He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 779 Ah Jin vs Ah Yin! (Down)

In the end, the destructive force of the volcanic eruption stirred up a thick cloud of smoke in the middle of the arena.


Before the smoke and dust dissipated, there was a sudden burst of violent electric current, crackling.

I saw a slender animal-shaped Pokémon suddenly burst through the smoke and rushed towards the huge Gyarados at the other end.

On one of the fists that swung its forelegs, electric currents burst forth...!

Lightning fist! !

Boom! !

The Fiery Beast punched the Gyarados' hard carapace.

The latter's speed is not fast, and its size is huge, equal to a living target.


The Tyrannosaurus let out a muffled grunt, and was punched backwards by the latter despite its disparity in size.

The whole body is full of electric arcs.

The effect is outstanding.

Four times the restraint, this blow almost knocked out the Gyarados directly.

At this moment, the Fiery Beast was already standing on the Gyarados.

Open mouth, teeth, fierce flames, ready to go.

"Fire Beast, use Jet Flame!!"

Following Ah Jin's low shout, a beam of fiery flames spewed out, hitting the Gyarados right on its body.

The flame burst!


The huge figure of the latter finally collapsed, unable to continue fighting.

"The Gyarados lost the ability to fight, and the Fiery Beast won!"

The referee's voice made Ah Yin's face turn pale.

Ah Jin and the fiery beast killed their Gyarados almost without injury.

The current situation has come to 2v2.

"It's hard for Ah Yin..."

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi couldn't help but commented.

Ah Yin's strengths lie in insidious moves such as fighting encounters in the wild and sneaking up on trainers...

Rather than this kind of formal league conference competition, the rules and regulations cannot bring out Ah Yin's true strength at all.

If Ah Jin wins, then his next opponent in the quarterfinals will be this genius.

The two groups are separated.

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, carefully observing the movements of the boy and his fiery beast...


"Come out, head crow!!"

Ah Yin's second Pokémon is his crow head.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he fluttered his wings and stood in the sky, ignoring the poisonous diamond effect that the big needle bee had exerted on the ground before.

This move can only take effect on targets with their feet on the ground.

"Crow head, use the air blade!!"

Like a large crow wearing a black gentleman's hat, with a flap of its wings, it immediately flew out a series of blue and white energy blades, cutting through the air and leaving.

"Use the screw ball to block it!"

Ah Jin responded calmly.

This fiery beast even mastered the ultimate skill of the steel attribute.

The body curled up and turned into a high-speed rotating ball, the surface was covered with a hard silver-white metal shell.

Keng Keng Keng! !

The spiral ball broke through countless air blades with ease.

Even spinning away, it is necessary to directly attack the source of the air blade.

"Crow head, use the wave of evil!!"

In mid-air, the speed of the crow's head seemed to be not low, barely avoiding the spiral ball, and its wings swung forward violently.

Shhhhhh...! !

A series of black halos are entangled together, and they are densely packed and rushed out as a beam of energy.

Just at the moment when it was about to be hit, the fiery beast's curled up body suddenly opened completely.

The figure in mid-air was ejected upward again like a spring with the help of the terrible waist strength.

This time, not only did he avoid the attack of the wave of evil, but even his body was covered with a fiery coat of flames.

"Now, use the flame wheel!!"

A Jin's voice and the fiery beast's flame wheel trick were completed at the same time, which shows the trust between the two.

Boom! !

The flame rushed out and exploded on the head of the crow!



And the flame wheel's attack faded away, and the fiery beast re-exposed its body. At this moment, its outstretched forelimbs and fists were once again covered with lightning.

Lightning fist! !

Boom! !

The Fiery Beast punched the head of the crow with a fist, and the fist hit, and it was connected with the head of the crow, falling from the sky together.

Under extreme circumstances, the head of the crow could not resist this blow.

Simply whirling its wings, it threw a blue-white energy ball into the clouds in the sky.


Finally, the two fell together.

In the eyes of everyone, the fiery beast was stepping on the head of the crow at this moment.

The head of the crow below had his eyes rolling, unable to continue fighting.

"The head of the crow loses the ability to fight, and the fiery beast wins!"

The referee said quickly.


In less than a while, two generals were lost, and the result was that the opponent came to the match point first.

At this moment, Ah Yin's eyes were staring like a furious cat.

If it wasn't for the league meeting, he would have pierced both of Ah Jin's waists now.

Da da da...!

At this time, the sky suddenly began to rain.

Drop by drop of rainwater fell on Ah Jin and Fiery Beast, which made the latter tremble uncomfortably, throwing out countless drops of water.

"The trick used by the crow head before was to pray for rain...?"

A Jin raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the other party.

He and Ah Yin have fought against each other several times before, and he knows the opponent's main force.

One is Ma Huanla, but the latter is facing his attributes of a fiery beast, and Ah Yin probably won't send him on the stage at all.

As for the other...

"Come out, crocodile!!"

Ah Yin gritted his teeth and threw out his third Pokémon.

A tall blue crocodile with thick arms.

Da da da...!

At this moment, the rain falls on Vigorous Crocodile and Fiery Beast. These two are the same size and have diametrically opposite attributes, but they are both Pokémon of Chengdu Yusanjia.

For this battle, it also adds a little epic feeling.


The crocodile suddenly pressed its eyes and let out a muffled snort.

A layer of purple bubbles appeared on the surface of the body.

Stepping on the ground, the poisonous diamond effect is triggered, and the crocodile enters a poisoned state.

"Damn it, crocodile, use the water cannon!!"

Ah Yin shouted angrily.

This battle made him feel very bad!

Obviously he is infinitely superior in attributes, but he has a disgusting feeling of being suppressed.

The crocodile opened its mouth wide, spitting out a thick stream of water, and under the blessing of the rainy day, the thickness doubled even more.

"Fire Beast, we use True Qi Bombs!!"

Ah Jin responded quickly.

Due to the rainy weather, he didn't let the fiery beast use its better flame trick to deal with it.

The latter immediately pinched his palms, accumulated an orange energy bomb, and just threw it out.

Boom...! !

The two powerful moves collided head-on, causing a burst of explosions in the middle of the arena on a rainy day.

"Big Crocodile, use Surf!!"

The crocodile let out a low growl, and the ground under its feet suddenly burst into layers of waves, which continued to expand and improve.

In the end, it turned into a huge wave and swooped towards the opponent.

"Firebeast, use the tearing claws!!"

The power of the Fiery Beast is terrifying, and its sharp claws on its forelimbs glow with a surging white light.

Alone, facing the surf of three or four meters, he did not waver in the slightest.

Whoa! !

The tearing claws slashed out in a criss-cross pattern, unexpectedly cleaving a gap abruptly.


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