He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 769 vs Geranium!

Underground grass field.

Chun Yi didn't know what was going on, so he raised his hand and pointed.

"Geranium, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

"Froggrass, we use rattan whips!"

With a flick of the Geranium's neck, several green leaf blades flew out together.

And Frog Grass stretches out two vine whips, and acts as a whipping state. "Papapapa" easily knocks down all the green leaves that come from the lasing.

Even the rattan whip turned into two long snakes and rushed out again.

"Geraniums, we use cane whips too!"

Junyi hastily instructed.

Rattan Whip and Flying Leaf Knife are the basic means of Grass-type Pokémon.


Soon, the rattan whips extending from both ends intertwined in the center of the arena, forming a stalemate.

The power of geranium and frogweed is not simple, the rattan whip is extremely straight, like a tug-of-war, exerting majestic force visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded, and then said again:

"Not bad power... In that case, Froggrass, continue to use the cane whip!"

After the words fell, I saw the source of the vine whip extending from the back of the frog grass, and actually pulled out two vine whips again, turned into a fast green snake and shot them, directly entangled around the thick and long neck of the geranium.

"How can it be?!"

Pure one was surprised.

Isn't there two cane whips? How can this guy use two more cane whips?

This is the difference between regions.

In other regions, other fancy tricks are more valued.

But in the Kanto area, what is valued is the basic tricks such as flying leaf sharp knife and rattan whip.

Normal geraniums don't know how to use the four rattan whips...


Froggrass exerted strength, and it actually forcibly pulled Geranium's proud head down, as if bowing to it again.

The humiliation value is directly full.


Next, Frog Grass activated the sixth rattan whip, whistling away again, intending to directly play a binding play on the big green radish on the opposite side.

"Geranium, use the energy ball!!"

Junyi hastily instructed.

Geranium forcefully opened its mouth, and spit out a green energy bomb, which collided with the lasing vine whip.

Rumble! !

A good explosion sounded in the center of the arena.

This also gave Geranium finally a chance to breathe, struggling to get up from the vine whip.

"It's now, use the sunny day!!"

Junichi instructed again.


The geranium straightened its slender neck and let out a loud cry, majestic and extraordinary.

In an instant, the big sun above the stadium became more intense and dazzling. The blazing sun directly shone down on the green grass field below.

Seeing this, Junyi raised his hand and pointed, and growled:

"Use Sunshine Flame!!"

The bright red petals around the geranium's neck, under the sun's rays, instantly turned extremely golden, as if it had become a small sun itself.

The temperature around the body suddenly soared, and even the air was twisted and scorched.

Instant · Sunshine Flame!

This is a set of combo punches, Junyi looks very confident.


"Uh, what... have you forgotten about us...?"

Xiaozhi touched his head, and couldn't help but interrupted.

"Froggrass, use Sunshine Flame!"

As the words fell, the luxuriant petals on the back of the Frog Grass transformed into a dazzling golden light in an instant.

We will also be the sun and flames.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The next moment, two golden-white high-temperature lasers shot towards each other at the same time.

Finally, they collided in the center of the arena, and scorching air waves soared into the sky, turning into gusts of hot wind, and blowing towards the surroundings of the arena.

It's obviously a unique move of the grass attribute, but the temperature is much higher than that of the general fire attribute move.

It was sunny again, and it was hot and windy, and the audience all around turned pale and stuck out their tongues, quite uncomfortable.

This game, I suffered.

"Damn it, I forgot that the grass-attribute Yusanjia is also on the opposite side..."

Seeing this scene, Junyi's face darkened, and he rubbed his hair with both hands, it was messy.

It's a sunny day, which is an excellent effect for both of them.

"It's not the same, it's our advantage~"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke, with a little complacency in his tone.

Then he raised his finger and attacked:

"Froggrass, use the weather balloon!"

From the back of Frog Grass, a pure white energy shell rose up and flew away.

Boom chi chi! !

During the process, under the sunlight, this white energy bomb burst into flames out of thin air.

In the end, the weather balloon turned into a flame bomb, and its power doubled in an instant.

This is a trick that changes attributes according to the weather.

On a sunny day, the weather ball will turn into a fire attribute, and its power will also reach an extremely powerful level.

With this trick of weathering the balloon, Chunyi never imagined that he even made a wedding dress for the other party on a sunny day.

He could only bite the bullet and say:

"Geranium, use the energy ball to block it!"

Geranium raised its neck and threw a green energy bomb from its mouth.


The two energy bombs collided, but in the blink of an eye, the energy ball was easily broken by the flame weather balloon, turning into green light and scattered.

Whether it is its own strength or attribute restraint...

The flame weather balloon is not something that can be touched by energy bombs!

The next moment, the flaming weather balloon hit Geranium hard!

Boom! !

Not only its own power, but it also exploded suddenly, turning into a berserk flame, and ignited on Geranium's body.

The effect is outstanding!


Geranium let out a scream and retreated violently.

When the flame weather ball dissipated, there were already several traces of blackened flames on the latter's body.

This blow did not hurt it lightly.

"Damn it!! Geranium, use the strongest flying leaf storm!!"

Chun Yi's eyes were already red, and he shouted angrily.

Geranium was still performing the pose of the trainer, flicking its neck, it stirred up a violent whirlwind in front of it out of thin air.

During the period, countless green leaves were scattered, and under the wrap of the whirlwind, they turned into dangerous green leaf blades.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The flying leaf storm rushes away!

This is a blow to the bottom of the boat. Flying Leaf Storm is the same as the overheating trick of Xiaomeng Fire Rock Rat before. After using it, it has a weakness that will reduce its own ability.

"Froggrass, use Sunshine Flame!"

However, Xiaozhi just gave instructions in a flat manner.

Whoosh boom boom! !

The sun once again whitened the back of the froggrass, and the scorching golden laser shot out instantly!

Instant, sun and flames!

At this moment, the sunny weather is not over yet.

These two moves are both grass-type big moves, and they are evenly matched in terms of power.

During the collision, it turned into energy aftermath again, burst open, and countless green leaves fell.

Just waiting for the energy to dissipate, Miaowahua was still breathing steadily.

But on Geranium's side, she was a little staggering, and her body also lit up with a burst of blue light representing the weakening of attributes.

"Junyi's rhythm is completely messed up..."

In the spectator seats, Xiao Gang sighed and shook his head.

"It's true that two consecutive losses will happen, and my third opponent is still such a strange frog grass."

Xiaoxia also looked at the brown-haired man off the field with some sympathy.


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