He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter Thirty-eight A teacher for a day, a father for life

The three of them were heading towards the Sakuragi Research Institute. The distance was not too short, and they had to walk for dozens of minutes.

Being idle and bored, Xiaozhi couldn't help itching and took out the illustration book again.

"By the way, I'm already at 2R level, how can I upgrade to 10R?" He asked.

Shout out, "I can play ten Rockets"!

Obviously, it is much higher level than "I can play two Rockets".

"Didi. 10R Trainer Requirements: Conquer 12 Pokémon and get 8 badges."

The illustrated book replied.


Xiaozhi frowned, now he only has 3 badges, the journey is very long, but he has already tamed 7 Pokémon, it seems that this side should be achieved sooner.

Maybe go to the Sakuragi Research Institute and get an extra new Pokémon.

As we all know, the research institute belongs to the white ticket Pokémon.

Then the three of them curiously adjusted the interface of the illustrated book to Unlock Achievements, which still showed that 3 achievements had been unlocked.

[Road to Movie King], [Food Chain], and [Longevity Bond].

And on the top is [Pokémon King]. According to its meaning, it is estimated that after unlocking all the achievements below, he can become the so-called "Pokémon King".

Damn, he obviously wants to become a Pokémon master!

However, it may be because Xiaozhi's level has been raised to 2R, this time there are several new achievement prompts below.

"[Renaissance] Achievement: Get a Fossil Pokémon."

"[Laying Egg Rooster] Achievement: Get a Pokémon egg and hatch it successfully."

"[Great Onmyoji] Achievement: Conquer a monster (specified gender: female), subdue a Shanaido (specified gender: male)..."

There are a few Pokémon in the back that Xiaozhi has never heard of, and it looks like a riddle.

"It's very troublesome..." Xiao Gang's eyes wrinkled deeply.

Xiaoxia also came up and took a closer look. Although the illustrated book gave several achievement information, almost none of them could be completed in a short time.

"It seems that there is only this last one."

She dragged the screen to the end, and Xiao Zhi took a closer look.

“[Teacher for a day, father for life (Level 1)]: Teach a newcomer how to catch Pokémon correctly.”

"Teach a rookie how to catch Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi thought for a while, he was still a rookie who knew nothing a few weeks ago.

But now he is still a man with 7 Pokémon. Although non-combat subjugation is ruled out, it seems that there are only tool birds and frog seeds left.

Anyway, he understood.

"It's decided, go to the Sakuragi Research Institute, and see if there is anything newbies can teach by the way, I want to be a father for life!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb and led Xiaogang and Xiaoxia towards that direction.



The Sakuragi Research Institute is located in a fringe area of ​​Dead Leaf City, and the house price is neither high nor low.

Right in front of this place is a chic small villa, which serves as the main building of the research institute, and is used for daily office operations and communication with outsiders.

Behind the villa is a large man-made green park for the Pokémon of the research institute to rest and live.

Although the size is not comparable to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute in Zhenxin Town. After all, the latter is opened in the countryside and the housing price is not high, but the area is still very large, and it will not feel crowded if you install a hundred or so Pokémon.

The door was not closed, and the three of them walked in without thinking, and entered a room similar to a public living room.

They have already said hello in advance.

At the moment, there are three people sitting in this hall, all wearing academic research white coats, looking like scholars.

The leader was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a Chinese character face, but he looked very kind and friendly. He was their transferee this time, the director of the Sakuragi Research Institute.

Dr. Sakuragi.

It is said that he was half of Dr. Oki's student in his early years, and his academic research was also highly recognized by Dr. Oki.

In autumn, Dr. Oki and Zhenghui set up a shelf in the backyard to eat fat crabs from the Kanto region.

In the summer, Dr. Oki and Dr. Sakuragi eat lobsters from the Yoshien area more often in the backyard.

After all, they were caught with red shells.

Also an old friend.

"I finally waited for you to come. Let me introduce you. These are my two assistants, Pokémon graduate students, Kikurai, Renji, and I am Dr. Sakuragi. I can be regarded as Teacher Oki's fan, half an apprentice."

Dr. Sakuragi smiled and held out his palm.

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly stretched out his hands to respond.

"My name is Xiaozhi, and I'm training with my Pikachu to become a Pokémon master."

"I'm Xiao Gang, the trainer of Nibi Gym."

"I'm Xiaoxia, the trainer of Hualan Gym."

After a round of greetings, the gentle woman Ju Lai with blue long hair and Lian Si, a man with glasses and science with messy yellow hair, also greeted them curiously.

According to Dr. Oki, the person who came this time is the best trainer in their village, but now he looks like a novice trainer.

You must know that Dr. Oki is a remarkable figure.

"Hehe, Teacher Oki has been praising you to me. I wonder how long Xiaozhi has been a trainer?" Sakuragi asked tentatively.

"Three weeks..."

Xiaozhi replied subconsciously, but quickly added: "It's the third anniversary, today is exactly the third anniversary, ha ha."

He suddenly realized that he was now representing the face of Zhenxin Town, so Xiaozhi quickly opened his eyes and made sassy remarks, exaggerating his work experience.

It is not a lie to elevate one's 3,579 years of work experience in the interview, it is all for getting a job.

After all, ability is the most important thing!

Dr. Sakuragi did not doubt him, after all, Dr. Oki would not lie to him, and then smiled slowly:

"Three years, you look very young..."

Is it true that the new town has become a trainer 3 years in advance?

Or is this boy growing up?

I really want to see if he still looks this young after 20 years...


After a while of pleasantries, everyone finally got to the point.

"I mentioned it on the phone before. Our research institute seems to have been inhabited by a certain wild Pokémon that can't be seen through. It likes to make troubles every day. It's nothing, it's not a serious problem."

Dr. Sakuragi scratched his head, a little embarrassed and said:

"Maybe it's just lonely and wants to attract people's attention. I kind of like that feeling."

"It's just that our Sakuragi Research Institute will officially open to the public recently. This is a port city with noisy crowds. It doesn't matter to us. After all, we are used to it, but those guests who come here may not like this environment. Once these people It will be troublesome if you get offended."

"And we have the most outrageous news media in Dead Leaf City. Once they smell something strange here, catch the wind and magnify the small things infinitely, infinitely, infinitely, then the problem will be big..."

After all, meals still need to be prepared, and life still needs to go on. The research institute can't close down because of such a trivial matter.

Hearing that Xiaozhi and the three nodded solemnly, they had already experienced the horror of the news media in Dead Leaf City in less than a day.

"So our task is to find out this Pokémon, I understand."

Xiaozhi's expression brightened, and another understanding is to let him subdue this troublemaker.

very profitable.

"Then I'm counting on you... the three of us have something to go out later, so I'll leave it to you, Xiaozhi." Sakuragi showed a helpless smile and patted Xiaozhi's shoulder .

They are researchers, and their combat power is not high, so they can only entrust outsiders rather embarrassingly.

"Of course I won't bother you in vain. If you can really solve this supernatural incident, I will give you three tickets for the St. Anne cruise ship that will set sail the day after tomorrow." Dr. Sakuragi added before leaving.

Hearing this, the eyes of the three of them lit up, and what they were waiting for was your words!



Soon Dr. Sakuragi and the three left, and only Xiaozhi and the three were left in the Sakuragi Research Institute of Nuoda University.

They're working out a tactic on how to lure that naughty Pokémon out.

"If a novice can appear at this time, I can be a father for life while subduing troublemakers..."

Xiaozhi sighed suddenly.

Not only did he just say this sentence, he only saw a voice coming from the gate.

"Hey, hey, is Xiaochun here? I'm here to play with you!"

His voice sounded rather immature, and he shouldn't be very old.

When the person came into the room, the three of them took a closer look, and saw that this person was a boy with short black hair, with a few curly hairs curled up, and his dark complexion was even comparable to Xiao Gang's. His face was dazed, and his age should be about the same as Xiaozhi's.

"You are...?"

"Let me ask first, are you a trainer?" Xiaozhi asked first.

"Well, I won't be able to claim Pokémon until a year later..." he subconsciously replied.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes became brighter than ever before, his tone sank, and he shouted:

"It's up to you, I'll teach you how to cook!"


(It will be recommended on Sunday tomorrow, the first recommendation is very important, please collect and recommend, this is really important...)

(The big fires help me overcome the catastrophe!!)

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