He knows Pokémon better than me

Four hundred and fortieth IX The road is uneven

Walking along the beach for a while along the sea, the three of them could already see the crowded buildings from afar.


At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly noticed that several human beings seemed to be surrounding something hundreds of meters in front of him, waving sticks in his hands. He immediately squinted his eyes and could barely see that it was a treasure. Pokémon was beaten with a stick.

Although I don't seem to have seen that kind of Pokémon, Xiaozhi will never allow human abuse of Pokémon to happen. Immediately, he let go of Xiaogang and the two sprinted, raising a burst of momentum on the beach. The vulgar dust arrived at the target in less than a while.

"Hey, you guys stop!!"

He roared loudly, and the three spirited guys in beach shorts froze and subconsciously turned their heads.

But seeing Xiaozhi's stunned look, the three of them didn't take it seriously, they just waved their hands in disgust.

"Where is the brat?"

"Let's play."

They were a few years older than Xiaozhi, but they were not afraid of Xiaozhi at all, and continued to grab sticks and throw at the Pokémon.

"I heard that this kind of Pokémon is called Chenglong. It's not uncommon. Let me show you the power of my uncle today!"

"Ah ha ha!!"

The spirited guys laughed wildly, but unexpectedly, the stick had just swung halfway down, and an afterimage flashed in front of my eyes. The next second, the stick stopped in midair, unable to advance any more.

I saw that Xiaozhi had already stood in front of Chenglong at some point, and even raised his palm, grabbing the wooden stick he swung.

The speed was so fast that even Pikachu next to him was taken aback for a moment.

"Hey you kid..."

Seeing the anger in Xiaozhi's eyes in front of him, the spirited boy felt a little scared for no reason, but he still wanted to use his strength to knock Xiaozhi into the air, but found that his wooden stick seemed to be clamped by ten thousand jin of steel. He didn't move at all.

"How can it be?!"

In the next second, Xiaozhi flipped his palm and grabbed the wooden stick, breaking it into two pieces on the spot.

This tyrannical action made the three spirited guys subconsciously take half a step back, at this time Xiaogang Xiaoxia also leaned over.

"It's so dark..."

Seeing this? The three of them blurted out at the same time.

Xiao Gang: "?"

In the Orange Islands, dark complexion is the most beautiful, and it is also a symbol of strength.

Even the kid in front of him has such strange strength? This new black man should be at the level of a muscular tyrannosaurus, right?


Seeing that they can't gain an advantage in physical combat? Naturally, the three spirited guys couldn't just leave the field without face, and immediately took out the poke ball? Said viciously.

"Hmph, do you want to fight with real people, little bastards?"

"A countryman from out of town?"

"Are we an elite trainer with two badges? If you are sensible, admit defeat!"

Hear the badge? Xiaozhi has something to say.

"What kind of rookie level are two badges? I already have eight badges, and I'm even in the top five of the Quartz Conference."

It's just that the words were supposed to be very grand, but the three spirited guys in front of them couldn't help laughing "puchi"? It seemed that they were looking at some kind of country Amon.

"Eight badges?"

"Quartz Conference?"

"So it's really a foreigner?"

This move made the three of Xiaozhi confused? The Orange Islands are not far from the Kanto region, and it is a regional-level alliance conference.

"Hmph, if that's the case? Let me show you the level of elite trainers in the Orange Islands!"

As they said that, the three of them threw three Pokeballs forward at the same time? A red light flashed, and three Pokémon of different shapes appeared on the beach.

Are they all Xiaozhi's old friends? No strangers.

A Kuaiquanlang, a Toucan? A Haoli.

Seeing that there is a battle to be fought? Xiaozhi immediately aroused the fighting spirit? He raised his hand and pointed:

"Are you going to fight, Pikachu? It's up to you!"


Pikachu jumped directly in front of the three Pokémon with a vigorous step, and landed on all fours. His petite body was one against three, but his momentum was not inferior.


"Wait a moment!"

The battle was about to break out. At this time, a low shout interrupted the battle.

But I saw a young man running out suddenly, with short ink-colored hair in the shape of kelp, somewhat similar to Kojiro, with an orange headband tied on his forehead, thrusting abruptly into the middle of the crowd.

Ignoring everyone's bewildered eyes, the boy raised a magnifying glass and looked at Pikachu himself.

"Yeah, this electric mouse's fur is soft and shiny, and it's very energetic..."

Xiao Gang in the back nodded, he has seven levels of skill.

As he spoke, he took out a power detector and pressed it against Pikachu's cheek, and the tiny electric current "sizzled".

"The power storage is also very abundant. Except for the out-of-shape figure, it is a perfect electric mouse in all aspects."

Pikachu: "?"

Then he turned his head to himself, looked at the three Pokémon opposite him, and frowned deeply.

"Hmm, Kuaiquanlang's muscles are a bit shriveled, his lower body is unstable, and he is flashy... This toucan is a little hair-shedding, why are there feathers all over the ground... Haoli, your belt and underwear are loose, missing two taels Meat...?"

These words completely angered the three spirited boys and the Pokémon, and he was about to beat him up first, and the black-haired boy quickly hid behind Xiaozhi and the other three.


I'll just take a look, don't do it!

This was just an inexplicable episode, and soon the battle began again, and the flames of war were rekindled.

"Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!"

Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

After the words fell, I saw that Pikachu had already kicked the ground violently, and his body turned into a white light and rushed out in an instant. The speed was extremely fast. Before Kuaiquan Lang could react, he was directly hit on the face. All flowed out.

But the flash of lightning is after all the ultimate move of power to pull the hips. Kuaiquan Lang stood upright and even waved his right fist. At this moment, a layer of flames was already burning on it.

"Kaiquan Lang, use the flame fist!"

The spirit boy shouted angrily.

It's just that after Pikachu's blow worked, he took advantage of his strength to retreat and fell back on the beach again. The sweep of the flame fist just passed by its nose and missed.

"Continue to use Flash!"

Pikachu's attack was not over yet, and after landing on his hind legs, he kicked out again. This time he directly bypassed the frontmost Kuaiquan Lang, and hit Hao Li next to him with a mallet.

Before the offensive stopped, the direction of the recoil changed again, and a white light flashed sideways, this time directly knocking the toucan on the other side several meters away.

In the blink of an eye, all the waists of the three Pokémon were broken.

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia are not surprised by this operation, but the young man playing with his mouth in the back has a bright eye.

"It's over, Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly.

In the next second, the lightning on Pikachu's body exploded, covering all the three Pokémon in front of him, and the terrifying electric current bombarded out, crackling on the beach immediately.


Even the electricity in the back exceeded the standard, and even had electrotherapy for the three mental guys.

"Ai..." "Li..." "Feng..."

Soon, the current dissipated, Kuaiquan Lang and other three Pokémon lost their fighting ability and fell on the beach on the spot, and the three trainers were also disgraced, so they had to take back the Pokémon in a hurry, and fled in a hurry, cursing They will be back.

"That's it?"


The easy 1v3 victory made Xiaozhi and Pikachu a little dazed. The three of them seemed to be quite strong in momentum, but this is the result?


But before he could think about it, there was a wailing sound from behind, and everyone looked back at the bullied Pokémon...

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