He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3141: Cycling partner demonstration!

Two weeks have passed since the last riding lesson, and Dr. Barnett came to the Pokémon School again today.

At this moment, all the students, including Xiaozhi and Kukui, gathered in the open space in front of the teaching building, preparing to show off their riding skills.

"Today's assessment criterion is to have at least one riding Pokémon!"

Dr. Barnett stood at the front with his hands on his hips and said loudly:

"Of course, the Kentaro riding provided by the school does not count."

Kukui stood nearby and nodded in agreement.

Dr. Barnett is right about everything!

"Then I'll go first!"

Kaqi was the first to respond. He stepped forward with thick eyebrows and took out his riding device.

Adjust the pattern on the screen to the flying item with small wings and press the button above.


His Charizard appeared in front of him, with a riding saddle on its back.

Kachi already has a fire-breathing dragon, so this course assessment was completed easily.


Barnett ticked the scoreboard and motioned to Ash in the crowd to calm down.

Although Xiaozhi was asked to be a warm-up guest at the beginning.

But after learning that Xiaozhi's "Shaggy Dog Treasure Hunt" was all about Emperor Yan, Barnett directly postponed Xiaozhi's order.

Otherwise, if he finishes showing it, other students may not have the courage to show it!

"It's my turn~! It's my turn~!"

Mao raised his palms enthusiastically and came forward with a smile.

Then he took out his riding device and pressed the button.


The red light fell, and a goat-like Pokémon appeared in front of her.

The eyes are curved and slender, like panda eyes, and the body is covered with thick hair.

“Isn’t this a mount goat?!”

Xiaozhi blurted out subconsciously, when did Mao conquer this Pokémon?

Rotom also flew over and introduced the Pokémon from Kalos to others——

"Beep! Goat mount, grass attribute, evolved form of mount lamb, often lives in groups in mountainous areas. When the trainer holds the horns of the goat, he can sense the emotion of the former Lotto~!"

This Pokémon is docile and reliable, and does not even need to be equipped with additional vehicles. The horns are the most stable steering wheel handles.

"Hehe. This is actually my brother's Pokémon~!"

Mao scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Her brother had been training as a cooking master in other places.

I just came back recently and tamed a mount goat from the Carlos area.

When I came back this time, I planned to open a restaurant branch in Kenico City, so I didn’t have time to take the goat out for a walk, so I lent it to Mao as a riding partner.

Dr. Barnett nodded. Her assessment criteria did not say that it must be a Pokémon that she has conquered.

If it can be released, it will pass.

"Well, it's my turn next."

Shui Lian walked to the crowd with a sullen face and pressed the riding device.


This time, what appeared was a thick and huge dragon, with a vehicle attached to the thorny carapace on its back.

This is Suiren's Pokémon. Of course, she can also ride out to the sea and surf at any time.

Everyone was not surprised. They often saw Shui Lian riding this riding dragon and going out fishing.

Dr. Barnett nodded and continued:


Next was Mamane, who looked a little nervous and pressed the riding device.


What appeared this time was a flat, self-destructing magnet monster suspended in mid-air with a saddle on its head.

"This is my flying partner, the Magnemite!"

Mamane introduced with a playful smile.

Since she couldn't catch any large riding Pokémon in a short period of time, Mamane turned to her cousin who worked at the Huiklan Observatory and borrowed the latter's Pokémon.

Dr. Barnett nodded. Whether it was bird wings or electromagnetic levitation, they were both good flying partners.

Then the last one.

Everyone focused on Lillie.

This made Lillie blush immediately, but in the end she walked shyly among the crowd.

"Well, this is the Pokémon that my brother helped me choose."

Then he pressed the riding device, and with a bang, a slender snake-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

The whole body is covered with light blue scales, the abdomen is white, there are small horns on the forehead, and the neck and collar are inlaid with dark blue orbs.


"As expected of Lillie!"

"The riding partner is a real god!"

Several people around him couldn't help but exclaimed, Hackron is a very rare Pokémon, right? Is it really okay to ride it directly? !

And if you ride a Hackron and squirm on the ground.

This Hackron seemed to have the magical power to read people's hearts. Suddenly it raised its head and let out a long, high-pitched sound.


The small wings on both sides of the head suddenly expanded and turned into wide wings similar to Togekis, and the whole body flew in the air.

It's not "Charizard Crash", it's "Charizard Flight"!

Everyone: "."

Dr. Barnett also twitched his lips, secretly saying that the Aether Foundation was indeed very wealthy.

"Thank you everyone~!"

Lillie stood next to Hackron and nodded politely.

The noble and mysterious Hackron is, most importantly, very good-looking!

She really liked the Pokémon that Gladion helped her choose.

"Yes, passed."

Barnet ticked Lillie, lowered her head and thought for a moment.

The Ether Foundation really needs to go see the situation on the ground.

After all the students had finished their presentations, it was finally Xiaozhi's turn.

The breathing chatter around them gradually became louder. They all knew that Xiaozhi's "hairy dog ​​treasure hunt" was the legendary Emperor Yan, which was outrageous enough.

Many students from other classes even came closer, wanting to see the talent of this foreign teacher.

Xiaozhi is the type who gets more excited when there are more spectators. He walked generously among the crowd and took out his riding device.

"First there's the shaggy dog ​​treasure hunt."


Pressing the button, what came out was a tan volcano lion with a majestic armored face and volcanic dust still floating on its back.

Lillie's expressions were better, but the expressions of other people in the school changed, and they all felt a strong sense of pressure.

"Is that the legendary Pokémon, Entei?!"

"Does a pure passerby feel that he is even more powerful than Kapu Mingming before?"

"Damn it, you actually use a legendary Pokémon as a riding partner? So how can I take Mr. Ash's class?"

"Don't go, Mr. Xiaozhi's classes are basically conducted with a picture book."

The buzz around him gradually grew louder.

But Xiaozhi's display is not over yet. He chose the riding device as the "Charizard Flying" project.

Coincidentally, his flight partner's registration had just recently passed!

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