He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3114 The Ultimate Space and the Ultimate Hole!

"Reverse World?! Have you been to other worlds!?"

Dr. Barnett's eyes suddenly widened, and he subconsciously stepped forward to grab Xiaozhi's shoulders, looking excited.

"Tell me, what is that world like?!"

The Space Research Institute naturally studies all kinds of different spaces.

But it is shameful to say that as the director, Dr. Barnett has never personally visited any other world.

She once investigated the Reversal World, which is a different world space in the Sinnoh region. After several years of investigation, she could only get some oral information or photos of the remaining ruins.

There is no proof of its existence.


Even the full moon behind him narrowed his eyes and his expression instantly became serious.

She comes from the Sinnoh region of another world, and naturally belongs to the category of "different space", but she still can't find her way home.

Xiaozhi has actually been to other worlds.

Among them, will there be your own hometown? !

Full Moon's heart couldn't help but start beating faster.

"Ah, I just simply went to another world~"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and didn't think it was a big deal.

If he really needs to, he can call Dark Lugia now and forcefully tear a crack from the corresponding different space here, leading directly to the reverse world.

However, seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Xiaozhi thought about it and briefly told everyone about his experience:

"The reverse world is the world where Giratina is, and you can go there with its power."

"As for other worlds, I have traveled through time and space on a Rayquaza before. I have been to a place similar to our world. In Kalos, I have been to a strange world through the local mirror cave."

After a narration, the originally surprised expressions on everyone's faces became even more astonished and exaggerated, and they all froze in place.

Especially Kukui, Man Yue and others know Xiaozhi's character well, and he is not someone who likes to brag.

So, it's all true? !

It’s even more outrageous!

Man Yue's eyes gradually brightened, and her heart pounded:

"If so, maybe he can help me return to my hometown...!"

After a while, everyone calmed down a little. Dr. Barnett looked at Xiaozhi again, as if he was seeing a living baby!

My mind is full of precious treasures! !


Hearing Kukui cough, Banette put away her emotions. Her expression just now seemed like she was about to eat someone.

"Anyway, Xiaozhi, your experience is very legendary."

Although introducing their Space Research Institute now seems a bit cheap, Barnett still introduced them bravely:

"Our Space Research Institute mainly divides these different spaces into two categories: one is similar to the places you have been to, Xiaozhi, and similar to our world. We can call them different universes or parallel universes."

"They are parallel to our world and basically do not affect each other."

"The second type is a different space that is attached to our world, like the reverse world. It can also be called an auxiliary space."

"Such a world will interact with and be closely related to our world."

But most of the time, there will be no major catastrophic events in this attached alien space, and the real world will naturally not be affected.

"And what our Space Research Institute mainly studies is a different space called the Ultimate Space!"

Barnet finally got to the point, and all of a sudden Kukui, Man Yue and others straightened their backs.

"Ultimate space.?"

Lillie frowned as she listened. She seemed to have heard this name before.

"Ultimate space? This is the first time I've heard of it."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, he had never been to this place.

Barnett finally regained some confidence and continued:

"The Ultra Space is the alien space behind our Alola region. It is said that humans, Pokémon and even dangerous Ultra Beasts also live there!"

This is the purpose of Kukui bringing Xiaozhi today.

Ultimate alien beasts do exist, and once they come from the ultimate space to the real world, they may cause unpredictable disasters.

And Xiaozhi, a trainer with super combat power, was here. Kukui felt that he should at least inform the latter about this. Maybe one day he would need to rely on Xiaozhi's power to resist the ultimate alien beast.

"The ultimate alien beast.?!"

Xiaozhi crossed his arms, lowered his head and closed his eyes, thinking hard.

He seemed to have heard this name before from Brother Chi.

At that time, Brother Chi even released a human-shaped mosquito with black and red muscles all over its body. Its style and structure were completely different from those of normal Pokémon.

Well, Brother Chi seemed to have indeed said at the time that it was somewhat different from the legendary Pokémon and was called an "ultimate beast."

"Ultimate beasts have power that is not inferior to legendary Pokémon. As long as they pass through a passage called the 'Ultimate Cave', they can reach the real world."

Barnett continued, since Xiaozhi has experienced traveling to other worlds, these inside information can be shared.

"As for our Space Research Institute, in addition to studying different spaces and universes in various places, the most important job is to monitor in real time where the ultimate holes have appeared in the Alola region to ensure the safety of the surrounding area!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded. The Ultimate Cave is connected to the Ultimate World. If something strange comes out, it's not a trivial matter.

No wonder there are a lot of monitor-like screens around, but no specific monitoring screen can be seen.

"So, has the Ultimate Hole really appeared now?!"

This is what Xiaozhi is most curious about.

After listening to Barnett's description, he is very interested in the Ultimate Beasts and even the Ultimate Space behind them!

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Barnett nodded solemnly.

"It may only appear once every six months in the past. But in the past two years, the frequency of the Ultimate Hole has increased, and it appears almost once every two months!"

She didn't know the principle, and didn't even know whether it was a natural event or artificially controlled.

Thinking of this, Barnett's eyes glanced at Liliae without leaving a trace.

Of course, she didn't suspect Liliae but Liliae's mother!

As the chairman of the Ether Foundation, it is said that the latter has been trying to explore the mystery of the Ultimate Space in private.

Even the Ether Foundation has communicated with their Space Research Institute several times, trying to obtain their intelligence data in both open and covert ways.

"So when was the last time? If there is an Ultimate Hole next time, can I follow and see?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

Barnett put away his emotions and replied:

"The last time was three weeks ago. It shouldn't be so fast."

Beep beep! !

Before he finished speaking, the warning light in the institute lit up red, and even accompanied by a rapid warning bell!

A researcher even exclaimed:

"Director, the Ultimate Hole is open again!!" (End of this chapter)

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