He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 887 Phoenix King and Three Holy Beasts!

"Rabbi, can I get your phantom token?"

Xiaozhi cut straight to the point and made a request directly.

The relationship between the two is quite familiar, but there is no need to say anything else.

At this moment, the materials needed for the body of the gods of the old brother Chi, the tokens of the gods in the Kanto region-the iridescent feathers of the Phoenix King, and the feathers of the three god birds.

As well as the phantom token - the eyelashes of the dream (mew dream), have been collected.

God's token, as a source of divine power.

The phantom token, as the carrier for building the body.

But in the city area, it is natural to collect the same items.

He has Lugia's silver feather.

Now only the tokens of the gods of the three holy beasts, and the tokens of the phantom of the rabbi are missing.


So Rabbi nodded solemnly, and his face suddenly became solemn.

At the same time, telepathy also sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"Humans, since you have offered sacrifices, I will give you the rewards you deserve. This is the sacrificial ceremony of the forest god..."

The voice became very low.

This is a public account, and it cannot be deteriorated because of friendship. It must be calculated in advance.

The next moment, Shi Rabi's body lit up with a bright green light, shining towards the forest.

The exuberant breath of life filled the air.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

In the end, it was a small brown wooden heel. After absorbing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the earth, it slowly grew to a length of about 10 centimeters.


The roots of the little tree broke away from the ground, and floated up, coming in front of Xiaozhi.

Illusory tokens are not just the eyelashes on the phantom beast...it can also be plants that contain the breath of the forest.

"That's it..."

Xiaozhi took the small tree root, and there was a strong breath of life at the junction of the palms, which was quite warm.

He hurriedly put it away carefully, and today's task was half completed.


"Then humans, the ceremony is complete...!"

After speaking, Rabi Shi's complexion changed, and he withdrew from his solemn face.

The wings fluttered, and it landed on Xiaozhi's other shoulder, which was not polite.


The telepathy reappeared, and Shi Rabi asked the two of them to leave the tung forest later, and told the old woman who was the forest guard not to sacrifice it with matcha steamed buns all day long.

Do you really think that the god of the forest is a vegetarian? !

Want roast duck, not steamed buns!

Two people: "..."

Xiaolan tried to poke Xiaozhi's arm, signaling the latter not to forget about her.

So Xiaozhi nodded, and said again:

"Speaking of Rabbi, can you help us find the location of King Feng?"


Rabbi tilted his head.

Not a big problem.

It is the god of the forest, as long as the forest is everywhere, it can perceive everything around it...

A tree and a blade of grass are also considered a forest.

But Shirabi's perception range is only in the Chengdu area, plus half of the Kanto area...

If it continues to go outward, it is not its business scope.

If King Feng was in this area, he would naturally have nothing to hide from.


So Rabi nodded, and closed his dark circled eyes.

Connect your five senses with all the plants on the entire continent...

All of a sudden, everything in the entire Chengdu area came to rabbi's mind.

Find a giant bird that resembles a chrysanthemum...


After a while, Rabi Shi opened his eyes, showing a confident expression.

"I found Phoenix King~!"

After eliminating thousands of wild toucans, Shirabi finally found his target.

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Sure enough, coming to Tongshulin was the right choice!

"The location of Phoenix King is probably in the western outskirts of Zhanlan City that you humans call..."

Rabbi reminded.

Zhanlan City is located on the western edge of the Chengdu area. It is a huge island separated from the entire mainland.

"I'm in a good mood today, so let's take the two of you there by the way~!"

After eating the roast duck, Shirabi even gave away the teleportation service for free.

Although its super power is not as huge as Chaomeng, if it is only an instant movement within the city area, it is not a big problem.

Although Feng Wang is an ancient god... with that strong flame, Shi Rabi would never dare to touch porcelain.

Touch it once and it melts right away.

But it is estimated that this time, Xiao Zhi is going to fight with Feng Wang again.

Rabi Shi is quite interested in such a big scene!

"Then thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing that they could reach the destination directly, Xiaozhi and the two looked happy again, but they were secretly thinking about what they would say when they would meet Queen Feng.

Can't you just say "Phoenix King, help me"?

Buzz buzz...!

The faint green light of thought power covered the surface of Xiaozhi Xiaolan's body, and the teleportation seemed to be activated soon.

At this time, Rabbi suddenly reminded him.

"By the way, there seems to be other existences on Fengwang's side, and it seems that a fight is about to begin~!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is it an outlaw lunatic like Pokémon Poacher?

But generally this kind of existence is only aimed at the next-level legendary Pokémon, such as Suicune.

Peak ancient gods like Phoenix King and Gulardo are not easily touched by human beings.

For example, the God of Volcano, who has been walking on the surface of the ocean for more than a year, has a clear goal, but no one dares to go up to catch Pengci.

This at least requires a villain organization to mobilize at least half of the troops to be eligible to touch porcelain.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The next moment, with the activation of rabbi's thought power, everyone disappeared in the tung forest together.



When Xiaozhi blinked again, he found that he was already in a hidden bush, with green leaves and branches stuck to his body

Then, from the sky above, an incomparably vast and powerful aura fell on Xiaozhi.

"Familiar taste..."

The breath is strong and terrifying, yet somewhat familiar.

For a while, Xiaozhi didn't dare to stand up directly from the bushes.


Not knowing what happened, Xiaozhi could only try to poke his head out from the front of the bush by lying on his stomach.



Next to it, Xiaolan, Shirabi, and Pikachu all poked their heads out of the bushes.


It's just that the scene in front of them made everyone's expressions change.

The location where everyone is located seems to be the edge of a forest.

Ahead, there is a barren Gobi wilderness lined with gravel.

And above the Gobi, a giant bird with unusually gorgeous feathers is flying in the air at this moment.

It is a full six or seven meters high, and its figure is extremely huge.

The wide double wings spread out, one is orange-red, the other is bluish-white.

It has a slender neck, a noble golden feather crown on its head, and countless golden feathers extending to the back of its body.

The graceful and luxurious posture exudes a lofty aura.

Flying in mid-air, like a sun, radiating intense heat outward!

Phoenix King! !

But in front of everyone, not only Phoenix King.

On the Gobi ground below, there are even three animal-shaped Pokémon standing, they are similar in size but completely different in color...

A dark brown majestic lion with a smoky volcano on its back.

One is a yellow-black lightning tiger with billowing thunderclouds on its back.

The third one is a water-blue crystal lone wolf, with the same flowing clouds rolling on its back, and a ribbon-shaped tail floating around its body...

In front of them are the Phoenix King and the Three Holy Beasts! !

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