He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 818 Mega Charizard Y, mega Charizard X!

At this moment, at the root of the red fire-breathing dragon's neck, there was already an extra circle of steel armor, which was tightly attached to the skin.

On the top, it is divided into two, and there are two strange gems inlaid.

This is the exclusive mega stone for Charizard.

Mega evolution, in addition to needing a sufficient bond between the Pokémon and the trainer, also requires the help of additional props.

One is the mega bracelet worn by the trainer.

One is the mega stone that Pokémon carries, which belongs to its own race.

Therefore, mega evolution is destined to be a carnival that only belongs to some Pokémon.

For example, the Pikachu next to it evolved into Raichu, and there is no Raichu mgea stone that can complete its evolution.

Of course, this is the understanding of the current academic circles, and perhaps in the future, it may not be possible to dig out new undiscovered types of mega stones.

As for the two stones on the neck of the red fire-breathing dragon...

"Brought from another world."

Chi gave an explanation.

From the world of video games to this world, everything about Chi disappeared, except for the only computer box that was still connected and contained all his Pokémon.

Naturally, the props carried by these Pokémon still exist.

One person and one dragon looked at each other, and the momentum began to rise.


With the end of Chi's exclusive chanting language for mega evolution, bright white light bloomed on both of them.

And turned into dense twisted light rays, connecting to each other.

In the end, the light shone to the extreme, and suddenly scattered around.

For a moment, it seemed that a huge mega stone phantom could be seen, completely covering the fire-breathing dragon, and finally shattered like an eggshell.

The next moment, the appearance of the red fire-breathing dragon was completely different.

Its wings became wider, and the orange-red skin on its body was also dyed a touch of golden yellow.

There are three vertical horns growing from the top of the head, which looks extremely majestic and tall.

There is an extra webbed wing on the wrist, and the round belly that belongs to the fire-breathing dragon has also disappeared.

The figure of the entire fire-breathing dragon has become more slender and ethereal.

mega fire-breathing dragon, Y form!

Charizard can definitely be said to be one of the most special Pokémon. It is one of the few Pokémon found to have two mega stones at the same time and two mega evolution trajectories.


Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon was completely dumbfounded.

So I... can I evolve again?

Looking at the senior fire-breathing dragon whose aura in front of him became sacred and majestic, making it hard to look directly at...

Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon blushed, took a deep breath, and forced his belly back.

Immediately, the red mega spray flapped its wings and flew up into the sky.

Obviously the speed has become faster, but it has hardly caused any strong wind and waves, and it is incomparably elegant and agile.

He opened his mouth and spit out a flame toward the sky.

Boom Chi Chi Chi...!!

This time, the flame turned completely golden white.

The incomparably scorching breath pierced a big hole through the clouds in the sky, and it was so powerful that it could be seen with the naked eye.

From a distance, it seems that a golden sun has appeared in the sky.

As the fire-breathing dragon closed its mouth, it flicked its wings and arms.


A beam of golden-white laser beams with a touch of greenness blasted out from its body.

When it landed on the ground, it suddenly drew a deep ravine track.

Sunshine and flames!

Even if it is a grass-type big move, the fire-breathing dragon can master it.

"This is the power in the y-jet state. The movements become more flexible and difficult to capture. The strength of the long-range special attack can also be greatly improved..."

Chi explained slowly.

It is to say to the Muggle fire-breathing dragon in front of him, and it is also an introduction to Xiao Zhi who is watching the show in his mind.

Next, the Y spray in the sky began to release dazzling tricks.

Boom...! !

Boom chi chi...! !

Boom...! !

Hot wind, big character explosion, weather ball, dragon wave, true energy bomb, storm, explosive flame...

The fire-breathing dragon released the long-range special moves it had mastered like throwing cannonballs.

In an instant, over the foothills of the Baiyin Mountain, it was as if fireworks were set off one after another, and the shining light completely lit up the sky.

This scene also made Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon stunned.

But the faces are all staring with big eyes, staring at the dragon shadow in the air.

Panting heavily, he didn't want to blink at all.

As expected of Brother Chi, he is so handsome!

But from now on, it's all mine~! !


After a set of combined punches, the Y spray landed slowly.

The eyes are proud and disdainful, and the three standing horns are even more extraordinary.

"Bear Roar!!" "Bear Roar!!" "Bear Roar!!"

Before Chi continued to speak, at this time, three roars came from the depths of Baiyin Mountain.

Taking a closer look, it was actually three circle bears with big arms and thick waists, running out fiercely.

Exploding fireworks again and again, but also let the bear sleep! !

Do we really think we have no temper? !

As the villain of ten thousand years, the villain in the forest, Quanquan Xiong will raise his claws and attack everyone.


However, at this time, Y-jet just let out a cold snort, so powerful that it almost condensed the real majesty, making it difficult for the three wild circle bears to move.

Da da da...!

Finally, the circle bears ran back to the place where they came out in embarrassment.

This dragon really scares the bear...!

Xiaozhi: "..."

This kind of intimidation, which is not intimidating, but the actual effect is stronger than the intimidation, made him even more envious.


And following Chi's thoughts, a strange white light enveloped the fire-breathing dragon.

The light dissipated, and it returned to the form of an ordinary fire-breathing dragon.

"Brother Chi, hurry up, I'll start pretending!!"


Xiaozhi urged, and the fire-breathing dragon next to him also responded positively.

It's just that he was about to change back the right to use his body, and immediately began to practice mega evolution with his charizard. At this time, Chi raised his palm again.

The white light of mega evolution appeared on this fire-breathing dragon again.

As the light dissipated, this time the fire-breathing dragon's skin color was completely opposite, completely turning into a black-blue appearance.

The sharp claws on the arms became more slender, and there were a few more hideous sharp corners on the shoulders.

The tips of the wide wings became more, like dilapidated and strange wings.

On both sides of the mouth and teeth, there were even two wisps of blue-white flames burning outwards, and the flame at the end of the tail also turned into blue-white.

mega charizard, X form! !

The black and blue skin color is very different, more like a different color fire-breathing dragon.

And compared to the agility and elegance in the Y form, the aura exuded by the fire-breathing dragon in the X form is only domineering and ferocious!

The whole body contains extremely powerful power!

Brother Chi's small class is still going on.


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