He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 680 Young Kiras vs. Armored Bird!

"Now, little saw crocodile, use the iron head skill!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly said.

With the level of this little magneton, it will take a while to store energy to cast the cannon light cannon.

If it is really released, with the 100% hit rate locking trick, it will definitely lose.

This is the last chance!


The face of the little saw crocodile that jumped out was rarely serious, its hind legs slammed to the ground, and it just flew out.

The surface of the crocodile's head suddenly glowed with a silvery-white light, looking vigorous and powerful.

With the addition of the ghost face, the speed gap between the two actually has a very large gap.

In the end, before the cannon was fully condensed, the little saw alligator hit the steel head like this, and slammed into the one-eyed body of the little magneton.

The steel attribute trick, met the steel attribute Pokémon.

Boom! !

The violent energy of the cannon light cannon could no longer be sustained, and it just exploded on the spot.

The diffused energy explosion covered and engulfed both of them at the same time...


A minute later, the smoke dissipated.

The little saw crocodile and the little magnetite fell to the ground at the same time, unable to get up.

"The little saw crocodile and the little magneton can't fight at the same time, it's a draw!"

The little girl with shofar braids raised her hand to signal.

"Damn it, is it still close..."

Xiao Zhi clenched his fist, secretly regretting it.

"What a decisive judgment, a little later, this little saw crocodile will definitely lose..."

Ami retracted the little magneton, her eyes showed approval.

It seems that he is really not a novice trainer.

In the past few days, she has also heard Xiao Gang mention Xiaozhi's deeds many times, and he is obviously a trainer who started at the elite level.

Of course, what Xiaogang talked about the most was his own glorious deeds, and Xiaozhi's deeds were just a foil to him.

So this is training the newly tamed Pokémon?


Thinking of this, Ami flipped her palm and released her second Pokémon.


A big silver-white bird whose whole body seemed to be made of steel appeared in front of Ami.

About the height of a person, the sharp claws on the feet are pitch black, the sharp head is full of sharp teeth, and the inside of the wings is dark red.

armor bird.


The armored bird stood beside Ami, like a serious soldier, full of fierceness.

Xiao Zhi had met this Pokémon before, so the illustration book remained silent.

"Is it the steel attribute and the flight attribute..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi threw his Pokémon backhand.


The next moment, a small dark green beast appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

With blood-colored pupils and black hook marks under the corners of the eyes, he waved his stubby fists, looking quite vicious.

Young Kiras!

"Xiaozhi actually sent the young Kiras to play? The steel attribute of the armored bird is very effective for him...!"

Xiaoxia, who was watching, couldn't help but speak.

"But the rock attribute of the young Kiras can also resist the flight attribute attack of the armored bird very well."

Xiaogang stood with his chest folded, looking forward to the quasi-god's battle in Chengdu area.

Of course, he didn't know that Xiaozhi had tamed a Rogia in the Whirlpool Islands.

Otherwise, the eyes would have to be snapped open again.



"Now, the game begins!!"

Hearing this, Ami pointed out and pointed:

"Armor bird, fly up and use the unique skill of Sa Ling!"


The armored bird fluttered its wings, and waved its steel wings towards the ground below, flying out several things that looked like nails.

But these nails quickly concealed his figure, as if he had never appeared before.

"Brother. Sa Ling's unique skill is to throw sharp nails into the arena. When the opponent changes Pokémon, they will be attacked by the nails as soon as they step on the arena."

Xiaozhi's illustrated book reminded him in time.

"That is to say, as long as I and Young Kiras kill two of yours at once, there will be no problem, right...?"

Xiaozhi today is extra confident.

"Young Kiras, use Falling Rock!!"


Young Kiras nodded, inserted his short hand into the rocky ground in front of him, abruptly pulled out a rock larger than his whole body, and threw it vigorously towards the armored bird in mid-air.

"Armor bird, use metal claws!"

Ami instructed unhurriedly.


The armored bird uttered a shriek, its wings turned into silver claws, and it made a cross cut against the attacking rock.

Draw! !

The falling rock instantly turned into powder!

"Next, use the steel wings!"

The armored bird nodded, and its wings rushed out with a shock. The claw-like wings turned into magnificent steel wings in an instant, and rushed towards the young Kiras.

This move was so menacing that Xiaozhi didn't dare to accept it forcefully, and quickly instructed:

"Young Kiras, use the trick of digging to escape!"


Young Kiras immediately jumped in front of him, threw his two short hands towards the ground in front of him, and went straight into the ground.

call out...!

Steel Wing took a step behind and brushed past the hole.


"It's useless, the ground-type burrowing trick has no effect on my armored bird at all~"

Ami just smiled lightly.


Xiaozhi suddenly raised his hand and pointed.

"Young Kiras, use the rock seal!"

For the hole-digging trick, all he wanted was the hiding effect in the first round, and he didn't plan to use the damage in the second round.

The hole hidden in the ground is undoubtedly an excellent hiding place.

As for the rock seal trick...

When calling out this move, Xiaozhi still turned his head, looked at Teacher Gang next to him, nodded and smiled.

This move is Xiaogang's family, Nibi Gym's ancestral move skill machine, so Xiaozhi borrowed the CD, and handed it back to Young Kiras.

Similarly, in Xiaoxia's Hualan City, the trick of "Water Wave" was passed down from her ancestors.


Young Kiras poked out of the hole, raised his two short hands, and secretly exerted strange power.

The next moment, four or five boulders appeared out of thin air above the head of the armored bird, and they fell down suddenly, hitting the target fiercely.

Rock seal!

"Armor bird, break open with metal claws!!"

Ami responded quickly.


The armored bird screamed and screamed, and the metal wings turned into the shape of cold light claws again, and swept wildly against the falling rock seal.

Keng Keng Keng! !

The strength of this armored bird is impressive. In the blink of an eye, it completely shattered all these rock seals.

But there are still a lot of gravel in it, which splashed down in the gap between the wings of the armored bird.

The speed of the armored bird dropped.

This is where the real effect of the rock seal lies.


"Now, Young Kiras, use the bite trick!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly roared loudly.

It turns out that when the armored bird is constantly fighting against the rock seal, the flight altitude is also constantly dropping.

Young Kiras took advantage of this gap and quietly lurked directly under the latter.

Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, the young Kiras immediately jumped up high.

He opened his small mouth to the maximum, and bit down hard on the armored bird's hind legs and feet.

Bang! !

Young Kiras felt like he was biting into a piece of iron.


Although the attribute effect is not good, the bite strength of the young Kiras still made the armored bird wail...


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