On the highway from Wanjiang City to the winning airport.

A pickup truck was driving fast.

"Mike, please buy the nearest ticket! Don't dawdle! You know, if we are discovered by Longguo, we will have no chance to return home!"

"Pete, drive your car well, please trust my professionalism! I bought the plane ticket before the action. I'm looking at where I'm going to travel after receiving the generous reward."

"Hahaha, I know a few international students from Longguo, I'll introduce them to you when I return home."

"Thank you, Pete!"

The two were still imagining their lives after returning home.

They didn't realize that the original power in them had transmitted everything in the car to Chen Jiu's mind.

The power of the origin will be used. Chen will know if there is any problem with the car, not to mention their conversation.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with these two people."

Chen was lying on the bed, his eyes fixed.

"Haven't you heard a saying? If you set fire to the mountain, you will be imprisoned for life."

"Since you are from the Lighthouse Country, I won't let you go to jail."

[Dark clouds, rise! ]

Pete held the steering wheel and looked at the Zhongjiang Airport in the distance excitedly.

The nervous mood finally let go.

Arriving here, it is only a matter of time before they return home.

"This mission is really easy!"

Pete exclaimed.

However, he soon felt something was wrong.

Why is the wind coming in from the car window getting stronger and stronger?

Mike was sitting in the co-pilot and shouted: "Pete! Look at the dark clouds in the sky! It's going to rain heavily!"

"It's going to rain heavily?"

Pete frowned and found that things were not simple.

"It was sunny just now, how could it rain heavily?"

But he thought of the scene of the dragon's rescue.

It was also suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Could it be that they were targeted by the dragon?

It's impossible! They have no intersection with the dragon!

"Don't worry, it's just a normal weather change. It's normal to have a sudden rainstorm in this season. Didn't we watch the dragon go back?" Pete said.

Mike nodded.

"You make sense."

In this situation, they can only think so.

"Drive quickly, while the plane is not delayed, let's get on the plane early."

However, as soon as he finished speaking.


There was a flash of white light outside, and thunder began to sound.

Pete, who was driving, shook his hand, and the car swayed with it.

A traffic accident almost happened.

"Thunder, Mike."

Something about Chen Jiu appeared in Pete's mind.

I couldn't help but shudder.

"Mike, do you think this lightning will not hit our car?"

The man sitting in the passenger seat lit a cigarette.

He said calmly: "No."

"Haven't you studied physics? How could this lightning hit our car by chance? The probability is even smaller than winning the lottery."

Pete asked again: "What if? What if this lightning happens to hit our car? I have a strong premonition!"

Mike gave Pete a blank look and said: "Pete, your knowledge of physics is really not good. How did you get into our Secret Service?"

"Our car is connected to the ground. If it is hit by lightning, the current will be conducted underground along the body of the car. We will not be electrocuted, but the electronic parts of the car will be broken."

After hearing Mike's explanation, Pete was relieved.

"So that's the case, Mike, you are so smart!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a flash of white light passed by.

A lightning as thick as a bridge pier came down from the sky and hit the roof vertically.

The vehicle instantly stalled.

The music that was playing also stopped abruptly.

Pete shuddered and subconsciously touched his face.

It was still warm and elastic, very normal.

"Hahaha, Mike! What you said is true. As long as we stay in the car, lightning can't hurt us."

Mike took a deep puff of smoke.

He said heavily: "We stay in the car, our lives are guaranteed, but we probably can't go back to the country."

Pete waved his hand.

After the lightning attack just now, he figured out one thing, nothing is more important than being alive.

"Mike, aren't we just staying in Dragon Country for a few more months? You have to believe that Dragon Country will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure of Lighthouse Country and send us back!"

Chen was lying on the bed, listening to the conversation between the two.

He couldn't help shaking his head.

These two people are really happy


[One billion volts, fall! ]

Chen gave an order, and two huge dark clouds in the sky collided.

A strong white light flashed.

The enhanced version of lightning is coming!

The lightning hit the pickup truck heavily.

With a bang.

The ears of the two people in the car buzzed.

At the same time, a burst of black smoke rose in front of the vehicle.

Then, a flame jumped up.

"Mike! It's on fire! It's on fire!"


Mike cursed and pushed open the door to rush out.

But he was stopped by Pete.

"Mike! You will be struck by lightning if you go out! Only the car is safe!"

"Safety is bullshit, if it keeps burning like this, we will both be burned to charcoal! I don't believe that he can hit the same place with three lightning strikes!"

Pete thought for a while and chose to rush out with Mike.

Mike is right, you can only wait to die in the car, but there is still a glimmer of hope if you go out!

However, just as their feet touched the ground, another lightning bolt struck! The huge current directly evaporated the water in their bodies. Both of their bodies turned charred black. They fell to the ground. However, the lightning strike was not over yet. After they fell, this small space of ten square meters was struck by lightning ten times in a row. Even the traffic police department was dispatched urgently. They blocked this section of the road. After the lightning and thunder, heavy rain fell from the sky. But it only lasted for more than ten minutes. Then it stopped. The black in the sky had also dissipated. The sun came out. The forensic doctor dared to come over to investigate the situation. When they arrived, they only saw a deformed car frame and two vaguely visible black shadows on the ground. "Go check who owns this car?"

"Report, this car belongs to two foreigners, from the Lighthouse country."

"Hmm? Go check the recent activity records of these two people."


Inside the Dragon Palace, Chen yawned.

Fell asleep.

These two are just minions, he is waiting for the big guys behind to come to him.

At the same time, the Lighthouse Country Intelligence Bureau.

Looking at the intelligence sent back by the minute.

Everyone's face is heavy.

"Report! Pete and Mike have lost contact!"

"Report! The sky above Zhongjiang is covered by black clouds again!"

'Report! Special weather appeared in Zhongjiang, twelve consecutive lightning strikes hit the same location! '

"Report! We have confirmed that it was Mike and Pete who were struck by lightning!"

"Report! After negotiating with the Dragon Country, they gave us a pile of cement powder with black coke."

"Report! It has been confirmed that there is DNA of Mike and Pete on the cement powder!"


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