He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 708 Uncle Liu...was beaten and retired?

Once a thorny vine hits the target, countless spiked vines gather at one point, rushing away, lashing and bombarding frantically.

The petite body of the messenger bird could not withstand such a violent attack at all.

Boom! !

Amidst a violent roar, the crazy plant sparked an explosion of flames.

And a figure finally fell powerlessly from the smoke and dust.

The surging thorns of the crazy plants were also withdrawn under the ice in an instant, as if they had never appeared before, leaving only a fragmented ice field in place.


The messenger bird fell into the ice of the ruins, making a crashing sound.

Among the ice chips standing vertically and vertically, the eyes of the messenger bird also turned into swirls.


The bird's beak opened, and the tongue twitched, obviously losing consciousness.

And the Miaowahua at the other end just panted on the spot, shaking his head from time to time, with a simple and honest appearance.

The arena suddenly fell into silence.

It was originally a battle between Guabi and Guabi, but Chi's outburst ended the battle directly.

The situation is changing rapidly, and they haven't reacted yet.

"The Messenger Bird loses its ability to fight, and the Miao Frog Flower wins!"

It took a long time for the skier to come back to his senses, and he shouted, breaking the tranquility.



Liu Bo's wooden staff fell on the ice.

"I lost...?!"

His face was a little messy, and he didn't react for a while.

The instant defeat was overwhelming, and Uncle Liu's complexion changed for a while.

Obviously in this battle, he used all his strength! !

"Your messenger bird is good at playing with large Pokémon, but the one-on-one battle has too many flaws, and it still needs more training."

Opposite, is Chi's flat voice, with the meaning of pointing.

"I was trained by the younger generation...?"

But these words undoubtedly made Uncle Liu enter a state of doubting life.

He, a 60+ senior trainer, was anti-educated by a 10-year-old trainer?

These words should have been said after he easily defeated Chi! !

Now Chi opened his mouth, causing Uncle Liu to blush with shame.




Liu Bo took back the messenger bird, and looked at Chi who also took back the Miao Frog Flower, and the calm expression on the latter's face.

Is this the full strength of this boy?

Behind, there is a stronger power hidden?

Uncle Liu sighed, his old face was full of emotion.

"Now the back wave..."

He was going to be punched to death on the beach.

Then Uncle Liu raised his head, looked at Chi, and whispered softly.

"In this world, there are not enough trainers stronger than you..."

But this group of people is undoubtedly not trainers with many years of combat experience, not the novice trainers in front of them who are only 10 or 11 years old.

Today, he lived to hell.

"Oh, is there a better trainer than me...?"

Hearing this, Chi's calm and icy expression lit up, revealing a fiery feeling.

The "powerful" in Liu Bo's mouth must start with a trainer who has mastered the ultimate state.

Or, to take it a step further...?

This world is different from the electronic world, and there may be powerful native trainers independent of electronic games, Chi is unknown about these.

In the electronic world, Liu Bo is just an ordinary and experienced gym trainer.

Rather than in this world, a monster who has mastered the ultimate power and set foot on the level of the league champion.

This messenger bird probably has the strength to fight against the Phoenix King, and even seizes the opportunity to defeat it...

The ultimate knowing blow, this ability is too buggy.

As for what kind of masters are hidden behind this world, Chi doesn't know.

But the only thing he knows is that there is such a group of people, and they must exist somewhere.

"I really hope to step on them one by one...!"

This was the only thought in Chi's mind.



At this time, a tiny black shadow flew from in front of him, and Chi subconsciously raised his palm to catch it.

Relying on Xiaozhi's body, his reaction and agility are full, and Chi took it steadily.

When I caught my eye, I saw a small ice-blue snowflake badge in the palm, which was exquisite and beautiful.

Khaji Gym, Frozen Badge.

On the opposite side, Uncle Liu was already leaning on a cane, walking towards the interior of the gymnasium on his own.

No longer paying attention to everyone's expressions, leaving only a hunched back.

Beside him, there was a little wild boar, clumsily following.

"Order, from today onwards, the Kaji Gymnasium will be officially closed, and will no longer accept any challenges from the outside world..."

In the distance, Uncle Liu's orders could still be heard.


The expression of the male ski referee changed suddenly, and he covered his mouth in disbelief.

This is...

Uncle Liu was beaten and retired? !

Because his realm is not high, he can't understand the mystery of the battle between Uncle Liu and Chi before. He only knows that the last crazy plant of Miaowahua is very powerful.

But not directly retired, right? !

As for what Liu Bo really thought in his heart, it was nothing more than closing the gym to practice.

After being a salted fish for several years, Liu Bo's blood was constantly being consumed by the trainers who came to challenge him.

But now, a trainer stronger than him appeared, and he was still only in his early teens.

Liu Bo's motivation is back.

It even seems to have returned to Zeng Jin, the passionate days of traveling with Damu Juzi.

"My strength can still be improved...!"

Liu Bo's eyes opened, and a fierce light appeared!

The little boar next to him is also condensing the extreme chill around his body...!



ten minutes later.

Xiaozhi and his party have already arrived outside the Kaji gymnasium.

Compared with the icy and snowy land inside, the temperature outside had returned to the summer temperature, which made the bodies of several people expand and contract, making them a little uncomfortable.

Xiaozhi tossed the frozen badge he had just obtained, and secretly communicated with Brother Chi in his mind.

"It's outrageous! How can there be thick fat that can block 18 attributes! This is a cheat!"

Such a wonderful Frog Flower is invincible even for him to command!


However, Chi just sat on the pension chair in the hat space, shaking slightly without answering.

Like a child who got a toy, there was a curved smile on the corner of his mouth.

It was a rare battle with a master, and Chi felt happy.

"Next time, it will be comfortable if we can have a comprehensive 6v6..."

Chi couldn't help but fantasize.

You have to face this enemy, 6 Pokémon monsters of the ultimate realm, the best trump card, and the ultimate monster of a higher realm...

"It seems that such a person is only green...?"

Thinking of this, Chi shook his head.

Qinglu was always crushed by him, after Liubo's battle, Chi wanted to meet the great master of the natives even more.

In reality, Xiaozhi also carefully hung this frozen badge in the inner lining of his clothes.

"Now, only the last badge is left!"


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