He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 435 Coercion is everything!

Feature exchange, literally, exchanges the features of the two, and exchanges the feature of the spiritual maker, which is abolished when it is used up, to Kuailong, while Diedie acquires the characteristics of Kuailong.

Multiple scales.

When at full stamina, the damage taken will be reduced.


Du's face was still calm, and it was his old formula to attack quickly at the beginning of the game. Being able to block this move also meant that the opponent's level was barely enough for him to open his eyes and fight.

"In this case, Kuailong, use the flame fist!"

As soon as the words fell, Kuailong's fleshy dragon claws clenched a fist, and a raging flame erupted on it. With a shake of its wings, it rushed forward with its flaming fists.

"Diedie, use supernatural power!"

Kapu Diedie waved his arms, and the powerful thought power spread out, covering the body of the rushing Kuailong. The latter's body was immediately covered with a layer of faint blue light, and his forward movement was also suffocated in mid-air. Stand deadlocked two meters in front of him.

It was about to use all its strength to break free, but saw that the surrounding pink-purple force field seemed to contain some kind of boosted power, which suddenly increased the power of the magical power of this blow by 30%, and firmly restrained it again.

Spiritual field, super power attribute skills, the power is greatly improved.


Immediately after Kapu Diedie yelled, his arm fell heavily, and Kuailong suddenly fell like a cannonball. After falling to the ground, there was a terrible explosion, and countless cracks and rubble were cracked on the ground of the arena.


Just the next second, a mighty dragon roar came from the smoke and dust, but Kuailong was hit hard behind him, his thick hind limbs stepped firmly on the ground, his body squatted down, his thigh muscles swelled, and his figure did not fall down. Down.

Immediately with a roar, his hind legs stepped on the ground, and with the help of this huge impact force, he rebounded suddenly, and his body jumped into the sky again with a "swoosh".

During the period, the small wings on the back were even more, which raised the sprint speed to a higher level again.


At this moment, the fiery flames on Kuailong's fists have not dissipated.


Kapu Diedie was caught off guard? He was hit by the recoiled Kuailong with a punch in the front, and his body was immediately blasted several meters away? The tiny scales covering the surface of the body shattered like glass in an instant.

Multiple scales trait? Gone.


After rolling several times in mid-air, did he let go of the momentum? The damage under the protection of multiple scales was not high, but this also made Die Die's eyes gradually become dignified.


She has never seen anyone who can use her superpower? Rebound and sprint? It takes an extremely exaggerated body to do this action...

This giant dragon is stronger than anything she has encountered before [txtnovel www.txtxs.info]!

Although the masked man was secretly surprised when he saw this, he quickly punched decisively in the void: "In that case, Die Die? Use mental shock!!"

Want to take advantage of the fact that the field is still there? Hurry up and use all the super attribute skills.


Kapu Diedie floated in the air and meditated, and suddenly several stone-like energy bodies condensed in front of him. After the increase of the spiritual field, the power instantly evolved to the size of a giant rock, and finally they all threw them towards the target? The power is not bad !

"Block it."

Kuailong understood, and raised two dragon claws on the spot? He clenched his fists tightly and faced several mental shocks? The scene in front of him was very violent.


With the last punch? All the energy was shattered, which also caused a burst of energy smoke around Kuailong's body.

Seeing this, the masked man was overjoyed and roared loudly:

"The good opportunity is now, use the wrath of nature!!"


Taking advantage of this opportunity of losing vision, Kapu Diedie has slipped close to Kuailong without anyone noticing. At this moment, the whole body is lit up with a burst of pink light, and the energy has been raised to the extreme. The bottom is hit right.


Immediately, there was a violent explosion sound in the arena, penetrating like a thunderbolt. The entire arena below suddenly collapsed, cracked layer by layer, and the pink light group was even more like energy ripples, blowing wantonly in the air, and the entire arena was filled with A strong fairy breath.

The goblin storm dazzled the audience, but Du, who was in the first section of the field, remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the front of him, letting the wind and waves blow his cloak.


The smoke cleared.

The entire arena has also been torn apart and completely abolished, which shows the terrifying power of the legendary Pokémon Kapu Diedie.


And Kuailong also reappeared, standing in the ruins, but at the moment his physical strength seemed to have been cut off a lot, and his breath was not as strong as when he first appeared on the stage.

"Well done, Wrath of Nature is working!"

Seeing this, the masked man was overjoyed.

The Wrath of Nature is the exclusive unique move of the four island gods in the Alola area. It uses the fairy energy of the whole body to attack, and it can definitely cut off half of the target's HP.

Similar to Earth Fissure Absolute Zero, this is also a skill in the field of law, as long as there is not much difference in strength between the two, then this effect can be activated.

Although the crossing fast dragon is very strong, it can't reach the point of ignoring the legendary beast. At this moment, its physical strength is only half left.

"Oh, so this is the god of the Alola region, the power is really strong..."

At this time, Du gently opened his mouth to admire.

The flat voice made the masked man a little puzzled. He was still so calm even though he was at an infinite disadvantage at the moment.

But then he stopped thinking so much, just playing tricks, I will definitely win today!

Seeing that the light of the surrounding spiritual field was gradually fading, he immediately raised his hand and pointed:

"Get rid of it at once, use the power of the moon!!"

The fairy attribute restrains the dragon attribute. Kapu Diedie's trick of the fairy attribute has killed many dragons.


She raised her arms on the spot, and after her body lit up with a burst of intense pink light again, the energy came out of her body, and a pink energy bomb nearly one meter wide gradually condensed above her head.

The energy is flowing inside, and it contains powerful power visible to the naked eye. It is completely impossible to imagine that this girly Pokémon can exert such power.

Just as everyone was staring blankly at the pink energy bomb in the sky, a dragon chant suddenly resounded throughout the audience.


I saw that the fast dragon below had opened its dragon's mouth, and the mighty and lingering roar of the dragon spread out from it, heading straight into the sky. For a moment, it seemed that even the air was frozen by the dragon's roar.

In the next moment, the entire meeting place was filled with a terrifying and murderous atmosphere, and even the air became as cold as a knife.

As for the source of Kuailong, the power on his body at this moment is like a high-ranking demon god, so domineering that people just want to kneel down and worship, without any intention of resisting blasphemy.

It was Kapu Diedie, the dragon slayer, who forgot to continue accumulating power for a while, and stayed in mid-air.

"It's interesting... Is this your ultimate path..."

In the auditorium, the red and white hat on Pikachu's head gradually popped out two eyes, and there was a bit of surprise in his tone.

It was gaudy, but Chi recognized it in an instant, and it was the ultimate state.

If you have to use one word to describe Du's ultimate road...

Extreme coercion!


In the arena, Kuailong, who has stepped into the ultimate realm, has the power to roll around his body, and even the visible cyan mist flames that can be seen with the naked eye, permeate its body, and it looks incomparable for a while.

That's right, Du doesn't need the ultimate physical strength, or some extreme speed, because there is only one way for him.

I saw him brushing up the hair hanging from his forehead with one hand, the palm of his hand seemed to have hair gel, and the fiery red hair stood up firmly, and finally he uttered a word lightly.

"Coercion is everything."


(There are three shifts, later.)

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