He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 619: The Phoenix King Arrives

"Flame of Phoenix King?!"

Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Rabi Shi, his face full of surprise.

Feng Wang's ultimate move, the sacred fire, is said to be a flame that will never be extinguished.

No matter whether it can break the defense or not, even if Arceus comes, it has to keep burning.

It is said that such a flame can only be extinguished by gazing into the eyes of the Phoenix King.

It's just why, this fire has something to do with Feng Wang again?

It can't be that Feng Wang was unhappy with Rogia's departure, and set fire to his Bell Tower with his backhand, right?

Xiaozhi took a closer look, and indeed he could see the flame's Miao Xin, which was a holy golden white.

It has a similar aura to the Phoenix King who used the sacred fire before.

"Is it the flames that sputtered from the fight with Brother Chi before...?"

Xiaozhi guessed.


He has no other way now.

Even Sherabi, the god of the forest, watched helplessly, shrinking behind Xiaozhi.

"Brother Chi, help me!"

He quickly said silently in his heart.

This was the last method Xiaozhi could think of.

Faintly, he seemed to be able to hear the wail of the fire beast coming from inside.

I just waited for a long time, but there was no response in my soul.

Chi didn't reply him.

"Inside, there is no breath of life anymore..."

What emerged in my mind was another soft voice.

This is rabbi's telepathy.

As the god of the forest, he still has a little bit of perception of the breath of life.

Rabbi just shook his head desolately.

At this moment, the dozens of lives inside have already completely lost any signs of life.

Even the three most vigorous ones were gone.

The fire in the Bell Tower finally reached the top of the tower.


Faintly, you can still hear the long and heavy sound of the ancient bell coming from the top of the tower.

This is the last bell.

Rumble! !

The next moment, the Bell Tower, which was more than ten meters high, collapsed and was completely razed to the ground by the flames.


With countless flames and pieces of wood falling down, Shi Rabi quickly grabbed Xiaozhi's head and cast teleportation.


They returned to the crowd tens of meters away, at the border.

From then on, the Bell Tower no longer exists in this world...



Thirty minutes later.

There used to be a wooden pagoda more than ten meters high, but now there are only two or three meters of ruins.

The quaint red wooden walls were covered with tiles before, but now there are only short legs and blackened charcoal remnants.

Black smoke, followed by curling up.

Everything that can be burned has been burned. Although the fire has been reduced a lot, it is still burning continuously.

The fiery red flame, now there is only a piece of golden white flame, covering the charred surface of the ruins, scorchingly burning.

"Is it the flame of the God of Gold?!"

"What did we do wrong, why did the God of Gold send down his anger!"

This kind of flame breath was very similar to Phoenix King, and soon the residents of Yuanzhu Town recognized it.

Just why, the God of Gold wanted to burn down the Bell Tower?

Everyone's heart is full of anxiety and restlessness...



At this time, there was a high-pitched cry and roar from the sky.

A colorful giant bird slowly landed from the high-altitude clouds.

It has been falling to the top of the ruins of the Bell Tower, about two meters high.

The colorful light is infinite, the gorgeous white and red wings, the slender head with a golden phoenix crown, and the scattered and blooming tail feathers...

Immediately, an incomparably sacred aura descended on this piece of land.

It was the first time Phoenix King had come to this height, almost at eye level with humans.

"It's the God of Gold, Phoenix King!!"

All the residents of Yuanzhu Town saw the face of King Feng so clearly for the first time, and they knelt down tremblingly on the ground.

Because of this sacred breath, they could clearly feel a trace of anger.

Anger, an extremely terrifying deterrent, turned into a substantive oppressive force, making everyone shudder.

Even Feng Wang's face was full of furious and perverted expressions.

Phoenix King is a god who can perceive the good and evil of the target towards him.

He felt that the people in Yuanzhu Town were full of malice towards him...

Whether it's the old monk kneeling at the front, or Mama Sang next to him.

Even everyone in Yuanzhu Town, more or less, has resentment towards him.

The terrible flame breath, like a volcano, almost erupted...



But in the end, Feng Wang's furious expression gradually became calm.

This allowed the extremely oppressive and heavy air around to flow again.

It's just that at this moment, King Feng looked at everyone as if he was completely looking at strangers, maintaining a bottomless gully.

Even faintly, with great disgust and contempt.

"There is no longer any friendship between humans and Pokémon...!"

He already planned to abandon all the humans in Yuanzhu Town and never come to this place again.


There is no reason for such a human being to continue to protect him!

Thinking of this, Feng Wang glanced coldly at all the people kneeling in front of him.

And among them, the only human who didn't kneel down, but stood in place, staring straight at himself.

That's Ash.

In the end, King Feng fluttered his wings again from the flame ruins of the Clock Tower, and flew towards the high-altitude clouds.

during takeoff.

The wings on one side shook out a rainbow-colored feather, shining with divine light.

call out...!

It just fell lightly, and finally fell into Xiaozhi's hands.

He lost this bet.

Although he cherishes his feathers, Phoenix King cherishes his face even more.

Since we lost, let's hand over the Rainbow Feather.

It's just that the golden-white flame attached to the ruins of the Bell Tower is still burning slowly.

It even seemed that because of the arrival of the Phoenix King, the burning became more intense...


Soon, Feng Wang will fly into the clouds and disappear.

"Rabbi, help me send a telepathy to Feng Wang."

At this time, a bland sound suddenly appeared in Shi Rabi's mind, causing the latter to tremble violently.



Why does Xiaozhi have a second voice in his head?

Rabbi was shocked.

This voice didn't have much power, but it contained strange energy, so Rabi did it subconsciously.

And the next moment, above the sky, there was an extra telepathy in King Feng's mind.

"Feng Wang, I lost the bet, do you want to just run away?"

This is the soft tone of Rabi.

But the content of the speech was extraordinarily arrogant.

Phoenix King: "?!"

He was already full of anger in his heart, but now he heard this nonsense again, and his heart was even more furious.

He has already given one of his feathers to Xiaozhi according to the bet!

Disgusting bird? !

"Oh, our bet is indeed a rainbow feather, but I never said when you would give it to me."

Phoenix King: "!?"

Hearing this, Feng Wang just fluttered his wings and continued to fly away.

Hmph, crazy, I don't bother to talk to you!

"Oh, anyway, I've told you about the bet now, whether you can handle it yourself, that's up to your great gold god..."

Chi's words seemed very easy-going, as if he didn't care.

Then, with the help of rabbi, Chi transferred the contents of the bet to King Feng in this way.

And the latter continued to fly straight as if he didn't hear it.

In less than a few seconds, it had completely disappeared over Yuanzhu Town...



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