He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 655: Scorched Tower

(It’s too late, so I uploaded a messy chapter first, please wait [10 minutes later] and then refresh this chapter to watch, and you won’t see this one by then.)

(my mine...)


It's just a pity that when Pikachu performed the dance of the gods again, there were only faint match-like phantoms.

It didn't directly solidify the bird heads of Rogia and Phoenix King like the first time.

"Tsk tsk, was it just an accident..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only shake his head.

But since it can be used once, it will naturally be used a second time in the future.

One day, he and Pikachu will be able to fully perform the dance of the gods.

And the name of this trick is God's Dance, Xiaozhi would rather change the name.

Through the way of dancing, borrowing the power of the gods to come down to oneself, that is...

Jump God!

"That's right, this trick will be our exclusive unique skill from now on, it's a master dance!"

"Pika pickup."

Pikachu nodded in agreement.

God's Dance sounds sissy, but it still prefers the domineering title of "Dancing God".


My good fellow, the ultimate path that was originally sacred, feels like a bumpkin in an instant...? !

In the future, the action will not be changed by them to, shake the flower hand, right?


"Suibu, follow Pikachu's dance and move~"

"Moon Eevee, we too~"



"Sun Eevee..."

Soon, five Ibrahimovic in different shapes and colors also performed Yangko on the spot.

Among them, Shui Ibrahimovic and Taiyang Ibrahimovic, who had a noble temperament, were shy for a while before entering the state.

So Xiaozhi practiced with the five kimono girls all the way until late at night.

Sweat profusely, flushed face, back pain...

Looking at the former's appearance surrounded by five beauties, Xiao Gang could only stand beside him, hugging a dark brown tree about one person tall, with a dignified expression.

The surface of the latter trunk has a rough and hard clam texture, which is very solid.

This is the tree he just subdued to blame.

For a whole night, the five Ibrahimovic have almost mastered all the dance moves of Pikachu.

It may take a long time to practice if it is applied to the battle to exert the power of a god.

But if it's just dancing with humans, that's enough.

The ladies and sisters of the Yuanzhu Dance Hall plan to practice all day in the daytime tomorrow, and practice the dance with their respective Ibrahimovic gods. At night, they will go to the twin towers to complete the god ceremony.

Although they don't know what this ceremony has to do with saving Yuanzhu Dance Hall, which is about to close down...



The next night came in a flash.

Song Ye from Yuanzhu gymnasium has already sent a phone message, saying that the mating of the two Geng ghosts is going smoothly, and it will be over in less than three minutes.

It was the following message that made Xiaozhi's face gloomy.

"Your Geng Gui ran away."

Song Ye is a person with the ability of the sky eye, not a demon subduing master. If Geng Gui really wants to escape, he can't stop him at all.

Not to mention that his female Geng Ghost had already been defeated by Xiaozhi Geng Ghost's swift attack, and the water flow was messy.

This is a ghost town, full of ghosts, ghost Pokémon of the dream monster family.

After Xiaozhi Geng Gui smelled the fishy smell, he naturally let go of his feet and slipped away.

Here is where it should fight! !

Xiaozhi: "..."

Seeing this, he could only tap his forehead and chest, clap his palms together, and hope that Geng Gui is okay...


At night, it is also close to 8 or 9 o'clock.

The three of Xiaozhi walked towards the north of Yuanzhu City with the mother of Yuanzhu Dance Hall, Sang, and five young ladies in kimonos.

Since the city's economy is not developed, the citizens at this time are all sleeping at home, and basically no one follows them.

It would be different if it was in Manjin City next door.

Go to bed at 9 o'clock, how about keeping in good health next time?

Starting at 3:00 in the morning, dancing all night is the norm.

Sudden death is a big deal and reopening, come again in twenty years!


Soon, a few people went all the way north and came to the one on the left of the twin towers.

The Bell Tower that once lived in Lugia.

No, the Bell Tower is gone now, and it has been renamed the Scorched Tower.

Xiaozhi walked in front of the burnt tower, and the scene 350 years ago seemed to be still vivid in his mind.

It's just that now, things have changed and people have changed here, and the vegetation is desolate.

The towering bell tower has completely disappeared, except for a rocky step, only the remains of a burnt wooden building with about two floors remain.

The towering bell tower He has completely disappeared The towering bell tower He has completely disappeared

From the center, a large hole was directly vacated, and the inner ground could be seen through several scorched cracks in the floor.


Occasionally, there are a few wild little Lada walking through the ruins of the wooden building.

In the dimness, it seems that the faint gas bombs like gas gas can still be seen.

"It's been a long time since no one came to take care of me..."

Mama-san sighed and said.

He looked at the bell tower next door.

The tall wooden pagoda was well preserved, and there were many practicing monks living on it.

They are all ascetic eminent monks who have attained the Tao, with simple clothes and extremely simple food, just like atonement. For the past hundred years, they have lived a thrifty and hard life of penance.

Several people came to the gate of the burnt tower.

The place where Phoenix King appeared for the last time was here, and even here, the resurrection saved the three holy beasts, so Xiaozhi chose to perform the ritual of God here, maybe he could really summon Feng Wang.

Since 350 years ago, the mother of the Yuanzhu Dance Hall, Sang, and the host of the Bell Tower resented her.

But now, the mothers already knew about the gifts that King Feng had given them.

The monks in the Bell Tower also went through a long period of penance to make atonement.

Then the problem is solved?

Because the wooden boards in the burnt tower were not strong enough, Xiaozhi and others could only choose to perform the ceremony near the steps.

But in this place, you can still see the whole interior of the burnt tower.

Even the ancient metal clock that fell from the brush can be seen in the center.

It's just that after so many years, the surface of the big clock has long been rusted and covered with moss.

"It's not too late, let's get started."

It's just that after so many years, the surface of the big clock has long been rusted and covered with moss.

"It's not too late, let's get started."

It's just that after so many years, the surface of the big clock has long been rusted and covered with moss.

Hearing this, the ladies and sisters nodded


Occasionally, there are a few wild little Lada walking through the ruins of the wooden building.

In the dimness, it seems that the faint gas bombs like gas gas can still be seen.

"It's been a long time since no one came to take care of me..."

Mama-san sighed and said.

He looked at the bell tower next door.

The tall wooden pagoda was well preserved, and there were many practicing monks living on it.

They are all ascetic eminent monks who have attained the Tao, with simple clothes and extremely simple food, just like atonement. For the past hundred years, they have lived a thrifty and hard life of penance.

Several people came to the gate of the burnt tower.

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