He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 536: Bi Diao vs Bi Diao!

Aso frowned.

Indeed, he was in a hurry.

Seeing that Bi Diao saw Lie Xinxi for a while, he made Duduli jump up and chase after him without thinking too much, but his Duduli really can't fly.


Gravity came, and soon, Duduli also reached the maximum height, and began to fall downwards, with no place to borrow strength, which made Duduli in a state of weightlessness in midair, with a flustered look on his face.

"Calm down!"

Aso said quickly.

But at this moment, Duduli's three heads each had their own thoughts, and they even fought with each other in mid-air.

This is the natural disadvantage of the three-headed Pokémon. Although it can indeed launch a powerful triple attack, sometimes the three heads are also prone to internal fighting.

Xiaozhi just laughed triumphantly, and swung his fist violently, and finally roared loudly:

"Then it's our turn, Bi Diao, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

He didn't choose any other fancy tricks, and Duduli was in a defenseless state, so Xiaozhi directly chose to let Bi Diao perform the strongest trick it can perform at this stage.

"Compared to hanging!!"

I only heard a high-pitched eagle cry from high in the sky, and Bi Diao's wings shook vigorously. Behind was the dazzling sun beam, as if riding a radiant armor.


Along the way, a burst of bright red light emanated from the surface of its body, as if a flame had been ignited out of thin air.

The speed increased instantly, and the red flame burned to the extreme halfway, and the color suddenly changed, completely different from the previous fiery flame.


The light suddenly turned into a strange blue light. At this moment, Bi Diao seemed to be covered with a coat composed entirely of annihilated blue energy, and his body was filled with a permeating aura, which made people feel frightened when looking at it.

In the end, Bi Diao just followed Duduli's falling trajectory, and his figure also flew out.

Brave Bird strikes! !


The two birds collided, and the sound of violent noise exploded.

The energy rays of Brave Bird's slam shot soared into the sky, spreading in waves of energy, forming a thick smoke of decent size in mid-air.


Immediately afterwards, amidst the thick smoke, a brown figure fell vertically and crashed to the ground.

And another brown figure turned back again, broke through the smoke and dust, and flew towards the sky.

"call out..."

Then he flew back and forth in the sky for a while, and the next moment, Bi Diao had already appeared above Xiaozhi's head.

As soon as the wings were retracted, it blew the surrounding smoke and dust, and slowly landed beside the latter, the movement was very chic.

Although the sand also smeared Xiaozhi's face.


A burst of electric arc was delayed half a second before it lit up on Bi Diao's body, but the latter showed no fluctuations, with a solemn expression, like a loyal and responsible soldier.

This is the counterinjury of Brave Bird's onslaught.

And the other end.


Duduli had already collapsed there, and a small crack collapsed around it due to the huge force.

"Duduli can't fight, but Bidiao wins!"

Junior Brother A hastily raised his palm, feeling a bit more surprised in his heart.

Not everyone in Kikyo Dojo is a bird player, but they are actually flight attribute trainers, and the two are just a collective with some overlap.

Birds are not equal to being able to fly, and those who can fly are not necessarily birds.

But a fool can also see that this Bidiao is very powerful, not even inferior to the one of their big brother...


"The level is very high... and the brave bird will strike...!"

At the halftime stage, Aso's face once again showed a strange color, and even his cheeks became a little rosy, with a bit of fanaticism.

"Come back, Dodoo..."

He backhanded the defeated Duduli back.

This Pokémon was already the highest difficulty he would release to most newcomer challengers, but today it was defeated so easily.

Looking at Xiaozhi on the other side who also looked fanatical, Ah Su knew that the latter was not satisfied and was waiting for him.

"Then do as you wish."

Thinking of this, A Su also showed a high-spirited expression, and threw his third elf ball forward.

Always playing against newcomers, even the always gentle Asuo is a little tired, and has long wanted to compete with a master!


It is still a brown-gray giant eagle, with wide wings, gorgeous and cool feathers, and a sturdy face...

Than the carving!

"Compared to hanging!!"

"Better than Diao Diao!!"

As soon as they came up, the two vultures screamed from the air, uttering high-pitched eagle cries, trying to overwhelm each other with momentum.

Although this kind of Pokémon does not actually have the intimidating characteristic, there have indeed been special Bidiao in history that achieved the same effect as the intimidating characteristic by relying on its fierce giant eagle and singing.


"Hmm... Whether it's in terms of shape or size, or the softness of the feathers, or the toughness and wildness that comes with Bi Diao, these two are on par..."

Next to him, Xiao Gang nodded cautiously.

Aso's bidiao must have been in such a physical and mental state under the careful training of Aso, who has a professional aviculture driver's license.

As for Xiaozhi's comparison with the eagles, Xiaozhi's cultivation is just a joy, and it depends on him as a big breeder.

"It seems that my craftsmanship is not much worse than that of a professional bird breeder..."

In the end, Xiao Gang just smiled lightly and played a ditty triumphantly.


The outcome of this battle in the gymnasium is no longer important, he Xiaogang has already won...

Next to him, Xiaoxia patted him on the shoulder quite seriously, and asked, "Teacher Gang, who do you think will win this competition?"

"I guess Bi Diao."

Xiaoxia: "?"

Am I asking this?


On the playing field, there are only five walls, allowing the airflow of nature to blow in at will.

A Su looked serious, and whispered:

"Xiaozhi, in today's match, I will use all my strength and my Bi Diao!"

Xiaozhi also refused to give in, and shouted back in a low voice:


"Then you two, the game begins!"

Junior brother A next to him naturally didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately raised his palm to signal the two to start, then retreated to the back, staring at the field with burning eyes.

"Isn't it a few months since the last time I saw the master fighting with Bi Diao...?"

He licked his lips, eyes burning.


Game start.

"Bi Diao, use Sandstorm!"

Ah Suo attacked first, without showing any mercy.

"Sandstorm, how is it possible?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, he was also a fan of Bi Diao, and flying sand feet combined with strong winds to create small sandstorms was his first operation, which also made him think about letting Bi Diao directly master the trick of sandstorms.

But he discussed it with Xiao Gang in private, and finally came to a conclusion.

Pokémon like Bi Diao can only use other tricks to create pseudo-sandstorms, and it is absolutely impossible to directly display sandstorms.

"Huh huh huh..."

It's just that the Bi Diao on the opposite side moved forward with a pair of wings, and suddenly the field flew sand and rocks, and countless dust flew up, forming a large-scale yellow sand hurricane around the airflow.


Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang on the sidelines frowned, can Bi Diao really directly grasp the sandstorm?

But now it's a competition, and there is no room for the two of them to discuss academic research. Facing the fierce sandstorm, Xiaozhi attacked, not to be outdone:

"Bi Diao, then let's use defogging!!"


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