I finished writing this paragraph. I thought a lot at the beginning, but I didn’t write it well in the end. I feel like it’s a running account...

such a pity.

Let me conclude with two urban legends.

The details are all taken from the game's settings, just look at it and smile, don't worry too much about it.

It is best to be able to think carefully.

Finally, please subscribe! !



Urban legend one:

【Three Holy Beasts, Bell Tower, Phantom】

In the game, there are five Ibrahimovic sisters in the Yuanzhu Dance Hall in Yuanzhu Town, and the three holy beasts who were burned to death here are intriguingly similar to Ibrahimovic in all aspects.

So I set the initial form of the three holy beasts as a variant of Ibrahimovic.

According to legend, the fire in the Bell Tower was caused by accidental lightning in the sky, which sparked the flames and finally turned into a scorched tower.

But in fact, it is also possible that the entire wooden tower was burned down and all the Pokémon here were killed because of the mistake of the fire monster (future Yandi) who possessed the fire-breathing power.

Because around Yandi's limbs and ankles, there are black rings like shackles.

There is nothing on Leigong and Suicune's feet, which symbolizes that Emperor Yan is atoning for his mistakes?

And in the Tower of Bells, there can't be only these three elves, there must be other wild Pokémon.

The gymnasium in Yuanzhu Town is also a famous ghost gymnasium.

Cooperate with the game, in the bell tower next door, there are only two kinds of elves, Little Radha and Guisi...

Blind guess, the Bell Tower fire burned many wild Pokémon, and then the power of the Phoenix King came.

The three holy beasts, which are powerful in themselves, were resurrected and became the envoys of the Phoenix King, traveling around the world.

After the atonement was over, Emperor Yan was finally freed from the shackles, and mastered the ultimate trick of King Feng - the holy fire.

But a Pokémon that is too weak in its own strength like Little Lada, even the Phoenix King cannot fully resurrect it, but is reborn in a half-resurrected state.

That is, in the bell tower, the ghost attribute ghost.

That's why Yuanzhu Town turned into a ghost town, and ghost gyms appeared.



Urban legend two:

[Hinopi Town, Tung Forest, GS Ball, Traveling Through Time and Space]

There is a legend in Hinopi Town that there was a drought hundreds of years ago, and the yawn of the slow-witted beast brought about rainfall and relieved the drought.

In the game, the juniper trees that can be seen everywhere around the town, as well as the juniper bark on the roof of the houses in the town, are taken from the real "cypress tree", which is a tree rich in oil and flammable.

The tung forest next door is now renamed the oak forest in the game. There are tung trees growing in the forest, which can be used as charcoal by the locals, or called oak trees.

Taken from the real "Quercus rugosa", it is a non-combustible tree.

In addition to the world of Pokémon, the largest and most famous forest in the general area should be named after the city next to it.

For example, the Viridian Forest in Viridian City, the Chenghua Forest in Chenghua City, the Baidai Forest in Baidai City, the White Sandalwood Forest in Baitan City...

Except for the tung forest next to Juipi Town.

Coupled with the legend of the drought...

Blind guess, hundreds of years ago, drought came.

The continuous high temperature ignited a forest fire in Zengjin's juniper forest, and the flammable juniper trees stretched, surrounding the entire juniper town.

Such a natural disaster cannot be relieved by a slow-witted yawn.

In the game, everyone in Junipi Town believes in rescuing the slow-witted beasts from drought, but Mr. Steel's home has the ancestral hall of Rabbi.

Perhaps only their family knows the real history.

The flammable juniper bark can be seen everywhere in the town, but there is no trace of fire.

Blindly guessing, an incomparable force appeared at that time, and in an instant, the terrible fire was extinguished (sealed).

After the fire, all the flammable juniper trees in the juniper bark forest disappeared.

Only non-flammable tung trees remained, and the juniper bark forest was renamed Tung Forest from then on.

As for what power...

In the tung forest, there is also a Shrabbi's ancestral hall, on which there is a groove for placing a GS ball.

Cold knowledge, GS balls are not Poke Balls.

[In the game, the GS ball is never used to subdue the rabbi, but to summon the rabbi]

Note: The special manga is an official doujin, also a doujin. Rabbi’s manipulation of the GS ball is purely original.

If the GS ball really sealed the fire, then the power contained in it is also extremely terrifying, and it may be able to overturn the world.

Therefore, the ancestors of Mr. Steel, who knew the truth, did not record the real history of the GS ball and this fire.

And give the GS ball to Shirabi, who can travel through time and space, and ask him to seal up this prop and the real history forever.

Instead, perhaps out of guilt over the fact that innocent slow-witted animals became food transitions for the local population during that dry period.

So on the surface, the history that has been handed down is that the yawn of the dumb beast relieved the drought and saved the juniper town.

From then on, Junipi Town, who didn't know the truth, believed in an alternative mascot--Slutty Beast.



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