He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 530: Fat Carrot Pokémon

Route Three.

This is still a vast jungle.

Through this jungle, and then through a suburb, they can reach their destination - Kikyo City.

"This kind of terrain is really everywhere in the Johto area..."

Xiaoxia complained silently.

This also caused insect-type Pokémon to be everywhere in the Joto area, while most of the insect-type Pokémon in the Kanto area were concentrated in the Viridian Forest.



At this time, a crisp and pleasant voice attracted the attention of the three of Xiaozhi, and before they knew it, there was still a layer of faint fragrance floating in the air.

Several people looked along the source of the sound, and saw a yellow-green Pokémon like a fat head ginseng lying on an open area in the jungle ahead.

There is also a large green leaf on the head.


It was in a state of sound sleep, and the sun shone on its body through the gap in the jungle, making it roll gently on the spot comfortably, moaning contentedly from time to time.

"I haven't seen it before, is it a wild Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and took out the illustrated book to scan.

"Didi. Chrysanthemum leaf, fat radish Pokémon, is a grass-type Yusanjia in the Joto area. It likes to bask in the sun, and the grass leaves on its head can emit a strange fragrance."

The illustration book gently reminded.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened. Yesterday he was planning to subdue the Chengdu Yusanjia, but today a fat carrot appeared in front of him.

"What fat radish!! Such a cute Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia quickly retorted that the pale green body of the chrysanthemum grass leaf, dozing naively in the sun, is obviously a very cute thing, but after being mentioned in the illustrated book, the taste changed instantly.

Although, it does kind of look like...?

"Hey! I can't change back!"

She held her head in distress.

I always feel that although this upgraded version of the illustration book is indeed a little less provocative, every sentence is still accurate and disgusting.

Tricky angle.

"By the way, is this wild? Generally speaking, the Yusanjia seldom has wild ones?"

Xiaogang is a reasonable customer, and asked.

This type of Pokémon Yusanjia is generally in the hands of the official alliance. As a distinction from ordinary Pokémon, it is rarely seen in the wild.

"That's easy to judge."

Xiaozhi patted his chest and walked straight forward, already having a plan in mind.

"Hey, is there a trainer for this fat radish...Ju Caoye? If no one responds, I'll be a wild radish!"

Then he shouted loudly and shouted to the surroundings.

The sound was so loud that a few spherical brown-gray birds flew out of the forest, and their shapes looked a little weird.

Xiao Gang: "?"

It's easy to understand, this is what he didn't expect...


Xiaozhi's loud voice finally woke up the chrysanthemum leaf.

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Standing up on all fours, a green leaf above her head was floating with the wind, but Ju Caoye's eyes didn't look very happy, and her lovely face was full of anger.

Anyone who is yelled by a loud voice while sleeping, will not be in a good mood.

Ju Caoye even pawed the ground with all four limbs in place, making a gesture of sprinting at any time, the threat was self-evident.

"Oh, what a fierce look...!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was even more happy. The wild Pokémon made this gesture to you, which means a battle is about to start.

And if you win, you will be able to subdue the opponent!

"It's up to you!"

Without even thinking about it, Xiaozhi threw out his own elf ball.


Before the red light dissipated completely, a violent dragon roar resounded through the jungle, and several brown-gray owl-like Pokémon flew out of the depths again.

A fiery red winged dragon just appeared in front of Xiaozhi. It was several times bigger than the opponent, exuding an extremely domineering aura.

"What kind of operation is this?"

"Send the fire-breathing dragon directly?"

The two people watching the play were stunned.

The one on the opposite side seems to be a low-level initial Yusanjia, or a grass-type one, but you just released the fire-breathing dragon?

Good guy, the two of Xiaozhi's brain circuits will never be able to catch up.

"What do you know, my name is steady like an old dog."

Xiaozhi just smiled smugly, and didn't think there was anything wrong with his high-level account taking out the Dragon Slaying Knife and returning to Xinshou Village to kill chickens.

"Ju Cao Ye, if I defeat you, I will subdue you."

Before Jucaoye could answer, Charizard answered for it first.


A hot flame directly scalded Xiaozhi's head.

My first battle with the charizard in the city area, you let me fight a fat carrot?

Insulting the dragon?



However, Ju Caoye on the opposite side let out a low shout. Although she was a few steps back by the huge figure and hot temperature of the fire-breathing dragon, her little head still had a look full of fighting spirit.

Even with a flick of his head, the green leaf above his head also swung in a circle, and immediately flew out to the green leaf blade, launching the first attack.

Flying Leaf Quick Knife!


However, the fire-breathing dragon didn't even have any defenses. It just had a big belly, and the seemingly dangerous flying leaf blade hit it, and it lost its power and fell lightly.


The fire-breathing dragon just spewed out a cloud of gas from its nostrils, with an arrogant expression.

Except for the second brother's Flying Leaf Knife that can hurt it, this level of Flying Leaf Knife can't even break its defense.

Just looking at the stubborn expression of the big fat carrot in front of him, not to mention, it also kind of likes the feeling of coming to Xinshou Village to kill chickens.

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, attacking: "It's our turn for the fire-breathing dragon, use the flames!"

With the power of spraying flames, he was afraid that the chrysanthemum leaves would be melted directly.


And the fire-breathing dragon also made a sneezing motion, and sprayed a light fireball from its mouth.


However, Chrysanthemum Leaf did not dodge, and the green leaf flicked again, and a transparent wall of air formed in front of her, and the fireball hit it, dispersing 2/3 of the flames around it.

And the remaining one-third still passed through the wall and rushed towards the target, but was stepped on by Ju Caoye and slowly dispersed.

It is still not afraid of the weakened version of the flame.

"Can you use the light wall trick?"

"Or the Yusanjia of the meat shield?"

The two people next to me were surprised.

Mastering tricks such as "light wall" and "reflective wall" in the early stage also means that this Pokémon is quite qualified on the road of a tank tank.

Since they had never seen the three-stage evolution of Chrysanthemum Leaf, the appearance of a huge tank radish could not help appearing in the minds of the two of them.


Turn-based game, now it's Chrysanthemum Leaf's turn to fight.


Chrysanthemum leaves eyes showed a fierce look, and once again shook the green leaves on the spot, but this time there was neither a flying knife nor a defensive wall, and it seemed that nothing happened.

"No, it's the scent just now..."

"And the scent is getting stronger and stronger!"

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were the first to react and looked at each other.

It's a sweet aroma!

"What did I think it was? It turned out to be a sweet aroma. My admiral's giant claw crab will also do this trick."

Xiaozhi just waved his hand nonchalantly.

Thinking back to the lighthouse in Zhenghui, when it was still a crab, he resorted to a trick of sweet aroma, relying on his own rich crab aroma, to lure the giant lighthouse beast that lived in that sea area.

"Wait a moment."

The arrogant Xiaozhi suddenly thumped.

Introduce monsters? !

Can this trick attract monsters?

And as the chrysanthemum leaf continued to shake the green leaves more vigorously, the fragrance emitted became more intense, and even spread towards the surroundings.


In the surrounding jungle, the sound of high-frequency vibrations of insects flapping wings was heard very quickly, coming from all directions...


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