He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 585 My father is a young insect catcher? !

"When your eyes are covered by green light, three bells ring, and you meditate on the world you want to go to, the god of time will take you through time and space to reach the other shore..."

In the minds of the two of them, at the same time, they recalled the words of the old woman who was the forest guard before entering the tung forest.

Not only Xiaozhi, but Ah Yin also met the old lady.

In the green light, the two subconsciously looked at each other.

Xiaozhi saw the great smile on Ah Yin's face.

Even the long red hair seemed to be dyed green, shining brightly.

Is this the ability of God of Time! ?

It takes no effort at all!

Ah Yin no longer hesitated, just shouted decisively:

"Let my father appear in front of me!!"

After the words fell, the surrounding green light surged again, this time directly engulfing Ah Yin.

Xiaozhi could only see the outline of a human figure, and Ah Yin's figure had completely disappeared.

And this soaring green light covered the side, and it was about to swallow Xiaozhi along with it.

"Hey! I don't want to go to recognize my father with him!"

Xiaozhi quickly hugged Pikachu in his arms.

"Xiaozhi, hurry up and tell me a place!"

In his mind, Chi's urging voice came.

If he didn't make a decision, he would really follow Ah Yin to meet his parents.

Didn't expect to encounter the rare time travel in 40 years?

Um, isn't this nonsense?

Red raised his eyebrows.

If the protagonist doesn't time travel, then who is time travel?

That red-haired boy is probably due to Xiaozhi's luck...!


It's just that at this moment, Xiaozhi was not even mentally prepared, and couldn't think of where he was going for a while.

The green light has shone to the extreme, and there is no need to delay.

So Xiaozhi ignored it, and immediately blurted out loudly:

"Take me to Brother Chi's world!"


This is what he did not expect.

In the next moment, the green light engulfed Xiaozhi and Pikachu, covering everything, and the figures of the two disappeared in place in an instant.


"Huh? Why is it so green over there?"

In the distance, even Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and the others noticed this bright green light, rising into the sky with a huge beam of light.

Immediately, the entire tung forest was filled with a strange atmosphere.

"Maybe it's Pikachu who learned Sunshine Flame...?"

Xiao Gang guessed.


After a few minutes, the green light dissipated.

In this area, everyone has disappeared.

The air became quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

Whether it's Rabi Shi, Xiaozhi, or Ah Yin.

All that was left was the small wooden ancestral hall and the pitted battle marks on the ground.

There was also a blue crocodile, which was completely tied up into a big zongzi by straw knots, and had no idea what happened to it.


It is still waiting for Ah Yin's instructions.

Be ready to break free from the vines on your body at any time, and make a "surprising blow" to attack the target...




25 years ago.

Viridian Forest.

This is back to the Kanto region.

The Viridian Forest at that time was not as orderly as it is today. Trees, shrubs and grass grew randomly, and there were no roads.

The same is true for the surrounding insect-type Pokémon and bird-type Pokémon. A disagreement is a battle, and the ecology is wild.

At this moment, a jungle.

A battle between humans and wild Pokémon is taking place.

This is a short-cut boy, estimated to be about 10 years old, with a drop of snot left on his nose.

A white sweatshirt, shorts and slippers, a yellow straw hat, and a bug net on his back.

Completely dressed as a bug catcher.

In front of him was a golden slender worm with a sharp horn growing on the top of its forehead.


Opposite them was a brown bird Pokémon with sharp eyes.

"Unicorn, use spinning!"

The insect catching boy attacked unceremoniously.

This unicorn was moving very fast, opening its mouth and spinning silk.

The fired worm silk bound the wild Bibi bird almost instantly, with a solid texture.

"Next, use the poisonous needle!"


The unicorn opened its mouth, and shot out an energy flying needle, piercing Bibi's neck.

The latter's face was covered with a layer of purple, and his expression became a little dull.

"It's the last blow, unicorn, use impact!" The young insect catcher waved his thumb.

After saying that, the caterpillar squirmed like a soldier on the lawn, and finally slammed into Bibibird hard.

Regardless of his petite size, his strength is not bad.

"By calling~~"

Bibi Bird was directly knocked into the air, and let out a scream in mid-air.

When she came back to her senses, Bibifa couldn't fight anymore and fainted to the ground.

The attribute is at an absolute disadvantage, but he can end the battle so smoothly and silkily. The strength of this insect catcher is really impressive.

"Haha, this Viridian Forest can no longer hold back my Sakagi's footsteps!"

"Next, I want to conquer the entire Kanto region and make the whole world tremble under my feet!!"

The young insect catcher named Sakagi had gloomy eyes, and he succeeded in one blow, laughing wildly.

At this time, the Kanto area was not yet divided into the Kanto area and the Johto area, and belonged to a whole continent.

"I, Sakagi, was born to be the most powerful insect attribute trainer!!"

He roared loudly towards the surroundings of the Viridian Forest!

The grade is still young, but it has already shown the domineering momentum of the future king.

The unicorn beside him also raised his head, very proud.

The 10-year-old Sakagi is already invincible in his hometown Viridian Forest.



next moment.

In front of Sakagi and Unicorn, a strange green light suddenly appeared strangely.

The green light gradually condensed and turned into a portal.

A figure slowly walked out of it.

With red hair and black clothes and boots, he looks arrogant and fanatical.

It was Ah Yin who traveled through time and space 25 years later.


In the sky, there seemed to be the laughter of Rabbi Shi.

It was rare for Shi Rabi to use the ability to take people through time and space once, but Ah Yin just wanted to see Dazed Land?

It naturally has to intensify a little bit, directly rewriting the time together.


The green light dissipated, and the two looked at each other.

Then, the air became a little dignified.

Looking at the sloppy insect catcher in front of him, there was still a drop of snot that had not been wiped off his nostrils.

The head is also as smooth as a gray stone pier.

Ah Yin instinctively developed a look of disgust.

He seemed to have heard the voice of "I want to become the most powerful trainer" just now, and Ah Yin almost vomited out of this second nature.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Almost at the same time, the two asked questions.

Ah Yin was looking at Sakagi.

Sakagi was also looking at Ah Yin.

Long red hair, delicate facial features...

But in the eyes of a straight man like Sakagi, he is just like a bitch.

But the arrogant eyes and pupils are not bad.

"By the way, this kid, how do you feel that you have seen it before?"

Sakagi was secretly curious about Ah Yin's face, with a sense of familiarity.

This sense of familiarity also emerged in Ah Yin's heart.

Since Rabbi was able to fulfill his request, that is to say, the man in front of him is his father?

Ah Yin looked at Sakagi's attire and the handsome unicorn lying at his feet, and was shocked.


My father, was a young insect catcher? !

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