He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 538: In? With a species?

"Did I lose..."

Seeing his proud trump card fell in front of him, Ah Suo was stunned for a while before responding, and then he smiled wryly.

"This game, I am in a hurry..."

After finishing speaking, Aso shook his head.

It is true that there is a reason why I am happy to see Lie and want to compete in the training competition, but the opponent's competition is really good.

It's not wrong to lose.

"Haha, you are indeed the strongest Bi Diao!!"

On the opposite side, Xiao Zhi had already hugged Bi Diao's neck, his head was thrust into the latter's chest and the feathers rubbed against him.


Bi Diao just had a stern face of "this is inevitable".

Looking at the person and bird on the opposite side, as well as the latter's handsome and cool feathers and giant eagle posture, something more appeared in Aso's eyes...



Xiaozhi took what Ah Suo handed over, which was a light blue badge in the shape of half a feather.

"This is the spoils for defeating Kikyo Gym, the Wing Badge."

Ash said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi showed joy, and after receiving it, he opened the hem of his clothes, and hung the flying wing badge on the inner lining of his coat.

The first battle in the Chengdu area went smoothly!

Noticing that this is Xiaozhi's first badge, Aso introduced with a smile:

"Well, the next closest gym is the Yuanzhu Gym in the north, but I suggest you go to the south, where the Gymnasium is located, or you will have to go back."

Go south to reach Jipi Town, then go north to pass through Jinhuang City, and finally arrive at Yuanzhu City. .

If you go directly north to Yuanzhu City first, and then go around, you will finally return to this Kikyo City, which is equivalent to taking a repeated journey.

The Chengdu area is not like the Kanto area. There are gyms all over the bad streets. There are not many gyms on this side, so it is necessary to plan the route in advance.

"Thank you for reminding."

Xiaozhi nodded and smiled.

This is also just right, he remembers the delivery mission of Dr. Oki's GS ball, and the destination is Qipi Town.

It's just that at this time A Su suddenly came up, looking fieryly at the handsome Bi Diao next to Xiaozhi, with a look of obsession and fanaticism in his eyes.

"Hehe, I actually have a suggestion..."

He rubbed his hands, looked at Xiaozhi with some embarrassment and said.


There was an exclamation mark in Xiaozhi's mind immediately.

This gesture, demeanor, opening words... He is a little familiar.

The middle-aged fighter who was still in the Kanto area that day and took away his fiery monkey also had the same attitude.

"You want to whore my Bi Diao for nothing?"

Xiaozhi pointed it out directly.

Hearing this, Xiaogang Xiaoxia who was next to him also came up one after another, their eyes showing displeasure.

They hate prostitutes the most. There is no saying that someone else's Pokémon is powerful and wants to take it away.

To deal with prostitutes, sternly berating them is the best strategy.


A Su was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood Xiao Zhi's meaning, waved his hands with a dry smile on his face, and explained:

"No, no, I don't want your Bi Diao to stay here... No, I also need to stay here."

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"


"Hehe, I just want to see that your bidiao has extraordinary aptitude, and it's still a male bidiao. It just so happens that mine is a female bidiao. Why don't you let them communicate...?"

That's right, Ah Su didn't covet the whole bird, Bi Diao.

Instead, he coveted Bi Diao's genetics.

simply put.

"Can I breed with my Bi Diao?"

Ash finally spoke directly.

The Johto area is different from the Kanto area. The latter has a tough folk style, but the Johto area is more simple and easy-going. There are cozy Pokémon breeding houses in many places.

The breeding house generally has two purposes, one is to lay eggs, and the other is to upgrade.

But almost everyone puts their Pokémon in the breeding house for the former.

lay egg!

Even the research topic of Dr. Pokémon here, Dr. Kongmu, is Pokémon Genderology.

If it is in the Kanto area, what people often say when they meet each other is:

"In? Have you eaten?"

In the Chengdu area, it is more common to say hello face to face:

"In? A breed?"

The three of Xiaozhi: "???"

Knowing the whole story, the three of them had question marks over their heads. They never expected that such a secret would exist in this area.

Asu continued to introduce to several people, and while talking, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said seriously:

"Of course, but in our Chengdu area, random mating is not allowed."

For example, bad genes cannot be handed over casually, all they want are matching good genes, and the kind of big stallion that is sown everywhere is definitely the worst criminal in the urban area.


Xiaozhi swallowed, and tentatively said:

"Then if there is a Geng ghost who claims to carry the 6v gene, sows seeds everywhere, and vows to make ghosts bloom everywhere, it shouldn't be a big problem...?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaozhi quickly added another sentence.

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"Oh, don't get me wrong, I asked for a friend in my hometown."

Aso thought for a while and gave the answer.

"More than three years."

If the premise is true, even if this Geng ghost really has a 6v gene, random breeding is not acceptable, it is a serious crime and is cast aside by others.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Fortunately, his Geng Gui ran away from home in the past few days. He originally wanted to bring him over to fight in the New World together, but it seems that he escaped.

Like Geng Gui, if he is caught, he will be nailed to a cross by the people of Chengdu and exposed to the sun for ten days...?


After finishing speaking, Ah Su looked at Xiaozhi with an expectant look.

"So, is your vulture willing to breed with me?"

Next to Ah Suo, his trump card, the female Bi Diao, had recovered some of her strength, and was looking shyly at Xiaozhi's Diao, completely without the decisiveness to kill on the battlefield.

Xiaozhi just shook his head.

"You have to ask my eagle, I can't make a decision."

Xiaozhi took a step back and gave Bi Diao the right to choose.


All eyes were on Bi Diao.


After pondering for a moment, Bi Diao spread his wings and let out a high-pitched cry, his eyes showing an arrogant look!

Finally, he nodded heavily.

"Is this the legendary cheating, the pink butterfly at home, have you forgotten?"

"What a scumbag."

Beside, Xiaogang Xiaoxia couldn't help but complain.

However, Bi Diao just spread his wings, lowered his head, and pecked the heads of the two to express his dissatisfaction.

"It's better than hanging!"

The meaning of bidiao is very simple.

This is just a simple estrus period of birds, nothing to do with love.

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "..."



Xiaozhi temporarily lent Bi Diao's Poké Ball to Aso. They planned to rest and play in Kikyo City for two days, and when they left two days later, they came back to get the Poké Ball back.

A Su naturally nodded repeatedly, the two-day mating period was already more than rubbing.

He has the confidence to breed the most perfect dog!


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