He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 33: As expected of the strongest in Kanto!

"Thank you, Gong, Bi Diao."

Falling back to the cliff, Xiao Zhi took back the Chi Bi Diao and thanked him by the way.

At this time, the three of Zhenghui hurried up to meet them. Their jaws were almost dropped from the battle just now, and now they looked at Xiaozhi with slightly different eyes.

"Xiaozhi, is it really you...?"

"How the hell did it work...?"

Whether it's Bi Diao, the fire-breathing dragon, or even the method of directly subduing the huge fast dragon, it is beyond the reach of ordinary trainers.

And all of this happened to Xiao Zhi, a stunned young trainer.


"Haha, don't worry, it's all borrowed from a friend."

Xiaozhi made a haha ​​and perfunctory, let's talk about Brother Chi's matter later, he is afraid that he will be sent for an autopsy if he tells it now.

But even they reacted like this, let alone Xiao Zhi who was watching in the VIP auditorium, his degree of shock was actually no lower than theirs.

"It turns out that old brother Chi is so strong...!"

The strongest existence in his impression is undoubtedly the trainer battle scene he saw on TV when he was a child. There is a kind of fierce trainer called "Heavenly King" in it, which is already the ceiling of his current vision.

Brother Chi is just as powerful as them!

"please respect me..."

Chi's words suddenly came to his mind, which made Xiaozhi baffled for a while.

I have compared you with the king of heaven, how can I not respect you?

How about I go home and erect a monument for you, and then put incense sticks on it?


¥#%\u0026*@! #@%\u0026*!


Returning to reality, Xiaozhi threw the giant fast dragon's elf ball to Zhenghui.

"Well, according to the agreement, I helped you subdue it, so..."

"I understand. After I help this huge fast dragon solve its desire, the next step is to go back to the Chengdu area and continue to study that idea..."

Zhenghui took the poke ball with excitement.

He stayed at the lighthouse to understand the inner desire of this huge fast dragon. Now that the matter is resolved, there is no need to stay here.

And his hometown is actually not in the Kanto area, but in Manjin City in the Chengdu area, which is a big city, and his professional equipment is also there.

Zhenghui winked, then eased his tone and said, "Then thank that friend of yours for me."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, with an innocent expression on his face:

"Hee hee, I don't know what you're talking about."

It was getting late, and the four of them planned to go back to the lighthouse to have a good sleep, but saw a Pokémon next to them punching the void with high fighting spirit.

"Little Charmander? Why are you so excited?" Xiao Zhi asked with a puzzled expression.

"Maybe it was because of the fire-breathing dragon that they wanted to compete. As far as I know, fire-type Pokémon are very competitive, especially when dealing with Pokémon of the same race."

Zhenghui analyzed seriously.

Like Pokémon with other attributes, if a Jenny Jenny meets a Kami Kami, it is more likely to go up and say hello to the senior.

But the fire attribute is different. Generally, it sprays flames and rides on the face, with a posture of trying to overturn the senior.

"One day you will be stronger than that fire-breathing dragon!"

Xiaozhi smiled in relief, and rubbed the latter's bald head. Although the touch was not as good as Jenny Jenny, it was warm.


Not to be outdone, the little charmander spewed out a burst of flames, then placed its arms on both sides of its body and began to swing.

It's a take-off action.

"Have you longed to fly after seeing the fire-breathing dragon...? That's right, this is the fighting spirit you need. As long as your desire to fly is strong enough, you can grow wings!"

Xiaozhi continued to encourage.

Zhenghui nodded, agreeing with Xiaozhi's idea:

"In the Fangyuan area, there is a kind of Pokémon that is very eager to fly when it is low-level, and then it really grows wings and flies into the sky. I remember what that kind of Pokémon is called... What is so solid...?"

"Oh, it's called Baby Dragon."

Zhenghui said.

Wen Yan Xiaozhi also seemed to recall something.

"The Hoshien area, is that the Yoshien area where there are so many Rikakuzas that you can walk all over the place, and throwing a stone at that area with your eyes closed can stun a Rikakuza?"

An introduction from a close friend of the insect catcher Kogoro.

Zhenghui: "???"

Is this the geography taught by Dr. Oki? Such a meal?


Early the next morning, the four parted ways at the fork in the road outside the lighthouse.

The three of Xiaozhi are going to Kuye City, while Zhenghui is going to Jinhuang City, and then take the maglev train directly to Manjin City in the Chengdu area.

Before leaving, Zhenghui remembered something, and suddenly asked:

"By the way, Xiaozhi, would you like me to help you upgrade the illustrated book to the latest HW illustrated book? The 5G signal covers the entire Kanto region, enabling seamless communication and real-time communication throughout the region."

Xiaozhi waved his hand and rejected his suggestion:

"No, no, my IP illustration book is already perfect, HW can't do it."

Seeing this, Zhenghui didn't insist. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed true. The two left their contact information and formally bid farewell.



Three hours later, Xiaozhi and his party finally arrived at the elf center in Dead Leaf City.

This is a poetic city surrounded by fallen leaves and dim sky.

But surprisingly, no matter which street corner or alley, they did not see any iconic fallen leaves or weeds.

Spotlessly clean and tidy.

"The environmental guards in this city are really great..."

The three couldn't help admiring.

The first thing I did when I came to Dead Leaf City was naturally to challenge the gym in this city. It is said that the opponent is a gym that is good at using electrical attributes, and the owner of the gym is also an old electric mouse fan.

According to the local saying, he is the person who is best at raising electric rats in the Kanto region.

Xiaozhi refused to accept this at the time, and was about to stand up with a "crack", thinking that he would not lose to anyone in raising electric mice.

Didn't you see that his Pikachu is bigger than normal Pikachu?

But now it is still in the rest period, his Pokémon are all recovering at Ms. Joy's place, recharging their energy, and he can only wait with a restless heart.

At this time, a news broadcast on a public television attracted their attention.

As a port city, Dead Leaf City is actually not famous for trade and transportation, but for journalism.

Let me meet the strongest news media in Kanto!

The three of them set their eyes on the TV screen.


"It is reported that on the 15th of this month, which is the morning of the day after tomorrow, the most luxurious cruise ship in the Kanto region - the St. Anne will set sail. At that time, all the rich are invited to board the ship in order to experience the life of the superior, and the poor will follow the order. Observe the ceremony on the shore and call 666."

The three of them frowned, how could they have a feeling of being inexplicably humiliated.

Although it is true, is the news so direct now? !

Then everything in the picture suddenly turned into a gray sea, with only a solitary lighthouse shining brightly.

Three people: "!!!"

Isn't this the broken lighthouse of Mr. Zhenghui? It's too fast to be on TV! ?

Where is the reporter from?

"Shocked, a mysterious incident occurred near the cape lighthouse in the sea outside Dead Leaf City yesterday! The legendary monster that has been circulating for more than ten years, the lighthouse giant beast appeared again!"

"What's the matter with the lighthouse monster? I believe everyone is familiar with the lighthouse monster, but what happened to the appearance of the lighthouse monster, let the editor take everyone to understand together."

"It is reported that the lighthouse monster appeared because of the lighthouse monster. You may be surprised why the lighthouse monster appeared yesterday? But the fact is that the editor is also very surprised."

"This is the whole story about the lighthouse giant beast incident. If you have any thoughts, please tell the editor in the comment area to discuss together!"

Three people: "?"

Is this the journalism industry in Dead Leaf City?

It is indeed the strongest in Kanto!


(Brothers and sisters, all votes are bright.)

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