Chapter 69 Distribution of Inheritance

"There is a ghost!!"

Xiaozhi kept yelling and running, fled back and forth in the Pokémon Tower on the second floor, and quickly ran a long distance.


Why can't I even find the stairs on the first floor?

Caracalla, who was twisted around his waist by his hands, saw that she was getting farther and farther away from the third staircase, and her body violently broke free from Xiaozhi's palm. Her petite figure rolled in the air, and once again faced her big bone stick. allowed him.


Caracalla jumped up, and when the running Xiaozhi raised his right leg, he smashed it again.

Jump up and blow your knees off!


There was a blast of the sound of steel, followed by an inexplicable sound of springs.


Xiaozhi's thigh shot out uncontrollably again, kicking Caracalla in mid-air, and the latter's body flew upside down several meters and hit a big tombstone before barely stopping.


This blow also made Xiaozhi calm down successfully, bent over and rubbed his knees.

Why does his leg kick out by itself every time he is knocked on the knee?

Is it rheumatism?

Immediately, he hurried forward and hugged Caracalla, who had been kicked so hard by him, that he couldn't fight. He began to recall what happened half a minute ago in his mind, and finally came to a bold conclusion.

"The Xiaomao I met... seems to be something from Yangjian?"

When he touched elder brother Chi before, his palm went through directly, but Xiaomao could actually touch it.

Thinking of this, he slapped his head suddenly:

"Isn't he dead?"

That's right, he and Xiaolan had unilaterally flirted with each other for raising their pigtails. Since Xiaomao also has a god who is not inferior to Brother Chi, how could it be so easy to raise his pigtails! ?

A sense of relief that his best friend had recovered suddenly rose in his heart.

But there was also a slight sense of regret on the other side.

"It's a pity that you didn't die..."

But no matter what, now I still have to turn around and go back.

Let’s not say whether Xiaomao is a human or a ghost, but Brother Chi’s soul is still on it...

Besides, why am I running? With Geng Gui's outrageous paper fan, Xiaomao, even the real ghost, was also superseded.


At the entrance of the stairs leading to the third floor of the Pokémon Tower, a holy golden light was still shining, rising straight from the head of a young man with a spiky head to the ceiling above.

And the phantom of another young man with a hedgehog head who was a few years older in Jin Guangzhong had disappeared, and it was estimated that he had already ascended to the top.

The little wise thief rushed to Geng Gui's back, grabbing Ta's lower back with both hands.

Not to mention, it's soft, just like daungdaung jelly.


"Shut up and kiss me."

Xiaozhi took the paper fan in Geng Gui's hand while Geng Gui was stunned, and suddenly a strange feeling of a master of Taoism spread from his limbs to his brain, making him want to give up everything, just like that The feeling of lying down and sleeping like a salted fish.

This is a sage feeling as if the soul has been purified.

He immediately shivered, looked at his nose, nose, and heart, returned to the original, secretly thinking that this paper fan is really weird.

But looking at Xiao Mao who was still looking up at the golden light above his head in a daze, Xiao Zhi suddenly showed a sly smile, and approached quietly.

1 meter.

Suddenly, he flew like a tiger, picked up the paper fan and slapped Xiaomao's head vigorously and refreshingly.


A crisp sound sounded.

Dunk on his head!

He has long thought of such a move!

The strong slap made Xiao Mao wake up with a big tremor, and he looked at Xiao Zhi with his head covered in bewilderment.

"Hey, Xiaozhi... Hey, what happened to me just now?"

Xiaozhi waved his hands, hiding his achievements and fame.

"You were haunted by a ghost just now. This is a paper fan to ward off evil spirits. You don't have to thank me for helping you ward off evil spirits."


Xiaomao scratched his head, he had the impression that he was indeed attacked by a Geng Gui, and Brother Qinglu seemed to be...

Became a Buddha? !

He suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted in his heart in a panic:

"Hey, hey, big brother Qinglu, are you still there?"

There was no response for a long time.

"It's over, it's over, brother Qinglu has really been saved?"

He was dumbfounded.

Never expected that the seemingly invincible big brother Qinglu would be attacked just like that?


Has it been completely wiped out in such a broken place?

Is that Geng Gui? !

Immediately, Xiao Mao's gaze became serious and sharpened, and he focused on the big purple fat man behind Xiaozhi.

"Wait a minute, let me ask you something first!"

Xiaozhi quickly stood between a person and a ghost, and changed the topic:

"You were up there just now, did you see the shadow of my brother Chi?"

Hearing that Xiaomao was slightly taken aback, he subconsciously said:

"Has Mrs. Chi also been saved?"

He was still aggrieved at first, but when he heard the news, for some reason, his heart suddenly regained his balance.

"As for whether I saw it...I seemed to see a shadow just now..."

He remembered what big brother Qinglu said, that the two of them, and Xiaolan, both had more than 9 points of similarity in appearance, the only difference was in age.

But he remembered that the shadow he saw just now was much different from Xiaozhi, right?

Except for a similar red and white peaked cap on the top of the head.

The two looked at each other, and quickly came to a guess. It is estimated that the two big brothers have not completely transcended, and are still chattering on the upper floor.

Immediately, the two put aside their old prejudices and hurried to the third floor of the Pokémon Tower.

On the stairs, Xiao Mao suddenly asked:

"By the way, Xiaozhi, if Mrs. Chi is saved, won't you be able to inherit her inheritance?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi had a giant scallion duck in his heart, he secretly thought that the little thought he was thinking just now would not be seen through?


This old boy must be testing himself.

Xiaozhi blushed, and shouted righteously:

"Hmph, I really misunderstood you. You want to inherit the inheritance before the grass on the grave has started to grow? It really makes me sick."

Xiao Mao was immediately shocked by Xiao Zhi's upright voice, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hehe, actually, I'm only envious of Brother Qinglu's tool carving. It's so convenient, I don't care about the rest."

Xiaozhi sneered and said:

"It doesn't matter? I see that you are greedy for other things, but I plan to release them all!"

Although he was also jealous of the tool-carved one, he already had a tool bird. As long as he was not stupid enough to release the Bibi bird, why would he worry that it would not reach that height in the future?

Xiao Mao quickly argued:

"Then I will definitely release them in the future!"

"I'll set them free when I get to the elf center!"

"I will release the life when I get out of the Pokémon Tower!"

With one word and one word, the two have unknowingly distributed the inheritance of Chi and Qinglu properly...


The third floor of Pokémon Tower.

Chi was still in a daze.

Perhaps it was because they were not normal souls, let alone human beings in this world, so although the Fan of Transcendence knocked him out of Xiaozhi's body, there was no place to accommodate him.

He returned to the state of his soul when he first came to this world on the first day.


Soon, another shadow floated up through the floor and floated in front of Chi.



The first time super bosses from another world faced each other with their real bodies, this was actually such a scene.

The two green phantoms just stared at each other, and the scene fell into embarrassment for a while...

After a while, both of them suddenly said at the same time:

"You were also saved?"

"You were also saved?"


Green: "..."

The scene fell into embarrassment again...


(Thank you everyone, the robbery was successful!!! Thank you, thank you!!!)

(emm...then here comes the problem, this week the minor catastrophe is over, next week is the big catastrophe...)

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