He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 307 This Unlucky Yellow Mouse

No less than everyone above, Xiao Gang below is facing a lot of pressure at the moment.

With just one blow, he knocked his ace big rock snake to the wind. This huge big rock snake is not only scary in appearance, but also terrifying in power.

"Teacher Shiba is watching from above, I can't embarrass him..."

Xiao Gang secretly clenched his fist, glanced upwards from the corner of his eye, but saw a rather curious scene.

Master Xiba stood across the body with a steel-like body, expressionless, while Xiaozhi and the other three were holding the former's body, with their palms still up and down and their hands touching the muscles.

Xiao Gang wanted to tell them to let go of their dirty hands and not touch his teacher's noble body, but when he shifted his gaze, he exchanged a glance with Shiba.

This is a look that is looking forward to, but also somewhat disappointed.

"Disappointed? I have tried my best to show my strength!"

Xiaogang suddenly panicked, lost his sense of proportion, and his breathing became disordered.

Wouldn't Master Shiba still refuse to admit himself after a while?

No, I must become his disciple!


Xiaogang's face was full of tangled thoughts, and he subconsciously raised his head until the muffled hum came from in front of him.

However, he saw that his big rock snake, even though it was blown by the wind, was still sticking to his order, and was firmly on the huge big rock snake.

Every movement of the giant rock snake is a huge burden on it.

"Big Rock Snake..."

Xiao Gang was shocked immediately, and suddenly came to his senses.

That's right, now it's a battle between me and my Pokémon, why do I need to change my style and show it to others?

What Master Shiba wants to see is his true self!

In the next instant, Xiao Gang's momentum has changed.

He opened his eyes, and the golden light of Bodhisattva Buddha was faintly shining around his body, which was so sacred that people just wanted to kneel down devoutly.

"Big Rock Snake..."

Xiao Gang had no distractions, he ignored the people above the pit, and focused entirely on the two big rock snakes in front of him.

He is familiar with this kind of Pokémon, the Big Rock Snake. Although he has a bad temper and may go berserk when he is shot by Jenny Kuzi who is passing by, the state of this one in front of him is obviously much more irritable than the average Big Rock Snake.

As if, in a hurry for something.


Xiaogang half-closed his eyes, and the focus of his field of vision allowed him to discover more things. Soon, he discovered the abnormality.

He is not only the chef in the team, but also the doctor in the team. Although his level is not comparable to that of Miss Joy, he also understands the physical condition of Pokémon.

He noticed the strangeness of the huge rock snake, on the face of the berserk scar, it seemed...

It seems to be a little bit painful?


There must be a reason for the rage, and if it was an injury, it would make sense.

Coupled with the Pokémon that has no hands or feet like the Big Rock Snake, once something goes wrong with the body, the things that only one head can actually do are very limited.

Xiao Gang’s half-closed eyes glanced over the rock snake’s nearly tens of meters body, and soon found a strange part. He is the boss trainer of the rock snake. Others may not be able to see this difference , but he can find it.

But the big rock snake in front of him was still moving its head and body violently, and it seemed that it would never give itself a chance to help.

Gotta let it cool down...

Thinking of this, Xiao Gang no longer hesitated, and ordered decisively:

"Big Rock Snake, come back and use digging!"


The little big rock snake immediately let go of the restraints, and rushed with its body and head towards the ground below, directly burrowing into the bottom of the rocky ground.

It has a bond with Xiao Gang, so it naturally knows what Xiao Gang wants to do.


The sound of vibrations came again and again, and even the naked eye could see that the ground around the huge rock snake was constantly moving, as if something was moving back and forth underground.


On the deep pit, seeing this scene, Xiba smiled, and immediately stopped worrying about Xiao Gang, but sat down cross-legged, continued to pick up a big watermelon and ate it.

He is also the eldest rock snake trainer, and he can tell the difference at a glance.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

what's up what's up what's up?


"Ho ho ho ho!!"

After a while, seeing that the target was lost and was still crawling under him like a small loach, the violent rock snake became even more violent, raised its head and roared, and then raised its huge rock tail high , as if he was about to throw him down.

This is the starting move of the earthquake. You must know that the damage of the earthquake to the Pokémon in the digging state is full.

"Let it come out quickly!!"

Xiao Zhi who was on the top of the big pit quickly reminded.

However, without waiting for his reminder, Xiaogang's eyes showed a gleam of sharpness the moment he noticed the opening gesture.

"This is what I've been waiting for!"

After the words fell, the little big rock snake suddenly broke through the ground and leaped high.

And Xiaogang had already prepared the elf ball long ago, and he directly took it back into the ball, his movements were extremely smooth, one person and one snake even looked at each other in the gap, giving each other a tacit understanding.

Then Xiao Gang took back the elf ball, and his body backed up again and again.

In the next second, the tail of the huge rock snake hit the ground squarely.

The three of Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly grabbed Xiba's chest muscles again, preparing to avoid the earthquake.

But Xiba continued to eat melons, completely defenseless.



Sure enough, as imagined, the earth-shattering earthquake did not appear, and only caused a slight tremor.


At this time, there was a sound of rock breaking and falling.

I saw that the body of the big rock snake suddenly dropped a few meters, but the ground under it suddenly stepped down, and a big pit collapsed.

And the big rock snake's snake-like body was just embedded in the ground, unable to move, only one head was still shaking violently.

"I understand, Xiaogang let his big rock snake hollow out the soil below!"

Xiaoxia reacted immediately.

This is a good way to reverse the earthquake by digging holes, but this trick requires the trainer to be very familiar with the skills of the two Pokémon to be successful.

"As expected of a man I recognize, he has controlled the Big Rock Snake, now is the best chance to attack!"

Xiaozhi also looked down, wondering which Pokémon Xiaogang would send to attack.

You know, Xiao Gang has caught ammonite beasts and fossil helmets before, both of which are water-type Pokémon and rock-type traitors, and the effect is outstanding.


"Da da da..."

However, the plot did not advance as Xiaozhi thought.

After taking a deep breath, Xiaogang slowly walked towards the big pit, and walked up to the huge rock snake, without any poke ball in his hand.

When he got to the edge, the constantly swinging huge head was less than one meter away from him, and there were even gravels scattered around, but Xiao Gang didn't care about it at all, just quietly looking into the eyes of the big rock snake.


This is an eye full of Buddha nature, even if it is as violent as a big rock snake, under this gaze, it gradually calms down.

"Big Rock Snake, I have no malice, let me help you..."


The two looked at each other again, and because the golden light was too dazzling, finally the big rock snake let out a low cry, lowered its head, and agreed to Xiao Gang's suggestion.

I saw Xiaogang jumping down the big pit nimbly, stepping on the body of the huge rock snake, walking towards the tail continuously, and stopped until he was seven inches away from the snake, bowing his head to the rock at this joint observe.

Then, as if he had found the target, he bent down and probed, and reached into the joint gap between the rock and the rock of the big rock snake's body.

This is just like the gap between human teeth, sometimes shredded pork is stuffed with leeks.

But if it's the size of a giant rock snake, Sed is no small thing...

Xiao Gang seemed to have found something in the gap junction, and pulled it a little harder.


The huge rock snake immediately let out a wail, giving people a strange sight of a muscular monster "beeping".

"It's okay, it'll be over soon..."

Xiaogang kept comforting the giant rock snake, but the strength in his hands didn't weaken at all, and he kept pulling.

Avert your eyes, this is the usual way doctors give injections to children.


After a while, Xiao Gang successfully pulled out a yellow ball from the gap, which was half the size of a human.


And as the ball was pulled out, the huge rock snake lowered its head immediately, with a relaxed expression on its face.


Xiaozhi and his party were overjoyed immediately, it seemed that the matter had been successfully resolved by Xiaogang.

"As expected of Teacher Gang, I understand!"

"By the way, what the hell is that yellow ball?"

I saw that the yellow ball trembled a little when it touched the air, and finally stretched out strangely. This is a Pokémon.


A pangolin shows its complete appearance, and the ball is its crouched state.

Xiao Gang just rubbed its head and released it.

It turned out that the giant rock snake was so berserk because of the mountain rat getting stuck in the gap in its body.

Giants are not afraid of powerful trauma, but are afraid of this feeling of stuffing flesh between their teeth.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also slapped his hands suddenly.

"What did I say, it turned out to be this unlucky yellow-skinned mouse cauldron."

Pikachu: "?"

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