He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 478 Careless, no flash

Asia Island, pier.

A few people got off the boat and landed on the island. Although they didn't know what happened, but since this strange ocean current brought them here, they should take a stroll on the island. After all, Xiaozhi and the others are not in a hurry.

During this period, Xiaozhi also learned that Xiaomei, the captain of the tour guide, is actually a half-Asian islander. He just moved later and hasn't been back for a long time.

"Wu~~" "Lu~~" "La~~"

Suddenly, there was a sound like chanting a mantra, one after another, and then a group of human beings wearing beak masks and manes around their necks approached. They were dressed in traditional costumes, holding torches and sand gongs in their hands, surrounding them. Spin around and dance weird dances with the crowd.

This curious scene made them think it was some kind of native cannibals, so they didn't dare to be careless, Xiaozhi had already rolled up his sleeves and planned to fight back, but at this time one of the figures took off the beak mask.

Under the mask is a woman with short red hair, about 20 years old, with a beautiful and gentle face, beckoning them not to panic.

"We are offering sacrifices, this is a welcome to the guests on the island~"

"Oh Yuu~ Are you going to play the flute as a shrine maiden at the festival again this year?"

The captain, Xiaomei, who was standing next to Xiaozhi, said hello. It was a coincidence. Counting the days, today seems to be the time for the island's annual festival.

"Haha~ I'm retiring~ I'm no longer a girl in my twenties, the witch is now my younger sister~~ By the way, it seems like you haven't come back for a long time~"

The red-haired woman named Xiaoyou replied with a smile, the two were obviously old acquaintances.

Before a few people could say anything, there was a sudden shout from a high platform behind the island. With a bit of dissatisfaction, everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look.

"Hey! Who do you think is a girl!"

I saw a woman with long red hair standing there with her hips akimbo.

She has long red hair tied into long double ponytails, a fancy hat, and a pair of sunglasses on her face so that her face cannot be seen clearly. She is wearing a pink short-sleeved top and baggy jeans, giving her a very hip-hop look.

"Hey Flora! What kind of clothes are you wearing!!"

Xiaoyou hurriedly scolded loudly.

"Don't wear those old-fashioned clothes, anyway, the festival will only start in the evening!"

Flora took off her sunglasses, revealing a pure and lovely face, with a very high appearance, but her expression was very impatient, and she waved her hands indifferently? Obviously she disdains this celebration.

Is Flora Xiaoyou's younger sister? She is probably three or four years older than Xiaozhi and the others, and she is also the maiden selected for this year's Asia Island Festival.

"Tsk tsk? Anyone can be a witch now? The times have really changed, and now it's the world of Houlang..."

Xiaomei, who hadn't landed on the island for a long time, couldn't help sighing. Xiaoyou on the side had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Immediately, Xiaomei quickly began to introduce the three of Xiaozhi to everyone.

"Are you Xiaozhi, the trainer who defeated King Kona?!"

"Isn't it too old? Isn't it too young?"

"Another back wave!"

Hearing the name? The group of people took off their beak masks one after another, shocked again and again.

Although they are in the waters at the end of the Orange Islands, it doesn't mean they are disconnected from the outside world. Weibo is also posted? A few days ago, the news that King Kona was overthrown by a passing young trainer is also a topic after dinner in the local area. .

"Legend? In the disaster of the world, the god of the sea appeared, and together with the excellent controller, he calmed down the wrath of the god..."

At this time, there was an old voice, and I saw an aborigine taking off the beak mask in the rear. Under the mask was an old grandfather with a white beard? The status should be very high, and the surrounding locals gave way one after another? Atmosphere Instantly became a little frozen.

This old grandpa approached Xiaozhi step by step, with an extremely serious face.

"Excellent controller? A powerful trainer, I'm talking about you!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's heart immediately felt a little complacent, but he still took a half step back politely.

You can’t say that you say it’s me, right? Do you have to do Tai Chi? But this title is still good...

But at this time, the old man's brows suddenly relaxed, and he became playful and smiling again, like an old urchin.

"Haha, don't worry, it's a custom~"

If the status of tourists is raised higher, they will willingly spend money on their small island. Be fooled, spend all your money to be taken advantage of.

After all, food still needs to be just right.

Xiaozhi and the others are Xiaomei's friends, so they don't need to play these fancy routines.

Although it is impossible for Xiaozhi to be fooled by this kind of routine, after all, barefoot people are not afraid of being robbed.

"Huh? Are you the powerful trainer who defeated Master Kona?"

Just when Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, Flora, who had been watching the show from behind, leaned forward at some point, leaning face to face and looking him up and down, Xiaozhi could even feel the warm breath exhaled by the latter .

When you look closely, you can see that the girl's appearance is indeed extremely beautiful.


Immediately, Flora kissed Xiaozhi's side face like this. The soft touch made Xiaozhi back away several meters, raised his hand to wipe his face, and quickly put on a defensive gesture.

He was careless and didn't flash.

This action also made Xiaogang Xiaoxia in the back blush, secretly thinking that this girl is so bold.

"Ah, ah, ah~ This is also a custom~"

Flora just waved her hands casually, looking indifferent.

According to legend, when a disaster strikes and a celebration of the sea is held, when the controller is about to set off to save the world, the witch wants to give the controller who came from afar a light kiss as encouragement.

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to give up, and began to walk towards the island with a few people.


Seeing that Xiaozhi was still dazed, covering the side of his face, Xiaoxia patted the back of the former's head abruptly to signal him not to be in a daze.

"Oh, Xiaozhi has also reached this age..."

Xiao Gang next to him chuckled as if he had come, and finally patted him on the shoulder emphatically.

Unconsciously, Xiaozhi brushed his palm away and walked forward along the crowd.


"Is this how kissing feels..."

At the back of the crowd, Flora suddenly blushed. Although she was so bold before, this year was her first time as a witch, and it was also her first time to kiss her.

For a moment, even she herself was frightened by her audacity, surprised that she would actually kiss the side of a strange man.

"But this feeling..."

Flora quickly shook her head to get rid of this strange feeling, put on her sunglasses, and followed the troops ahead towards the island...



The entire Asia Island is decorated with lights and festoons, and the commercial street is also extremely prosperous. Both tourists and locals are enjoying the festival activities in full swing, which is very lively.

This is the annual festival of the sea on this small island, praying to the gods for prosperity in the next year.

In the middle of the street, there were even a few people dragging the long flag of the Gyarados, waving it flamboyantly, attracting the attention of many tourists along the way.

It was getting dark.

In the center, a huge wooden auditorium-like building has already lit a few candles, shining with a faint yellow candlelight.


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