He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter five hundred and twentieth seventh thunder

It is still a jungle clearing on the No. 2 road.

The few people were not in a hurry to go on the road, so Xiaozhi had already released his Pokémon for daily training, while the other two were idly drinking tea and watching.

"Frog Grass, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"


The back is still full of lush flowers, and it shakes its body. Countless green leaves condense out of thin air around the petals, which rotate at high speed and turn into sharp blades, which shoot out towards the front.

"Pikachu, block it with your steel tail!"

The target of Feiye Kuaidao is Pikachu.

Xiaozhi was fighting with his left and right hands.

Hearing Xiaozhi's instructions, Pikachu nodded, pressed his forelegs forward, and his body rolled forward with the center of gravity. The stepped tail behind him was already covered with a layer of metal cold light.


Under the huge force, all the menacing flying leaves and knives were directly chopped down.

"Wonderful Frog Grass, take advantage of the present!"

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his hand and pointed, and said.

This is not a skill command, but Froggrass understood the meaning of the latter, and a burst of emerald green light strangely lit up in the pupils of its thick eyes.

And the green broken leaves that were scattered and shattered unexpectedly rose up automatically in the absence of wind, and spread evenly on the surrounding field, covering it with a layer of greenery.

Pseudo grass field!

In fact, Froggrass itself has already mastered the skill of green grass field, but this unique trick requires a certain amount of time to shake and chant. If you meet a master, others will not give you time to open the grass field.

"If I can make use of such unique skills as Flying Leaf Quick Knife and Falling Flowers, wouldn't that mean I can instantly open the pasture?"

This is the aidi that suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind one day.

Use the flying leaf sharp knife to attack the enemy and earn blood.

If that doesn't work, let the shattered and scattered leaves drive out the grassy field.

Of course, it's still only in the experimental stage, and the concentration of scattered leaves is too low, which is far from the green grass field.

"In that case, Froggrass, use the grass slide!"


After saying that, Froggrass stepped on the grass with its limbs, and jumped out like wearing rusty skates, and its body was covered with a layer of dazzling green light.

Although it can't reach the realm of preempting the ultimate move, the speed provided by this fake green grass field is not too slow.

Then Xiaozhi wrestled with his left and right hands, and continued to speak:

"Pikachu, let's block it with thunder and four trigrams!"


On the other end, Pikachu nodded, leaping high from the spot, spinning horizontally in mid-air like a spinning top.


During the rotation process, a yellow electric arc lit up on the tail, and the strength was also continuously strengthened. Finally, the tail carrying the electric arc power just whipped away like this, revealing a faint aura that people dare not be careless.

Thundering Four Diagrams, this is the great cheat that Xiaozhi got after fighting the Gyarados named "Kaido" in the Orange Islands.

The latter's thundering gossip is already equivalent to all the power that Pikachu can emit, and the thundering sixteen hexagrams has reached the ultimate state that Xiaozhi can't reach at all...

Just learned it secretly, the current Pikachu can only barely reach the level of Thunder Sigua.

Don't look at the fancy name of the pirate's move, to put it bluntly, it is actually a lightning whip, a full blow with an electric arc, and can even create the deterrent illusion of a mace.

But if you simply say "wind one hundred thousand volts around the tail and use knocking", this is still illegal in combat, and there is no reason to use two skills at the same time.

And in this world, there is no unique trick called "Lightning Tail".


Thunder gossip collided with the green grass slide, and there was a violent sound at the junction point. With the energy scattered, the two Pokémon retreated a few steps at the same time.

Evenly matched.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi showed a rather excited look.

"It's okay, the grass slide can be opened 50-50 at the stage of the four hexagrams... Probably the strength of the six hexagrams should be the strongest power that Pikachu's steel tail can exert..."

"If it comes to gossip, it is probably the limit level that can be achieved with my bondage power buf and the strange explosive power that Pikachu comes with..."

Xiao Zhi secretly weighed the power of this move.

The future is promising.

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"Xiaozhi, is this going to create a trick...?"

"The difficulty is not low."

Beside, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia touched the teacup, showing a relaxed look, pointing Jiang Shandao.

As the oldest region in the Kanto region, the earliest fighting battles were actually the simplest fists and kicks, unpretentious.

Sonic Punch, Megaton Punch, Double Kick, Flying Knee...

Until one day, people suddenly discovered that there is a Pokémon named Electric Shock Beast, which can attach lightning energy to its fists and send out "Lightning Fist".

The same phenomenon also appeared in Miss Lips and Fire Dragon.

Later, a martial arts master discovered a Pokémon like Kuaiquan Lang, and he could even use Freezing Fist, Lightning Fist, and Flame Fist at the same time, and this set of Farmer's Three Punches was fully developed.

Then some people are curious, is there a Leaves of Grass fist?

Or is it Freezing Kick, Lightning Kick, Fire Kick?

I think it is possible to think so, but it is extremely difficult to really create a unique move such as x punch, x leg, x tail, x teeth.

Just like flame kicking, this is also a unique move that has only been created in the Fangyuan area next door in the last 20 years, and it requires Pokémon to have extremely flexible jumping ability to achieve it.

The Grass Leaf Fist and Grass Leaf Kick are unique moves that were only invented a few years ago, and the conditions for their use are extremely harsh.

The former requires a spike attack when punching a fist, which limits the success of only Pokémon with cactus organs, and the trick has also been changed to a "spike arm".

The latter is a trick that can only be performed with the help of Pokémon's perception of the surrounding tropical jungle venues, and was renamed "Tropical Kick".

The trick is not something that can be taken for granted. If Xiaozhi hadn't actually seen a Gyarados cast the lightning whip, he would not have rashly tried to let Pikachu learn this trick.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants could block roads and rob under the trees. This is the reason.

As for why it's not called Lightning Tail...

It can only be said that the Four Diagrams of Thunder is indeed more domineering, and Xiaozhi prefers domineering names.


"Pikachu, do it again, use Thunder Four Diagrams on that oak tree!"


Pikachu made another mid-air spinning motion, and the proficiency of Lightning Tail's moves was also improving. Accompanied by the sizzling sound of the current, he swept across the towering oak tree in the middle.


The powerful force caused a crack to be split on the trunk of the tree, and the whole oak tree trembled violently.

It's just that the commotion didn't end quickly, on the contrary, it intensified.


At this time, the top branches and green leaves of the oak tree began to tremble inexplicably, and the leaves rubbed against each other, making a piercing sound, as if something was about to fall...

"Xiaozhi, didn't the illustration book say, don't hit the trees casually, or strange things may fall."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia immediately stayed away from the latter and reminded him from a distance.


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