He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 407 All members fight! Phase two, blossom!

The arena was sunny and the air became scorching hot.

"Since it's scraping each other, I'll let you see my Miao Frog Flower use the flame trick!!"

Exiting the chaotic state, this made the masked man more confident, raised his hand and pointed:

"Miao Frog Flower, use the weather balloon!!"


Miaowahua let out a low growl, but saw a pure white energy ball suddenly rise from the center of the petals on its back, but after receiving the light from the sunny sky, this energy ball instantly turned into a diffuse Blazing fireballs of terrifying heat.

Unlike the sun and flames, this is a real flame.

"Beep. The weather ball is a general attribute trick. It changes attributes with the weather. In sunny days, it will become a flame attribute. Its power is much higher than that of spraying flames."

The voice of the illustrated book made Xiaozhi focus his eyes. Didn't expect this to be a set of combined punches?

Petal Dance onslaught, then Sunny Days and Earthquakes dragged through the chaos, and finally Fire Balloons to wrap up...

With the characteristics of chlorophyll, it can even make the flame weather balloon take the first step?

But Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he said in a low voice:

"My Sunshine Flame is the ultimate move of the last round!!"

However, it can be seen that the frog grass has stabilized its figure, and the energy of the sun and flames interrupted by the earthquake has not dissipated. The golden hot energy shoots out directly, even before the frog flower under the chlorophyll.


The flames of the sun bombarded the face of Miaowahua head-on, and the high temperature was as hot as the sun, which made Miaowahua let out a muffled groan. The huge figure couldn't help but backed up and dragged a black mark on the ground. There was an extra scorched black mark on the skin of the attack.

Only in the next second, relying on its powerful blood skin, it managed to hold on to this move, facing the fiery light beam in front of it, and then violently pushed out the flaming weather balloon on its back.


Under the chlorophyll, the weather balloon shot out like a cannonball, almost to the extreme, but the frog grass could only widen its eyes...


The flame weather balloon hit right on the ground, and the flame energy exploded on its body, and a burst of raging fire suddenly burst out, sweeping the field.

The flames of the sun at the other end also exploded, and two large-scale explosions exploded at both ends of the arena at the same time...


Two minutes later, the smoke dissipated.

On the arena, the masked man's Miao Frog Flower was still standing firm on the arena, his breath was not stable, and there was an extra scorching mark on his head, which seemed to have suffered a lot of damage.


On the other side, Froggrass struggled to get up, but its condition was worse.

His whole body was scorched black, his body was trembling, his eyelids were raised and he was out of breath, and the blow to the flaming weather balloon caused terrible damage to it.

Comparing the two, the state is very different.

"I won..."

Seeing this, the masked man secretly clenched his fists. Although this special Froggrass is strong and even caused him a difficult situation, the outcome of this match has already been decided...


A low growl came, interrupting the masked man's thoughts.

Before he could give the instruction to end the game, he saw that the froggrass was dragging its body full of scars, and raised its head proudly. Under the dazzling sunlight in the sky, a burst of bright white light suddenly burst out of its body inexplicably. , the body seems to be sublimated, and the energy is constantly improving...


The masked man was taken aback for a moment. It stands to reason that the level of the froggrass has reached the standard. It is normal to evolve in a desperate situation, but everyone will enter a state of sluggishness when they see the light of evolution, and they all admire the greatness of the world.

As Dr. Pokémon, he does the same.

The entire arena of tens of thousands of people fell silent for a while, and everyone's eyes were just quietly appreciating this scene.

The charm of evolution is enough to convince everyone...


"No, it's not evolution."

Xiaozhi's sudden confident voice interrupted everyone's thoughts like a stone thrown into the water.

He understands the will of his Pokémon. It is already the biggest concession for it to evolve into Bulgaria.

In this life, it is estimated that it will not be able to evolve into 003 again.

It's not evolution, it's...

The next second, the strange evolutionary white light really began to shift, and finally all concentrated on its back petals, the skin of its limbs and head had returned to the emerald green it was before, and its body size became a little bigger, but The appearance hasn't changed much.


And as the white light completely dissipated, the petals on the back of the Froggrass at the moment, which were more and more half-opened, finally fully bloomed this time, and for a while, the fragrance permeated the entire venue.

This is not evolution,

but flowering.

In the second stage of the frog grass, flowers that are more brilliant than the frog flower stage bloom.

It is the chosen one, and this is a super special form that can only be completed by the frog grass that has received the energy blessings of many of its kind in the mysterious garden!

The bright red brilliant petals are not as luxuriant as in the third stage, but appear firm and well-proportioned, which is in the right proportion to the body of the froggrass.


After the evolution was completed, Frog Grass raised its head again and roared, with a fierce and resolute face. This time, the aura of rushing out was not inferior to that of Frog Flower on the opposite side. It only made people feel incomparably surging.

It wants to defeat the Miao Frog Flower here, and prove that the current form is the most perfect posture of the Miao Frog Seed Clan! !

This move caused the entire venue, which was almost extinguished, to burst into loud commotion and cheers again, and the masked man, who had the will to study, wanted to stop the match on the spot and give the froggrass in front of him a physical examination.

But the game goes on.

The sunny weather seemed to have been squeezed dry by Froggrass, and it had completely disappeared, but the fire in the eyes of Xiaozhi and the masked man became brighter again.

The second round has just begun!

"Frog Grass, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

The two used the same trick tacitly, looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help showing a smile of meeting their opponents.

The two frogs trembled, followed the same pattern, and ejected countless green leaf throwing knives again, until they collided continuously in the center of the arena.

"Da da da!!"

Evenly matched, this time the situation is completely different from the previous one. The power of Froggrass is not inferior to the opponent, and even because it has just evolved, the momentum has reached its peak in one go, and the power of the unique move can even stabilize the opponent.


This time, it was its Flying Leaf Knife that broke through the limit, cutting across Miao Frog Flower's face, leaving a sharp bloodstain.


Immediately afterwards came the similar vine whip trick, the eight vine whips froze together again. Although the size of the frog grass is only one-third the size of the frog flower, its strength is not inferior at this moment. The two Pokémon Meng gritted her teeth and exerted all her strength, trying to drag the opponent down...



The Flying Leaf Knife and Vine Whip's unique moves ended, which made both Pokémon start to pant.

Naturally, Froggrass is in the state of a candle in the wind, and evolution will not replenish blood. This is common sense.

Although Miao Frog Flower is not in such a miserable state, but for some reason, the feeling of the same kind on the opposite side is so strange to it, it has a kind of...

Want to bow your head and be sincere?

You know, it's the chosen Miao Frog Flower with its hidden characteristics. Other bastards would call out to Big Brother when they saw it. Such a strange feeling couldn't help but make it feel a little chilly, and even breathing became short of breath.

Sensing its will, the masked man raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking that if the opponent's rising arrogance is not completely extinguished now, this situation may change.

Immediately, his eyes became serious, and he punched heavily and said:

"In this case, Miao Frog Flower, use the most powerful whip!!"


Miao Frog Flower immediately roared, raised its thick forelimbs high, and finally landed heavily on the ground. Eight green vine whips were whipped out from the roots of the petals on its back, dancing wildly around its body.

It's just that this time the vines have transformed into an attack made entirely of grass-attributed energy. The whole body is emerald green, as exquisite and beautiful as eight emerald green spirit snakes, but it is filled with extremely terrifying power from top to bottom, dancing for a while, and finally they all shot towards the target. Go, along the way, even the ground collapsed and broke into a gully.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi exhaled unexpectedly, closed his eyes, and couldn't help but think back to the special training of Froggrass these few days in his mind.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to stand still because of him.

A few days ago, Dr. Oki gave Xiaolan a grass attribute ultimate skill machine, but the latter was useless, so he temporarily stored it with him.

Unlike Xiaomao's third-level pure-blood water arrow turtle, his second-level Froggrass had been specially trained for several days, but he still couldn't use this move with ease.

But it's different now, he believes that the current froggrass, even if it's only in the second-order form, can still display the ultimate trick of the grass attribute!

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes, and for a moment his will and Froggrass were connected together, and both of them could clearly sense the fiery fighting intent in each other's hearts.

The next moment, Xiaozhi roared loudly:

"Frogweed, use crazy plants!!"

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