the trap.”


Amid the laughter, the others also followed up.

“Teacher Han, you are knowledgeable, he is the worst at the secret game.”

“He just tricked us into silver last night!”

"Whatever Cai Bip does then, we can just do the opposite."

"Haha." Cai Zhixin just laughed, smoothed his hair and shook his head. "Games have fixed procedures. A practical fighter like me can only unleash his full strength by entering the real secret realm."

Seeing him like this, everyone inevitably laughed harder.

Han Chun had no intention of entangled, pressed his hands and continued:

“It’s all a joke, everyone just remember to ‘don’t act rashly’.

“Then the second ‘no’ is don’t panic.

"Generally speaking, monsters, masters or other weird things in the secret realm will draw more energy from the panic of the people they encounter, and become more incalculable. In extreme cases, the entire secret realm will mutate.

“As humans, once their emotions break down in the secret realm, they will most likely become monsters, the environment, or something else, and become part of the secret realm.

"So just in case, just in case, just in case you encounter a secret realm, everyone must stay calm, especially help introverted and timid students, talk to them as much as possible, and send encouragement, as our school motto says-"

Han Chun said, turning around and pointing to the top of the blackboard.

"We will overcome difficulties together through unity and friendship."

This time, no one answered his words, and the scene was unusually quiet.

The interior of the secret realm is indeed terrifying. Without the participation of professionals, even in the lowest intensity secret realm, the survival rate of ordinary people is less than 2%.

However, for most people, encountering a secret realm is like an air crash or an earthquake. Although it is scary, it is also far away. If you are unlucky enough to encounter it, you can only leave it to fate.

However, sitting in the front row of Li Qingming, an inconspicuous girl named Ji Xiaoxiang, fell into an inexplicable tremor.

This petite girl with a crooked ponytail who always thought she was fat was lowering her head, hiding her face behind her hair curtain, grabbing her school uniform sweatpants, and imagining a horrific scene:

'That is to say, if I encounter a secret realm, everyone will come to encourage me...


'When they come around to get close to me, if I lower my head and say nothing, will it look like I look down on them...

'But frankly refusing seems to arouse their rebelliousness and protectiveness...

‘How about trying to say something interesting so that they like it and look like you’re not too bad...

‘But they are just doing errands. If I respond too enthusiastically, will I look sick and want to make friends with them...

'But if you are too cold, I'm afraid you will be criticized like Dr. Hannibal at the table behind me, which will only attract more attention...

‘Ah ah ah ah... don’t let the secret realm explode...

‘If you really want to explode, just take me away with me as the center! ’

In this unprecedented mental internal friction, Ji Xiaoxiang's "horror scene rankings" have undergone amazing changes.

The ranking of "Encountering Secret Realms" jumped into the top ten and is still rising...

It’s more than “meeting a classmate you know but are not familiar with while waiting for the bus”…

More than "encountering an unusually attentive shopping guide in a clothing store"...

Eventually, it stopped under "Haircut."

After all, if you meet your classmates at the bus stop, you can pretend you have forgotten something and walk back to wait for the next bus.

When going to a clothing store, you can first wait for others to enter and guide you through the shopping guide, and then complete the shopping at lightning speed.

But getting a haircut is different.

No matter what time it is, no matter where you go to get a haircut, the stylist will definitely force you to chat and recommend applying for a card.

Ji Xiaoxiang has nothing but hairdressing cards, and she has everything.

Thinking of the last time I applied for a card and scanned the QR code to pay, the whole hair team saw the scene when the credit limit was insufficient...

Boom boom boom! !

Ji Xiaoxiang wants to kill himself now.

What the world needs more than blind people getting massages is haircuts for dumb people!

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