He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 560 Reasonable Breeding Awareness

It was still very early, and the Charizard glanced at the scorching sun that was still hanging in the sky.


With a fixed gaze, no more hesitation, the body suddenly flew towards the depths of the valley.

It's going to challenge the really powerful fire-breathing dragon!

"Good life!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi strongly supported him, and quickly released Bi Diao, straddling his body, Bi Diao's wings trembled, and quickly followed.

Although Bi Diao would be rolled his eyes by countless fire-breathing dragons if he appeared in this valley, it was not a big problem.

"Bi Diao..."

Halfway through the high-pitched cry, Xiaozhi grabbed him on the spot and couldn't get out.

"Bi Diao, don't bark, be careful to be turned into a roast chicken."

This is the truth.


Seeing this, Ji Ke decisively threw an elf ball, a red light flashed, and a fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of her.

However, this fire-breathing dragon's posture, expression, and movements are all feminine, and there is also a pink bow tied on its head, so its gender is self-evident.

"This is my charizard named Lisa."

Ji Ke smiled and introduced to several people, saying that the fire-breathing dragon also pulled a huge wooden railing of a hot air balloon from the direction of the gate, and tied the reins to himself with ease. "Aww~"

Then he let out a soft cry, indicating that several people should stand on the wooden frame under the hot air balloon.

Immediately, Ji Ke ignited the hot air balloon, and everyone ascended to the sky.

Lisa, on the other hand, fluttered her wings, pulling them together and approaching Xiaozhi.

Fire-breathing Dragon Valley is full of hot-tempered fire-breathing dragons. Fire-type Pokémon usually not only like to fight, but also do some favorite sports when they are tired from fighting.

As a result, there are a lot of small charmander eggs here.

Most of the Pokémon eggs were sent to the next-door Kanto area, as a novice, the Flame Yusanjia.

As the administrator of the valley, Ji Ke can naturally choose a high-quality egg as his partner.

Don't look at her feminine demeanor, but this Lisa's fire power can also reach the eighth stage level, which is a top-matched fire-breathing dragon genetically.

"Eighth-dan has the potential to become a heavenly king, seventh-dan is the qualification of a championship champion, and sixth-dan is probably at the level of an elite trainer..."

Ji Ke explained.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can receive them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public number [book friend base camp]

At present, neither the official nor the folk have any words that can reasonably express the level of Pokémon. Ji Ke can only indirectly express the level of Pokémon through the position of the trainer.

"So now Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon has defeated the six-stage fire-breathing dragon, and the next goal is the seven-stage...?"

Xiao Gang nodded, now the fire-breathing dragon seems to be roughly at the seventh stage.



A few minutes later, Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon had arrived at the interior of the fire-breathing dragon valley, at the foot of a mountain on the left.

The mountain is not tall, but there is no other vegetation, it is completely composed of reddish-brown rocks, and it looks desolate without a blade of grass.

"Come back, Bi Diao."

Xiaozhi quickly put away Bi Diao.

It is taboo for housebirds to appear here, and it is a provocative behavior for charizards.

Along the way, they have been watched by many fire-breathing dragons, and if they don't take it back, Bi Diao may become a roast chicken.

"By the way, brother Chi's fire-breathing dragon hasn't started fighting yet?"

Xiaozhi looked to the right, which was the tallest mountain in the valley. According to Ji Ke, the boss there was a kingly fire-breathing dragon.

The power of fire, nine dans!

This is indeed the case. The battles of peerless powerhouses start in three days and three nights, and three days and two nights of them are in the confrontation stage.

It's normal that the peerless war doesn't happen immediately.

Although Xiaozhi really wanted to fight the king's fire-breathing dragon, he suppressed this urge.

Nine ranks already means entering the ultimate realm, which is the power that ordinary heavenly kings can only look up to.

Now he is still a bit worse.

"Fire-breathing dragon, don't worry, one day you will be able to hold that king's fire-breathing dragon under your body."

Xiaozhi comforted the irritable fire-breathing dragon beside him, calming his mind.

When you and Pokémon are connected, you will face powerful enemies together.

When encountering an irresistible and powerful enemy, you must also properly stabilize the Pokémon's emotions. This is a qualified trainer.



At this time, the hot air balloon of Ji Ke and others also fell from the sky.

As soon as he came down, Ji Ke untied Lisa's body, half-closed his eyes, and pushed forward with fiery eyes.

"Go Lisa, hurry up and communicate with Xiaozhi's fire-breathing~"


Lisa had no choice but to take a few steps forward in dissatisfaction, walked up to the fire-breathing dragon, and looked up and down unabashedly.

A silk fire-breathing dragon.

"Oh~ (how many paragraphs are you?)" Lisa asked in a low growl.

Seeing a female fire-breathing dragon approaching, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon immediately stretched out its chest and spread its wings. By the way, it retracted its belly, making a mighty appearance.

"Ow~ (The power of fire, three paragraphs.)"

The fire-breathing dragon replied honestly.

Like Bi Diao, Charizard has reached the age of breeding.

"Ow? (Trash?)"

"Aw! (Don't bully the young and poor!!)"

Being insulted, the fire-breathing dragon was instantly furious, and with a look of anger, it spewed a ball of flames into the sky like it was venting.

"Ow~ (The more wasteful the fire-breathing dragon, the more it likes to breathe fire casually.)"

Lisa just looked at it with disdain, thinking in her mind what the hell Ji Ke found for her.

Indiscriminate breeding, combining her eighth-segment gene with the third-segment gene at will is illegal in the Chengdu area.

She already wanted to secretly report Ji Ke.

The awareness of reasonable breeding in the Joto area is not only popular among humans, but also extremely widespread among Pokémon.

It is very common in the Johto area for Pokémon to report their trainers for random breeding.


"Hehe~ Xiaozhi, it seems that our two fire-breathing dragons communicate quite well."

Ji Ke didn't know what was going on, so he came over and introduced to Xiaozhi:

"There are four peaks here, the one in the middle is the tallest, and the one on the top of the mountain is the nine-stage king fire-breathing dragon."

"And the other three peaks are similar, and the one on the top of the mountain is an eight-stage fire-breathing dragon."

Eight paragraphs, which also means that the above are all king-level fire-breathing dragons.

Now it has to be reversed, the flame bird with the same flying + flame attributes is the little fire-breathing dragon.

"And on this mountain, if I remember correctly, there should be a king-level fire-breathing dragon named "Scar", which is a powerful fire-breathing dragon."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded secretly, with a serious face.

"Scar? What a domineering name..."

Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't given my charizard a nickname yet...?



Around, the roar of the fire-breathing dragon echoed one after another.

"Xiaozhi, there is not only the scar on the top of the mountain, there are also many wild fire-breathing dragons below to challenge it, and they all start at the seventh-level fire power level."

Ji Ke continued to enthusiastically introduce to several people:

"There are even a lot of fire-breathing dragons at the peak of the seventh stage of fire power, and the seventh stage of the Dzogchen realm. Don't be careless."

Now that she has regarded Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon as her son-in-law, she naturally wants to remind him kindly.

"I see..."

Xiaozhi nodded and stepped forward, standing side by side with the fire-breathing dragon, looking straight ahead.

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