He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 803 Semifinals! Thick Fat Geraniums!

This appearance is obviously the trick of the ice attribute before, and it didn't achieve very good results.

Is it really the thick fat properties that can resist ice properties?

Even the seasoned Ye Yue couldn't help being puzzled.

But now is not the time to think about the latter characteristic.

No matter how he tried to break the situation, Ma Xuanla would be directly squeezed dry by the latter. At the critical moment, Ye Yue suddenly thought of a move.

"Ma Huanla, use the Triple Spin Strike!!"

Ma Yula, who was bathed in the red light of energy capture, stared intently.

Immediately, the legs under him began to spin like a top.

Whoosh! !

In less than a while, with a tough posture, he forcibly tore apart the energy vines bound by the ultimate absorption.

This move is a triple kick of the ice attribute.

Each kick is twice as powerful as the last kick.

In terms of forward shaking action, it is similar to high-speed rotation.

And the high-speed rotation is a magical skill that can break all restrictions. This is a kind of "attribute restraint" in moves.

Ma Yula's attack is not over yet.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Maintaining the three-spin flying kick, Ma Yula just kicked towards the geranium.

"Geranium, use the reflective wall!"

Xiaozhi responded quickly.

This time, Geranium had enough time to perfectly create a transparent wall in front of her that could resist physical attacks.


The first hit of the triple spin didn't break the reflective wall.

The second blow made the entire body of the reflecting wall tremble violently, as if it was about to shatter.

Bang bang! !

The third strike of the triple-spin strike had already reached its peak power, and finally kicked the reflecting wall completely like a broken glass mirror.

Just when Ma Xunla continued to attack the geraniums in the rear.

In an instant, a strong sense of oppression surrounded Ma Xunla.

The geranium in front of him has already turned into a huge golden light tank, rushing towards it quickly.


With the size of a geranium, running on the ground even made the entire arena tremble slightly.

Countless dust was swept up, and the momentum was huge.

"Geranium, use sacrifice attack!!"

Behind, Xiaozhi's words were a little slower.

The next moment, the strongest blow of the three-spin strike hit Geranium's sacrificial attack head-on.

Boom boom boom! !

With such a devastating power gap, Ma Huanla's petite figure had not been in a stalemate for a second before she was slammed into the air by the golden light tank transformed by Geranium.

Even the most powerful third strike of the triple spin is only 60% powerful.

But the power of sacrificing the impact has reached 120!

It is completely the power gap between heaven and earth!


This blow also knocked Niura dizzy.

It has not yet fully reacted to what happened.

Why is its freezing fist not effective! ?

After getting up, Ma Xunla hadn't had time to concentrate.

A huge black shadow enveloped its body.

"Ma Yula, get out of here quickly!!"

Behind him was Ye Yue's anxious shouts.


However, Ma Huanla's first reaction was not to dodge instantly.

Instead, he raised his head subconsciously and looked up, wondering whose shadow it was.

In the eyes, it is a huge monster, which is swooping towards him...

Moreover, the size of this colossal monster continued to expand until it filled Ma Huanla's eyeballs.

"It's time to decide the outcome, use the last Mount Tai to suppress the top!!"

In the rear, there was also Xiao Zhi's loud roar!

Just like the fire-breathing dragon likes to use the earth throw as the finishing ultimate skill.

Geranium's ultimate skill is to overwhelm Mount Tai!

In the next second, Geranium's body fell heavily!


The entire ground was shaking violently, as if the former had performed an earthquake trick.

Even Ye Yue at the back turned pale when he saw this scene, and finally sighed.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

This is a geranium, is it really blooming?


As the geranium returned to Xiaozhi's body.

In the area where Mount Tai pressed the top, a piece of rubble ruins had already appeared.

In the center, Ma Yula's pitch-black body was turned into a two-dimensional creature by dimensionality reduction, his eyes were spinning, and he could no longer fight.

"Ma Yula loses the ability to fight, Geranium wins!"

The referee quickly instructed.

"Nice job, Geranium!!"


Geranium responded to Xiaozhi's encouragement with a gentle cry.

As for the beginning, Geranium was able to block the continuous freezing punches so easily...

Naturally, it is the characteristic of thick fat.

Kaji Gymnasium, Akadai fights against the monster Liu Boshi who has entered the ultimate realm.

After seeing Brother Chi's all-attribute, thick and fat Frog Flower, Xiao Zhi naturally also secretly stole it.

Full attribute thick fat, moves with 18 attributes, all damage is halved...

This ability is outrageous to the extreme.

As for his geranium, since the target of the ultimate tank has been set, then Chi Laoge's Frog Flower is naturally a perfect path.

Especially during the ten days of cultivating in Baiyin Mountain, perhaps because the top of the mountain is covered with ice and snow all year round, this also made Geranium, who practiced at the foot of the mountain, finally comprehend the thick fat of a single attribute.

Damage to ice attributes is halved.

And to continue to focus on the fire attribute...even the other 16 subsequent attributes are thick and fat, which probably takes a long time, and I have to practice slowly.


It's easy to steal.

He didn't even notice the geranium, and secretly stole it.

As for the practice of thick fat for other attributes, you have to go to a specific place to practice.

Ice attributes go to snow-capped mountains like Baiyin Mountain.

Fire attribute Find a volcano with extremely high temperature...

Geranium is only just beginning to truly achieve the strength of his Frogflower.

But that's another story, the battle with Ye Yue is the key point now.



"Come back, Mara..."

Ye Yue took back the defeated piece of paper Ma Yula, and he was still fighting at the moment, so naturally Xiaozhi would not take the initiative to tell himself the mystery of this geranium.

But Ye Yue guessed blindly, nine out of ten it is the characteristic of thick fat.

With a toss of his palm, he sent out a third Pokémon.

The red light of the poke ball swelled a hundred times in an instant, turning into the shape of a huge monster.

The next moment, a huge steel snake whose whole body was made of iron and steel appeared in front of Ye Yue.

Big Steel Snake!

Metal spikes protrude from the body, and the flat and ferocious head is extremely fierce.


The big steel snake opened its teeth, let out a roar, and suddenly the air billowed.

The unevenly spaced teeth, combined with the huge body of the big steel snake, carried an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Compared with the size of the geranium, it suddenly became a small toy.

"Oh~ big steel snake~?"

In the spectator seats, this time it was Xiaogang's turn to hug his shoulders, his eyes burning.

He has a say in this.


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