Chapter 96: The History of a Wise Man

Silver Tower, above the 40th floor.

It's not the 41st floor of the illusion, but the top floor of the building, where Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly appeared.

"here it is...?"

He looked around in bewilderment. This was a space half the size of a football field. Under his feet, there were white marks dedicated to the training ground battle. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time, and the white marks were dim and dilapidated.

The 40-storey Silver Tower soars into the sky, and you can faintly see the clouds drifting past.

But looking out from the rooftop, you can still see the four tall buildings next to it, standing indiscriminately, in a circle.

Looking from a distance, Xiaozhi can even see strange things placed on the roofs of surrounding buildings.

"A viewing chair...?"

He was a little unsure, but the other buildings were arranged like spectator seats on the side of the arena, in the shape of stairs.

But it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

Strange, is there any game to watch on the rooftop of this building?

He scratched his head, puzzled.


A crisp knocking sound of glass caught his attention, and he was not alone on the rooftop at this moment.

Xiaozhi quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down. It is estimated that the opponents who can appear here are not simple, not the group of miscellaneous fish downstairs.

The man was sitting at a white dining table with his back to Xiaozhi. He couldn't see his face clearly, only the back of a man with short blue hair.

Wearing an elegant and noble white dress, shaking this silver spoon in his hand, and tapping the wine glass lightly, it seems that he is deliberately attracting Xiaozhi's attention.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Contrived and noble, with the appearance of an upper-class man, and a head of gaudy short blue hair, he looks a little familiar...



As the first smart general of the Rockets, after successfully completing the team building activities on the San Annuo, he temporarily stayed in Jinhuang City to rest, waiting for the next corporate event, and contributing to the future construction of the Rockets.

I have nothing to do today, and it happened to be arranged by Boss Sakagi to clean up the rat people who got into the Rainbow Group.

Although if you think about it with your brain, you know that the boss of Sakagi must be pretending to be that old fritter of Lambda.

After all, Boss Sakagi said in the Rockets' high-level work group a week ago that he will take the guards to the Hezhong area in the next two weeks.

Nominally, it is to develop harmoniously with local township enterprises, provide aid funds, and achieve international common prosperity.

In fact, it is to explore the mysterious ruins in the Hezhong area, in an attempt to bring the legendary three spirit beasts back to the Kanto area for captivity in the next five-year plan.

But idleness is idleness. Apollo didn't break through the disguise of Lambda on the spot, but just followed his plan and let nature take its course.

The performance of the gangster is also very good, so that he will not lose his mind when he inherits the position of Sakagi and becomes the king of the Rockets in the future.

"Rat man? Jie Jie..."

He, Apollo, also likes to kill geniuses in the cradle ahead of time...

Thinking of this, he slowly got up, intending to smile gracefully, and then kill the stunned green rat man behind him.

Do the best moves, do the most vicious things!

This is the spirit of the number one smart general of the Rockets!

The two looked at each other, and Apollo's eyes widened instantly, his elegant expression disappeared, and he even crushed the glass in his hand in a hurry.


Is this the legendary stunned green mouse man? !


"Oh, Apollo, but we're not brothers."

Xiao Zhi, who recognized the person, cleared the boundaries on the spot.

Leaving aside the good and evil of the Rockets, he already has a big brother. Apollo can either call himself the second brother, otherwise he doesn't want to be the second person's younger brother.

Hearing that Apollo regained his composure, he frowned, and then a powerful background greeted his heart.

He is only 15 years old now, and the Hei Lujia in his hand can already compete with a trainer at the level of a heavenly king. With his strength, who can't be called a brother?

"Hmph, who is your eldest brother? I want to see if he is qualified to be your eldest brother!"

Apollo was a little angry and unconvinced.

"Oh, I don't really understand, but it's said that he lost someone else's trump card in one move when he was posing on the opposite side. Er, what does that person's name seem to be, Du?"

Xiaozhi replied truthfully.

Apollo: "!"

Champion crossing! ?

Although I don't know what it is actually like, but on the surface, the current Du is definitely the most powerful trainer in the Kanto region, not one of them.

Drop him while others are not paying attention?

Ridiculous, how could a person with such terrifying strength fail to notice the sneak attack?

"Hiss... was dropped by one move..."

If what the other party said was true, Apollo couldn't help but gasp.

But why haven't I heard that there is a peerless fierce man in the Kanto region?

Or maybe Du was too embarrassed to announce it to the outside world?

Or an outsider?

So the Pokémon League in the Kanto region dare not spread this news?

Although the elf alliances in various regions seem to be very friendly, each region is also secretly competing.

Apollo kept thinking in his mind, and gradually came up with an answer, and the way he looked at Xiaozhi changed again.

"No! I want to test him one last time!"

Apollo suddenly turned his eyes down, took out a pair of familiar glasses, put them on his head, and looked at Xiaozhi.

Combat Detector.

Although it is still not a new version, he has done countless experiments before, and this time the detector is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

After so many days, no matter how I think about it, the behavior of this young man in front of me is too much like a novice trainer, as cautious as he is, he must make a final confirmation!

"Look at this electric mouse first!" he thought to himself.

Soon, the detector gave out data, two more weird data.

"5" and "4000".

Last time it was "10" and "3000", meaning both the upper and lower limits have become high...?

Apollo took a deep breath, and looked at Xiaozhi's body again.


The detector did not give the human standard combat power data "5", but gave three question marks.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Apollo wiped off the sweat on his forehead, this time finally looked at Xiaozhi's waist, and detected the data through the poke ball.


The cpu of the detector started to run crazily, and the numbers on it were also soaring...


Another familiar but fleeting six-digit number, and then a sudden explosion.

Apollo: "..."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Are all optical shops in Jinhuang City black spots now?

Apollo hastily wiped off the black dust on his face, and with a determined heart, he raised a smiling face and invited Xiaozhi to have afternoon tea together.

From now on, he will no longer be a novice who doubts who the person in front of him is, but a real super boss who has entered the world!

This is the essence of being a wise man. Once a decision is made, there will be no hesitation.

Seeing the other party's mood change so quickly, Xiaozhi was a little puzzled, but seeing the other party's attentive face, he stretched out his hand to block Apollo with a very serious expression.

"Ibrahimovic from the Rainbow Group, does it have anything to do with you?"

This time his purpose is not to play, Xiaozhi just wants to get justice for Ibrahimovic, and drive everyone who bullied him out of Jinhuang City.

Apollo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he came back to his senses. He was the one who brought the Ibrahimovic lottery tickets on the San Annuo back then.

Seeing that Xiaozhi's eyes were not friendly, Apollo did not choose to lie, but told the truth.

In front of a big man who has reached the world of mortals, all pretense is false, and it is better to treat each other sincerely.

"That Ibrahimovic is the product of Dr. Silanu's research, and he considers it a failure."

Xiaozhi frowned: "Dr. Silanu? Isn't it Dr. Saipan?"

"Dr. Saipan is an employee of Silver Company, but he has nothing to do with our Rockets."

Apollo explained.

Silver Company has a total of two technologies, manufacturing elf balls and space transmission devices.

And Dr. Saipan is the maker of the space transfer device. The latter insists on not submitting to the Rockets, and they can't force it, so they can only let him stay here.

After all, in this era, talents with high IQ are the most valuable wealth of enterprises.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, no wonder Dr. Saipan still claimed to be Silver's man despite the faces of a few miscellaneous fish.

"And this Dr. Silano is an enthusiastic researcher of evolutionary radio waves. After the experiment on Ibrahimovic in the Kanto area failed, he has now gone to the Johto area, and went to a place called Kaji Town to re-study the new project."

Apollo informed the Rockets in detail.

He has already planned to work with Xiaozhi to take the position of the boss of the Rockets together in the future.

With the support of a peerless strong man, coupled with him as a wise man, the future can be expected!

Seeing that the culprit was not nearby, Xiaozhi became annoyed for a while, and then fixed his eyes on Apollo.

The latter waved his hand and said innocently:

"I don't know anything about the rest. I've been planning to grab...the St. Anne's team building activity at the headquarters a while ago, and even the Ibrahimovic coupon was delivered by someone else's courier."

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, it seemed that Apollo didn't intend to fight with him, so he planned to leave the rooftop and go downstairs to help Xiaolan.

"It's useless, there is no way down here, you can only rely on the teleportation device."

Apollo showed a smiling face, pushed Xiaozhi to the opposite side of the dining table, and poured him a cappuccino.

"And I can't take the initiative to go out. There is a device to automatically recognize the result of the battle. There will be no exit until we have decided the winner."

Seeing what Xiaozhi wanted to say, he added:

"Of course, in order to enjoy the battle, even if the winner is decided, the exit will not be opened within half an hour."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Thinking of this, he could only clasp his palms together, and made a gesture of exploding stars.

"I hope Xiaolan is okay..."

After speaking, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

"Mr. Apollo, the low-level quality of your Rockets team is worrying..."

"You are right. I will definitely strengthen their quality education in the future..."

Apollo replied with a smile.

The two looked like they were having a friendly conversation.


(Recommendation ticket please, a little less QAQ recently...)

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