He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 794 Quarterfinals, vs Akin! (six)


Ultimate impact and flash charge, head-on collision.

The energy coats of the two Pokémon were immediately entangled and turned into a huge vortex.

The flames and purple light swirled, completely enveloping the two people in the center, and finally turned into a beam of light, soaring into the sky.

It is also the frontal contact of the body, the strong reaction force, aroused the two Pokémon, both let out a muffled grunt, and squeezed their eyes tightly.

As the energy radiance dissipated, it appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It was the Pyrobeast and Bankiras, in a gladiatorial posture, deadlocked in the center of the arena.


"Ban hiss...!!"

Both of them raised their forelimbs, tightly grasped each other's arms, faced each other, and looked directly at each other.

Use your whole body to try to suppress the opponent with physical strength.

The stature of Bankiras is half a head taller than that of the Pyrobeast.


There was still a faint electric arc running on the surface of the two of them, which was the counter-injury of the Flame Charge and the Ultimate Impact.

"Are they equal in strength...?"

Xiaozhi could feel the physical wrestling between the two, and even the surrounding air was trembling faintly...

"Fire Beast!!"

At this time, Ah Jin suddenly shouted.

The fiery beast in front of him understood, and his eyes suddenly focused.

The forelimbs stretched forward, along the thick and short arms of Bankiras, all the way to the latter's arm.

Grasping the ferocious and hard carapace of Bankiras, the fiery beast leaned on its back.


After roaring for a while, the Pyrobeast raised its strength to the extreme, and finally lifted Bankiras into mid-air in a posture of throwing his back.

"Ban hiss...?"

Bankiras didn't know what happened, but his body was a little out of control.

Finally, the fiery beast swung it vigorously, throwing it flying.


Bankiras' thick body rubbed against the ground, and quickly backed up.

Since it has just evolved, its familiarity with the body is not high, so it is not an opponent of the Pyrobeast in terms of melee combat.

On the other side, Ah Jin's eyes turned cold, and he instructed:

"It's over, use the last qi bomb!!"

The flames on the Firestorm Beast's back rose, and it raised its palm, quickly condensing an orange energy bomb on its chest.


In the end, following the backward trajectory of the latter, it was thrown away viciously.

Infuriating bomb! !

Bankiras had no time to adjust his figure, and was hit head-on by an energy bomb coming from behind.

Boom! !

There was a burst of explosion.

The terrifying energy explosion immediately engulfed Bankiras' figure completely!


in a minute.

"Banjilas can't fight, and the fire beast wins!"

The referee on the central aisle instructed loudly.

Bankiras, who was hit head-on by the infuriating bomb, fell to the ground with his eyes dazed.

Four times the restraint, or the attack of this fiery beast...

Bankiras finally couldn't hold it anymore and fell down.

"Bangiras, thank you for your hard work..."

Xiaozhi just took it back into the elf ball, secretly regretting it.

The evolved Bankiras is not much weaker than the opponent in terms of strength.

But the previous injuries accumulated, and he couldn't flexibly control the new body.

Of course, there is also your own command...

"Bangiras, next time, I will make you stronger."

Xiaozhi looked at the elf ball in his hand and swore secretly.

Then he raised his eyes and looked straight ahead.

This fiery beast has defeated its own Chenglong and Bankiras one after another, and its performance is extremely impressive.

Currently it is the Pokémon of the conference, and it has an mvp ranking alone, and it may be able to beat Xiaomao's wind speed dog.

"Hoo hoo...!!"

But at this moment, the fiery beast had already started panting frantically on the spot.


He even half-kneeled on the ground with one foot, and his figure faltered a bit.

This Bankiras alone has the power not to lose to it...

Such a high-intensity battle has already made the Pyrobeast a little overwhelmed.

"Hey, Ah Jin, do you still want to fight?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

However, Ah Jin did not answer.

Boom chi chi! !

The flame behind the fiery beast, like a volcanic eruption, ignited again.

The raging flames even covered the ground, covering the entire body of the fiery beast with a layer of penetrating red light.


When the air touched the fiery beast's boiling red body, white mist faintly flew out.

Its physical strength has already reached below 1/3.

The fiery beast has entered a state of raging fire!

This is not a feature that can be triggered casually as long as the physical strength is low enough.

Only Pokémon themselves, with an unyielding and warlike will, can step into this state.


The fiery beast let out a low growl, stood up again, and its whole body was bathed in flame red light, like a flame demon.

"That's right, I will only fight to the last second with the Fire Beast!!"

Ah Jin in the rear had the same fighting expression, and his fiery eyes were fixed on Xiaozhi!

Ah Jin maximized the talent of the fiery orc Zhuli!

"I see..."

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, and in terms of momentum, he also reached the apex.

"Then I will do my best as a respect for you and the fire beast!!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi suddenly threw the next poke ball in front of him.


A red light flashed, and a huge monster landed on the field.


The thick body, even the rocky ground, trembled.

I saw a huge brown bear more than three meters tall appearing in front of Xiaozhi.

Gray-green fur, big belly and pale yellow face, squinting eyes, like a simple and honest person who has nothing to contend with.

Xiaozhi sent the Snorlax he captured in the Orange Islands!

Although he doesn't exercise too much at ordinary times, this Kirby has exquisite bones, extremely exaggerated aptitude, and is very powerful.

In the Orange League, Zeng Jin helped Xiaozhi defeat Yuci's ace, the fast dragon.


Today's Kirbymon didn't sleep, but squinted and looked at the opponent in front of him.



Ah Jin frowned deeply.

It looked like a sandbag that couldn't fight back, but it faintly gave him a bad idea.

Coupled with the physical strength of the Firestorm Beast at this moment...

"Preemptive attack, use jet flames!!"

Ah Jin ordered suddenly.

Physical strength is not high. At this time, even the volcanic eruption that Firestorm Beast is best at has reached a weak state.

Boom! !

As the fiery beast opened its mouth, an extremely thick beam of flame light spit out from its mouth.

It doesn't look like an ordinary flame jet, but more like a destructive death light, like a flame shock wave.

In the state of raging fire, let its flame moves increase in power.

Even the ground below along the way was pressed out a cracked gully.

With such a powerful flame, Xiaozhi said unhurriedly:

"Snorby, use Freezing Punch!"

Once the Snorkel was released, Xiaozhi only felt that it was stable.


Snorkel nodded, raised one arm and clenched a fist, and a layer of chilling chill suddenly spread around the fist.

Finally, facing the raging flames, he punched out.

Creak creak...! !

The next moment, the fierce fire sprayed flames, and the icy fist of the Snorby beast was frozen into a large lump of ice, which could no longer surge.


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