He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 814 Trash talk before the game

The first semi-final of the Silver Conference is over.

This caused the entire arena to burst into a burst of thunder, which was deafening.


The victorious fire-breathing dragon even roared towards the spectator seats, as if competing with the cheers of the surrounding audience.

A flame chicken, obviously hasn't let it fully exert its full combat power.


Xiaozhi, on the other hand, looked around with a somewhat unresponsive expression.

He made it to the final...! ?

This is the closest time for Xiaozhi to win the tournament.

Although there are countless spectators around, the densely packed heads make it completely dizzying.

But Xiaozhi was the first to see a boy in a black hood with brown hedgehog hair in front of a railing at the bottom of the viewing seats.

At this moment, the latter is also watching him closely.

Taking a deep breath, Xiaozhi finally lifted the corner of his mouth, and stretched out a fist in that direction.

I'm in the final.

Next, it's up to you!

Xiaomao: "..."

In the distance, the corners of Xiao Mao's mouth raised up rarely, and he didn't show any impolite gestures to Xiao Zhi.

"It didn't disappoint me, Xiaozhi..."

Xiaomao thought secretly.

Although there was no slight change in expression on his face, there was a rare sense of excitement in his heart.

With a final flick of the cloak, he slowly left the arena against the extremely lively audience seats.

Xiaomao's second semi-final is tomorrow's time.


"Xiaozhi, congratulations..."

At this time, Ye Yue on the opposite side had already put away the directly defeated Flame Chicken, crossed the field, and walked in front of Xiao Zhi.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon next to Xiaozhi, Ye Yue could only sigh in the end.

He could clearly sense that this battle was far from the limit of this fire-breathing dragon.

Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon seemed to be a little stiff in coordination.

It wasn't until the ground shot was thrown that the cooperation between the two became smooth again.

"Is this the cast on Earth in the Kanto region? I've never seen it before..."

Ye Yue couldn't help complaining.

The same is true for the previous Geng Ghost, it seems that they are all slow-start types, and the more they fight, the stronger they become.

Judging from the performance of the player named Xiaomao in the previous few battles in the lower half...

If Xiaozhi's expression was the same as today, maybe the latter's fierce attack would not give Xiaozhi a chance to slow start at all.

But if he was in peak form from the beginning, maybe Xiaozhi might really win the victory...

For a moment, Ye Yue rarely forgot the fact of his defeat, and instead became curious about the outcome of the finals.

"Xiaozhi, then the last step, go on instead of me, and you must win the championship!"

Ye Yue stretched out his palm towards Xiaozhi.

"I know, I will definitely win the last match!!"

With an extremely confident face, Xiaozhi stretched out his palm and held Ye Yue's.


Ye Yue seemed to want to say something more, but after the game ended, many media reporters had already rushed forward, trying to drag Xiao Zhi away for an interview.

"Xiaozhi, see you later in the evening, I still have something to say to you..."

Seeing this, Ye Yue was not in a hurry, waved his hand at Xiaozhi, and left slowly.

The victorious side was surrounded by countless reporters and stars, and it was extremely hot.

The loser left the field slowly and lonely, no one cares about him.


Ye Yue smiled helplessly and sighed.


"Contestant Ye Yue is a strong opponent..."

"Yes, I tried my best..."

"It was a great game..."

Soon, under the interview of several reporters, Xiaozhi could only squeeze out a smirk, and answered meticulously.

It sounds like a high-sounding cliché, but it's all true.

After these personal media interviews, before Xiao Zhi and his family and friends could celebrate, he was dragged away by the official media of the Silver League.

This time, Xiaozhi was pulled into a separate living room.

The camera focused on himself, and there was a pink-haired woman in front of him as the host, with a sweet and pleasant appearance.

The walnut in Manjin City was the broadcaster who was almost laid off by the Rockets team who was almost employed as a part-time job.

Now, as the official host of the alliance, I specially came to interview Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi player, now you have reached the semi-finals, as far as we know, your opponent in the final will be Xiaomao player from the same town..."

Compared with the previous interviews by the reporters, which were mostly about the semi-finals, what Walnut wanted to know this time was directly about the upcoming finals.


Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows, the second half has not yet started, so you all decided it was Xiao Mao?

But this interview is not a live broadcast, but an advance recording, which will not be made public until the semi-finals are all over.

By then, Xiao Mao will naturally have already decided the winner.

In the second half, although Xiaomao's opponent was remarkable in strength, they were almost 100% defeated.

Unless Xiaomao deliberately abstained.

"I heard that the two of you grew up together. Can you tell us about your relationship with Xiaomao? Are you childhood sweethearts?"

Miss Walnut smiled and asked softly.

The final of the Silver Conference will be two friends who grew up in the same town...

The sense of topic must be full!

"Eh... that guy Xiaomao, I don't know him very well, so he can only be regarded as an ordinary friend, and his quality is not very good, he is a terrible person."

Xiaozhi thought for a while, and added:

"Compared to a friend, it should be said to be a formidable enemy that must be defeated!"

It was said that Miss Hutao's eyes lit up, and she smelled of gunpowder as soon as she came up. She was very satisfied with this kind of interview.

Topic creation is everything!

After Xiaomao's game is over, they will also interview the latter.

If two people flatter each other politely.

What "he is my best friend", "he is a perfect person", "the opponent's strength is very powerful, I may not be able to beat"...

That would be boring.

It's best to spray it straight away!

So Miss Hu Tao nodded, moved the microphone a little closer, and continued to ask:

"So, in the next finals, do you have the confidence to beat Xiaomao?"

Xiaozhi immediately patted his chest and shouted:

"That's natural. The one who can have the last laugh in this conference can only be me, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! As for Xiaomao? He is destined to become my stepping stone."

In the middle, Miss Walnut also asked some other questions, and finally ended with a sentence.

"Then it's the finals. Now, do you have anything to say to Xiaomao...?"

Finally, it is naturally the pre-match trash talk session that most arouses discussions among passers-by.

Xiaozhi thought for a while, then slowly stood up, facing the camera, and gave an upside-down thumbs up.

"There's nothing to say to Xiaomao. I'm already thinking about which heavenly king I'm going to challenge after the finals."

Xiaozhi also seemed to be agitated by Miss Hutao's foreplay, and he was not polite when speaking.

Perhaps it was because of the battle with Ye Yue just now that Xiaozhi's flames of war had not been completely extinguished.

"Okay, the interview is over, thank you for your cooperation~"

Finishing work, Miss Hu Tao looked at Xiao Zhi with a smile.

"This interview will be broadcast after all the semi-finals are over, so stay tuned~"


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