The first time the dragon went out, the destination was the zoo! #

#The purpose of the dragon's visit to the zoo! #

#Please ask the keeper to speak out! #

Lin Youchu only knew about Taoyuan Village after seeing the hot search on the news.

Chen Ju actually flew to the city and went to the zoo!

Tao Yingying opened the official live broadcast room of Wanjiang News.

On the screen, it was Chen Ju who had just landed.

And the gate of the zoo.

Tao Yingying: "What is the little guy doing at the zoo? Is he really short of food?"

"It shouldn't be. We have meat left over every day, and we use up the big pot."

"Youchu, what do you think the little guy wants to do at the zoo?"

When Tao Yingying called him, Lin Youchu's body trembled.

She was pulled out of the imaginary world.


"I, I don't know."

She was not worried about what the little guy was doing at the zoo.

Because she knew that Chen Jue would not hurt anyone.

What really attracted her was the zoo gate behind Chen Jue.

Her thoughts were pulled back to high school.

At that time, she was admitted to the No. 1 Middle School in the county with excellent grades.

In a city-wide unified examination, their class achieved the first place in the school.

With the approval of the school, the head teacher applied for an opportunity to go on a spring outing.

The destination was the zoo in the city.

The total cost of the fare plus the food was 89 yuan.

The whole class participated, except her.

Holding a brand new scholarship of 100 yuan.

Asked for leave and took the bus back to the village.

The bus fare was 20 yuan, and she had 80 yuan left to buy a cake.

That day was her birthday.

That day, she helped her grandmother chop wood for an afternoon.

"Grandma, grandma, the cake is delicious~"

Later, when she returned to school, her classmates were talking about going to the zoo.

"The peacock's tail is just so-so, not as beautiful as described in the book."

"But the giant panda is really cute!"

"And the red panda, I thought it was a raccoon on the instant noodles! Later I saw the introduction and found out that it was a red panda!"


The discussion of the classmates made Lin Youchu yearn for the zoo for the first time.

She also wanted to see what the peacock's tail was different from the book.

She also wanted to see the red panda that looked like the instant noodles.

Later, when she went to college, she wrote down her wish in her notebook.

She must go to the zoo.

But her busy studies and part-time jobs made it difficult for her to squeeze out time.

Even though the zoo tickets were not expensive.

Later, after graduation, all kinds of things came to her.

This wish, like most memories, was forgotten in a corner.

Until today, she saw the gate of the zoo behind Chen.

Then she remembered.

She took out the gold-stamped notebook from the cabinet in the middle of the closet.

Turned to the first page.

"My roommate and her boyfriend went to the zoo today. I'm so envious!"

(Unfortunately, I have never been to the zoo, and I don't have a boyfriend. I'm crying.)

There is also a bright red cross.


After Chen landed.

He walked straight to the ticket office.

Today, he wanted to buy two tickets for his treasure girl!

But when he walked to the ticket office, he found that there was no one inside.

"What's going on? Today is not a holiday, why is there no one?"

He looked at the entrance of the zoo again, and it was closed.

There was also a sign on the door saying it was temporarily closed.

"Damn, you came at a really bad time."

"Forget it, do it yourself and you will have enough food and clothing."

"I'll do it myself."

Chen stretched out his dragon claw.

He looked at the small lock at the ticket office that was not strong to begin with.

He scratched it with one claw.

The lock broke with a sound.

It opened.

Another claw, and the door of the ticket office was kicked open.

This scene was broadcast live by the camera hidden 300 meters away.

All the audience were silent.

This was the first time they saw the fighting power of the dragon on the spot.

The last wild boar incident was only heard about.

[Fuck, this is too fierce, that's a steel lock! One claw, one claw broke the steel lock? ? ]

[With just this claw, if it hit me, I wouldn't even hum, I would just die. ]

[But then again, this is a dragon! ]

[If he wasn't so powerful, could he be called a dragon? ! 】

【That's true, but why did the dragon open the door of the ticket office? 】

"I'm not going!"

Several animals

The zoo's security guards hid far away in the corner, watching Chen's every move.

They didn't dare to step forward.

"The higher-ups don't know, how should I know?"

"Fortunately, there's no one at the ticket office, otherwise it would be dangerous."

"Should we go up and take a look? We are zoo security guards. It's not good to watch public property being destroyed like this?"

The old security guard next to him directly swung his stick at the new guy.

"Nonsense, your first day here, what did I say, have you forgotten?"

"Security, you can't protect anyone! You can only protect yourself."

"Three thousand yuan a month, why are you risking your life?!"

While several security guards were interacting in a friendly manner.

Chen had already entered the ticket office.

Now, the "cannon" camera couldn't capture the situation inside.

Chen entered the ticket office, and a scent of gardenias hit him in the face.

The two ticket sellers left in a hurry.

They didn't take their coats and water cups with them.

Chen controlled his strength and turned on the computer behind the window.

I bought myself two tickets.


"Let's go~"

As soon as he walked out, Chen suddenly remembered a problem.

He hadn't paid yet!

"I forgot about it!"

"I'm a good citizen who abides by the law, I can't not pay."

But after looking at himself for a long time.

There was nothing that could be exchanged for money.

Dragon scales, dragon whiskers, etc. that could be exchanged for money.

He was reluctant to take them off.

"What should I do?"

"That's right! I got it!"

Chen remembered the watermelon before.

Since the watermelon has such an effect after being watered with dragon urine.

That means his dragon urine is powerful!

One watermelon can be bought for tens of millions.

One bubble of dragon urine should be enough to buy two tickets, right?

He did it as soon as he said it, and there happened to be a waste beverage bottle in the trash can.

After solving it, in order not to affect the working environment of the ticket seller.

He buried the bottle of dragon urine under the big tree outside the house.

Then he flew away with two tickets in his mouth without looking back.

"Go home and eat!"

Leaving behind a group of staff and the audience in front of the screen at a loss.

"What happened just now?!"

"I seem to see the dragon bury a bottle under the tree."

Soon, the cordon was set up.

A group of people wearing masks and white coats rushed over.

They were divided into two teams, one team was studying the traces left by the dragon in the ticket office.

Another group was digging for the mysterious bottle under the tree.

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