He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 615: Hatred of the Gods

Yuanzhu Town.

The ancient human beings had a very early work and rest time, lying in bed around 9 o'clock.

Just today.

It was almost ten o'clock, and the whole Yuanzhu Town was still brightly lit and bustling with people.

The god of gold and the god of silver, the twin gods descend.

And I don't know where it is sacred, it seems to be fighting the god of gold?

Tonight, they are destined to refresh their worldview.


The first floor of the Bell Tower.

Xiaozhi walked out from the gate of the wooden pagoda.

Walking towards him was an old monk with a big smile on his face, looking at him benevolently.

"Master Brave, don't you know that just now...?"

He has been kneeling on the first floor, completely unaware of what happened above.

The old monk didn't think it was Xiaozhi, or Xiaozhi's Pokémon fighting the God of Gold.

Humans in this era do not have the concept of a trainer.

To be able to exist with gods, then they must also be gods.

Or the will of nature.

Xiaozhi just waved his hands without answering.

Could it be said that he invited the gods to his body?

"Hehe, it's the old monk, I'm being rude..."

The old monk laughed dryly without further questioning.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed, he rubbed his hands together, and said with some embarrassment:

"By the way, the old monk asked the brave man to ask..."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's bewildered and innocent expression, the old monk could only suppress his patience, squeezed out a smile on his wrinkled face, and continued to speak:

"Before I asked Mr. Brave to ask the God of Gold, how long is the old monk's life expectancy...?"

Xiaozhi: "!"

It dawned on him.

The old monk seemed to have asked him to inquire before.

At that time, he was anxious to go up the tower, so he agreed to come down.

As a result, too many things happened at the top of the tower, Xiaozhi completely forgot about it all at once.

Looking at the expectant and ruddy face of the old monk in front of him, Xiaozhi wanted to fool him.

But in the end, he still replied truthfully by a strange coincidence:

"Sorry, I forgot haha..."

Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly like this.

Besides, a monk who is entangled in what to do with this.

It is enough to knock on the wooden fish and recite scriptures well, so that you can go to the Western Heaven after death!

The speaker has no intention, but the listener...

The old monk's face darkened in an instant.

The ruddy face was even more annoyed and angry.

This shame and anger is not only for Xiaozhi.

What's more, there is the high God of Gold! !

"Damn it, I've worked hard for you for forty years, and I haven't even answered you?!"

He doesn't believe that Phoenix King, the god of gold, will fail to see his desire!

If you don't answer, you're just ignoring yourself!

Of course, Xiaozhi, who has never been able to read words and expressions, naturally can't understand anything.

Soon, he took rabbi with him, and left in such a carefree manner...


After another ten minutes, the gate of the Bell Tower.

Several girls in kimono came out, and several evolutions of Ibrahimovic.

It was the dancers of the Yuanzhu Dance Hall who danced the dance of the gods on the top of the Bell Tower.

Because they were so frightened by the power of the God of Gold that they fainted, they only delayed going downstairs for more than ten minutes.

Seeing the five people, Mama-san, who had been waiting below, hurried up to meet them.

With a heavily made-up face, he asked quite fieryly:

"Daughters, the God of Gold and the God of Silver, did you say anything to you?"


"I didn't say anything..."

"I have no idea.."

The five little Jimeis just answered truthfully.

Not long after dancing, they passed out.

After waking up, the God of Gold and the Hero were gone, and they didn't know anything.

After listening, mother Sana's originally enthusiastic face gradually turned into disappointment and a little coldness.

Even, there was a little more shame and anger.

"Damn! Our Yuanzhu Dance Hall has passed down this dance from generation to generation, but in the end, there is nothing?!"

She thought of herself, forcing her daughters to practice this difficult dance since childhood.

And when she was a child, she was also forced by her elders to practice dancing...

So, is it like having nothing? !

Their Yuanzhu Dance Hall has been around for a hundred years!

danced for centuries.

Even if it was hard work from the gods, she felt that everything was worth it.

As a result, the gods of gold and silver descended at the same time, and they ignored them at all? !

"Why?! Damn...!"

Mama Sang's face became a little distorted...


In the second half of the night when I met the god, nothing happened.

Relying on his status as a god and brave man, Xiaozhi stayed in a high-end hotel in Yuanzhu Town for nothing.

As a result, during the daytime the next day, nothing happened.

And to this night.

Sitting on the hard wooden bed in the hotel, Xiaozhi seemed a little uneasy.

He always felt that something was about to happen, which made Xiaozhi very anxious.

Beside him, there is not even a Pikachu who can masturbate, and his anxiety is +1.

"Tower of Bells, do Pokémon really die...?!"


Beside him, Shi Rabi blinked his big eyes with dark circles, and took out a green seed.

Its unique skill "Trouble Seed" can change the characteristics of the target into sleeplessness.


Rabi will also use the "Sleep Seed", which can change the target's characteristics into doze.


It's like a natural sleeping pill.

"Rabbi, I guess something will happen later, I want to witness..."

Xiaozhi rejected the sleeping pill seed.

Next, it was his bet with Feng Wang.

And he, in fact, doesn't need to do anything, just watch quietly.

It's just that, it made Xiaozhi even more uneasy...

"Brother Chi, come out and chat..."




After midnight.

After a night, Yuanzhu Town has calmed down a lot.

But at this moment, inside the Bell Tower, there is a dark tide raging.

The bottom floor of the Bell Tower, inside the wooden tower.




Three animal-shaped Pokémon of different colors form a triangle, roaring and threatening the surroundings.

It is the fire monster and its two elder brothers!

And around, there are twenty or thirty purple mice with front teeth.



His eyes were glowing, and he was grinning, rubbing his teeth, making a piercing grinding sound.

Little Lada.

There are even five fat and huge brown rats standing in front of them.

The big yellow dies on the edge of the teeth are hard and emitting a cold light.


These wild little Ladhas and Ladhas are extremely ferocious and wild, and they surrounded the three Pokémon in the middle.

This time, there is more than just one Lada.

Ladha, the leader of the entire Bell Tower, and Ladha, a small soldier, have gathered on the ground floor of the wooden tower, and are about to kill the three foreign invaders.


The fire monster lion raised its head, and the edges of its teeth suddenly burst into flames, looking very imposing.

The water monsters and thunder monsters next to them, although unable to use attribute energy, still tensed their bodies, threatening.

But this time, the Ladas are so numerous that they are not afraid of the Fangs of Fire, and their eyes have become even more ferocious...!


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