He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 546: Subdue the Fireball Rat

This is a mouse-shaped Pokémon. The lower part of the belly is bright yellow, and the back hair of the upper part of the body is black and blue.

"Pikachu, is that your relative?" Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.


Pikachu shook his head. Although it was a mouse, the latter had no sense of electricity. Judging by the color, it should be a native mouse in the urban area like a mountain mouse.


So Xiaozhi took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Fireball Mouse, Yusanjia of fire attribute in Chengdu area, has Xiaogang's eyes, and when there is enthusiasm, hot flames will spew out from the back."

The illustrated book reminded that Xiao Gang raised his eyebrows at this explanation.

When did I become an adjective in the illustrated vocabulary?

As for why the Fireball Rat squinted its eyes...it was simply too young, and when it grew into a second-stage Fire Rock Rat, it would naturally be able to fully open its eyes.

But it doesn't hinder, you can still see things.


"Fireball Mouse... is it another Yusanjia!?"

Xiaozhi was more concerned about this, and his gaze soon became hot.

Immediately, he looked left and right, and found that there were no other wild humans infesting, so he took out a poke ball with his backhand.

Is it the wild Yusanjia?

The fire attribute is a favorite of a passionate trainer like him. For the next gymnasium challenge, the difficulty of the next few gymnasiums may be more difficult, but the previous gymnasiums probably don't need their fire-breathing dragons at all.

Just replace it with a fireball mouse to improve his ability to fight with flames!

"Hey! Fireball Mouse, can I subdue you now?"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi stretched out his palm, saluting first and then fighting.

However, the Fireball Mouse didn't react at all. It was still lying there, breathing evenly, and it couldn't be seen whether it was awake through its squinted eyes.

"Since you didn't say anything, I'll take it as if you agreed!"

Xiaozhi threw a poke ball with a backhand, which was very accurate.

In any case, he has been a trainer for a year. By shaking his arm violently at the moment of throwing the ball, Xiaozhi can even make the Pokéball turn in the air and hit the target at a tricky angle.

"call out..."

However, when the elf ball was about to hit, the fireball mouse suddenly rolled over to the side, avoiding the elf ball in its limit state.

But lying on the ground, it still looked soundly asleep.

"Huh? Interesting..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi aroused his fighting spirit, rolled up his sleeves, and this time directly took out two elf balls, and the two dragons went out to sea, and smashed forward together.

There are many smart balls.

"call out..."

"call out..."

It's just that this time it was the same situation, the fireball mouse curled up, rolled backwards twice, and avoided the two elf balls at the same time.

The movement is smooth and natural, without the slightest stiffness.

It seems that all dodging movements are not what it wants to achieve subjectively, but are completely handed over to the body to move autonomously, as if...

"Ah? Is this Zi Zi Ji Yi?"

"Tuigui, now the mice on the side of the road will feel at ease?"

Several people froze for a moment, the sight of this action was too familiar to them.

Do all the wild Pokémon in the Johto area are youkai that have reached the ultimate level...?

Can't wait for this fire mouse to open its mouth and breathe fire, can it melt them directly?


"No, it's not self-satisfaction..."

At this time, a plain voice sounded out of nowhere in the hearts of the three of them, making them feel at ease like a backbone.

This is Chi's magical skill of group telepathy.

"This should be called Sleeping Arhat..."

Chi added.

It's just that after falling asleep, the body can actively dodge skills.

Just like the Pokémon who has mastered "dream talk", after falling asleep, they can still hear the instructions from the trainer to "use sleep talk", a reason.

At this level, you can't touch porcelain at will.

It's simply because you can see that it can dodge while sleeping, subconsciously giving you a sense of its really fast speed.

Remove the filter, that is, a slightly quicker action.


After Teacher Chi finished speaking, Xiaozhi also took out a silver and gold elf ball, his eyes were fiery, and his tongue even licked his lips.

Zizai Jiyi prefers to break through by himself, but the speed of this fireball mouse is already eye-catching...

Must catch!

"Wait a minute, Xiaozhi!"

"That's the precious GS ball!"

Seeing the thing in Xiaozhi's hand, the two people next to him hurriedly wanted to hold the former, but Xiaozhi's speed was faster, and the GS ball had already swept out quickly, shooting towards the head of the Fireball Mouse.

The Fireball Mouse followed the same pattern, leaning backwards, dodging the GS ball with ease.

Of course, this elf ball Xiaozhi is not used to capture at all...

This is a weapon!

The next moment, the GS ball touched the rocky ground in front of the Fireball Mouse, and there was only a "bang" sound, and the ground collapsed. The rocky ground burst open instantly, forming a gravel pit with a diameter of more than half a meter, and the momentum was impressive.

Xiaozhi used 30% of his strength.

This also made the Fireball Mouse lose its foothold for a while, and could only fall along with the surrounding gravel.

"It's up to you!"

At this time, Xiaozhi decisively threw a new elf ball, advancing through countless crevices of gravel at a tricky angle, and finally successfully hit the head of the fireball mouse.


A burst of red light flashed, and the next moment, the fireball mouse was completely sucked into the elf ball, and fell together with countless gravels around it.

"Ride. Ride. Ride!"

After shaking it three times, the Poké Ball successfully stopped shaking and froze in place.

Xiaozhi immediately stepped forward excitedly and grabbed the elf ball, held it up high, still laughing and said:

"I subdued the Fireball Rat!!"

Pikachu next to him also jumped three feet high with muscle memory, and gave Xiao Zhi a high five.

Since he got the second of the three Yusanjia in the Chengdu area, Xiaozhi is confident that he will be able to get the final third as well!

"Hey Xiaozhi!"

"You are too reckless!"

Only then did the two people come up from behind, with displeased expressions on their faces.

Dr. Oki asked them to deliver the GS ball to professionals for analysis, but now Xiaozhi uses it as a weapon? !

Too much disrespect for rare props!

"It's all right~ The GS ball is so hard, how could it be broken."

Xiaozhi just waved his hand indifferently, put the GS ball back into his arms, and didn't care.

Neither electric drills, hydraulics, nor even corrosive liquids can destroy the GS ball. If he can destroy the ball, it will be a good thing.


"That elf ball is a vessel that seals ominousness and disaster. Once it is destroyed, demons will come...!"

Suddenly, not far away, there was a hoarse and low voice.

A few people looked towards the source, but saw an old woman standing in front of them, with a stick in her hand, and her eyes were fixed on the GS ball in Xiaozhi's hand.

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