He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 369 The rock arena, Xiaomao vs. Yoshiki!

Xiao Ming, whose origin is unknown, once built a private gymnasium in the outskirts of Hualan City, sniping trainers passing by.

"When I reach 100 wins in a row, I will officially embark on a journey of collecting badges!"

So on that day, he met Xiao Mao who was destined to meet.

The two chatted by candlelight at night, hit it off right away, and Xiao Mao even taught him his anti-attribute tactics that were so powerful that they subverted the secular tradition. Just like a confidant, Xiao Ming regarded Xiao Mao as his best friend.

So on the occasion of his 99 consecutive victories, Xiaomao sent the most cordial greetings.

Kamigui's water cannon trick successfully killed his mountain mouse that was trying to use the reverse attribute tactics in seconds, allowing him to return from 99 consecutive victories to zero.

Some people may think that there should be no one in this world who is idle and waits for two weeks in a place where nothing shit happens, just to wait for the 100-game winning streak promotion match to snipe an unknown passer-by?

But the truth is there are people.

It's just that free.

Even now, Xiao Ming often wakes up in his sleep, breaking out in a cold sweat, and a piercing and cold ridicule echoes in his mind.

"Haha, no one really takes the inverse attribute seriously, haha..."

Since then, Xiao Ming has hated all the people in Zhenxin Town.

But life is still going on, so after returning to zero, he started to challenge 100 consecutive victories again. After countless battles, the day he reached 99 consecutive victories, he met another trainer from Zhenxin Town.

That was the benefactor he would remember for the rest of his life, and he was riding a very fat electric mouse on his shoulder.

Although his 99-game winning streak was once again brought to zero, it guided him to a broad road.

"I'm going to find the weakest Gym to start the challenge. Can you recommend one? Hualan Gym or Nibi Gym?"

To this day, Xiao Ming still remembers the words that the boy from Zhenxin Town uttered, just like the supreme wonderful voice of the Buddha.

"The weakest is the Viking Gym."

Two days later, Xiao Ming came to Changpan gymnasium with great interest.

Pushing open the door, I met the boss of Team Rocket, Boss Sakagi.

After a fight, Xiao Ming fell to his knees, powerless to fight. For a while, he even had the urge to give up being a trainer and return to his hometown to raise pigs.

But at this time, Boss Sakagi slowly helped him up.

"Your qualifications are very high, and you can do more in the future."

"Join the Rockets, dedicate your youth, your soul, everything to the Rockets, and in the end you will be sublimated in the process."

"Don't think about what the Rockets can give you, think about what you can bring to the Rockets."

"The harder, the more fortunate!"

In an instant, Xiao Ming cried bitterly and was grateful, and even regarded Boss Sakagi as the greatest life mentor and road indicator in his heart.

He was successfully brainwashed by Sakagi and became the Rockets' loyal dog.

So far, there is no beast in the world to make Xiao Ming.

Only the Rockets' thug, Jim!


After that, he devoted himself to training under Sakagi, hoping to make contributions to the Rockets in the future and wave the flag.

And this time the action is to participate in the Quartz Conference, the goal is to win the championship in one fell swoop, and then announce to the world in a high-profile manner:

"Pokémon League, no!

"Team Rocket, OK!"

Unexpectedly, it was still in the qualifying round, and he met the man he hated until now, new and old, he wished he could just use a knife to kill Xiaomao!

"Hee hee, could it be that you are still a fan of Boss Sakagi's brain? You have shaved your head as well?"

Xiao Mao was still mocking.

Jimu's face changed drastically on the spot. It's okay to insult him, but it is absolutely unbearable for him to insult Boss Sakagi, and then roared loudly:

"Chuanshan King, use the most powerful ground crack!!"


Chuanshan King leaped high, turned his body around in the air, his sharp thorny claws went down, and finally landed heavily on the ground.


In an instant, a huge curved gully opened on the ground, like the sky falling apart, the entire rock arena was shaking violently, and the amplitude was still expanding.

"Tuigui, the power of this ground crack is outrageous..."

Even Xiaomao couldn't help but feel a little pale at this movement, and couldn't help but take a half step back, and the same was true for the Koda Duck on the field.

This Pokémon Duck is exactly the Pokémon he tamed in Zhenxin Town that day because he was greedy for Xiaoxia's divine duck. It moves quickly and has a powerful water gun, but it is not as handsome as Xiaoxia's Kodak Duck. I can't reach the realm of the god duck in my life.

Moreover, the level is not an advantage, and it is absolutely impossible to withstand this terrifying ground crack. Xiaomao immediately broke his wrist and waved his thumb:

"Duck, use the most powerful water cannon!!"


Koda Ya frowned, sensing Xiaomao's intentions.

Immediately, its expression became extremely serious. It opened its mouth and spit out a powerful high-pressure water pump. The power could break gold and iron, and it went straight to attack the opponent.


"Boom boom boom!!"

In the next second, the terrifying crack in the ground hit the duck, and the latter died instantly with one blow!

On the other side, the extremely powerful water cannon also hit Chuanshanwang's softest abdomen head-on, and the latter's body flew out like a cannonball, splashing countless smoke and dust.

When the referee stepped forward to check, he raised his arm and instructed:

"Duck and King Chuanshan lost their ability to fight at the same time!"


Jimu clenched his fists secretly, regretting his mistake, obviously he had an advantage in rank, but was pulled off by the opponent at the last moment, and both died together.

The villain in front of him is not only powerful, but also quite decisive and ruthless in his methods!

The two took back their Pokémon at the same time, looked at each other, and sweat dripped down their foreheads.

At this moment, on the electronic board, the two have the same record, and the two Pokémon are gray in color, and there is only the last Pokémon left.

"Tsk tsk, you've improved a lot~ It seems that the Rockets have taught you a lot~"

Xiao Mao was the first to come back to his senses, and couldn't help but teased.

Although he was also confused for a while, why did this kid join the Rockets for no reason after being sniped by him...?

But it's not a big problem, the first two Pokémon are just his favorites, and the strength is not even ranked among his top three generals.

The guy on the opposite side seems to be the same as Boss Sakagi, who is good at ground attributes, so let's just send his ace water arrow turtle and return him to zero again...?

Unexpectedly, Jimu suddenly spoke at this time, interrupting Xiao Mao's thoughts.

In the tone, there was a bit of loss, a bit of unwillingness, and a bit of determination.

"It seems that I can't take revenge today. My strongest ace, Chuanshan King, has already lost... But even so, I will fight you one last time!!"

As he said that, he threw the poke ball violently.

This time, it was a gray-brown Longlong Rock, the evolution of the Small Fist Stone, which looked ordinary and lacked momentum.

"Hmm...? Is Qian Donkey running out of skills...?"

Hearing this, Xiaomao was taken aback for a moment, and lifted the elf ball attached to the palm of his water arrow turtle again, and couldn't help but transfer it to the elf ball next door.

"This Rumbling Rock looks lacklustre, it should be a miscellaneous fish, or I can send Nido King, who just evolved last week, to accumulate more combat experience...?"

Thinking of this, he had already grabbed King Nido's pokemon ball.


All of a sudden, Xiao Mao shivered suddenly, and a cold air came through his heart for no reason. It was obviously a hot day, but his body was shivering from the cold.

He suddenly remembered a nightmare he had a few days ago. He dreamed that he sent Nido King in the key round of the rock arena, but was crushed by the opponent's sudden runaway Long Longyan, and then he left the field lonely before reaching the top 16. scene.

Xiao Mao quickly shook his head and threw the elf ball violently.

"Water arrow turtle, don't give it any chance, use the tide spinner to control the opponent, and then directly use the most powerful hydroelectric cannon!!!"

A set of terrifying combination punches made Jimu on the opposite side change face on the spot, and his face became dull!

Just like that day, Kami Turtle killed its pangolin with a water cannon.

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