Chapter 3103 The Test of the Shady Jungle 2, vs Overlord Lan Mantis!

"Beep beep! 1/3 of the progress is completed, let's look for Sweet Lotto next!"

Rotom was recording and reminding him.

Mao nodded. Since it was Tiantian, he naturally had to find a place with flowers.

Going deep into the tree-shaded jungle, in an open area with slightly sparser leaves above, Mao actually discovered a small flower bed.

Among the blooming flowers, you can also see some flower therapy rings floating and playing leisurely.

"Beep beep! Flower therapy garland, with fairy attributes, likes to pick off flower petals and string them into garlands to decorate themselves. They will also give them as gifts when they meet people they like. They are Miss Joy's common partner in the Alola region, Lotto~!"

Rotom reminded.

This Pokémon also has good healing abilities.

Although the body of the flower therapy ring looks like a garland, with flowers connected in series from beginning to end. But in fact, the body of the flower therapy ring is only light green, like the body of an elf bird.

There are only petals attached to the front and back of the body, which looks like a garland.

"Please give me the flower therapy ring, and I will collect some sweetness!"

Mao walked over slowly, clasping his palms together and begging.

This kind of Pokémon has a gentle and peaceful personality. After looking at each other, they quickly get out of the way.

There was even a flower healer who put a garland around Mao's neck, and then dragged the latter's hand to help find the place where the nectar was thickest.

“Thank you so much, everyone!!”

Mao was very grateful and quickly took out a small jar and successfully collected Tiantian.

"Beep beep! The progress is 2/3 complete, and only the big rhizome Lotto is left!"

The large rhizome looks like a common rough tree root, but it can be used as medicine and can be eaten after peeling off the skin and cooking it.

Carrying it as a prop for Pokémon can enhance the effect of absorbing moves such as "Ultimate Absorb".

Mao nodded. This time she would lower her head and carefully search for the corner of the tree root.

Mixed with the local trees with complicated roots, it is really difficult to distinguish them.

"Is this it?!"

After a while, Mao discovered a brown tree root with a smooth surface, which was different from ordinary tree roots.

Raise your hand and touch it, even a strange frosted rock feeling?

The next moment, the roots of the tree, including the entire connected tree, began to tremble.


It even let out a cry of fear, and the whole "tree" immediately used its roots as legs, raised up countless dust, and ran into the depths of the jungle.

Mao: "."

Are the trees becoming spirits? !

"Beep! That's a tree monster. It's a rock-type Pokémon. It usually likes to disguise itself as a tree Lotto!"

Rotom introduced with a smile, and also took a photo of the tree monster escaping.

After a small accident, Mao could only regain his morale and continue to lower his body and search.

On the other side, Xiaozhi was still riding on the back of Emperor Yan to hunt for treasure, and before he knew it, he had reached the end of the shade forest.

The road ahead was completely blocked by dense trees, making it impossible to walk.


When he turned back, he heard a strange cry, and then a tree with legs galloped past him.

"Are trees weird?"

Ash paused, this Pokémon reminded him of his old friends.

However, Emperor Yan still performed well this way and achieved remarkable results.

A leaf stone, a miracle seed that can increase the power of grass-type moves, and some grass seeds.

It's just that the grass Z pure crystal he wants most has not been discovered yet.

"Let's explore the area over there. We have to move faster, Emperor Yan! Mayo and the others will probably finish collecting them soon."

Xiaozhi reminded Yandi, and Yandi immediately changed from light sniffing mode to heavy sniffing mode. Even from a distance, Yandi's continuous and low breathing could be heard.

Already a perfect treasure-hunting long-haired dog!

About half an hour later, Mao returned to the grassy plain at the entrance of the Shade Forest, with a proud expression on his face.

"Hey, I've found it successfully~!"

Taking advantage of the situation, he showed his material package to the Overlord Orchid Mantis. It contained mango, a small jar of sweetness, and a large rough and muddy rhizome.

The last big rhizome was found with the help of Sleeping Mushroom.

As a mushroom Pokémon, the latter is good at operating in this humid environment and has a certain sense of specific plants.


Overlord Orchid Mantis nodded and confirmed that it was correct. After taking the mango, she dipped it in some sweetness and threw it directly into her mouth.

Then he carried the big rhizome with him.

"Lan Mantis!!!"

The next moment, the dominant orchid mantis suddenly let out a loud roar, and its momentum instantly became high.

An obvious golden overlord energy aura floated around him.

"I see."

Only then did Shui Lian realize that these three props could trigger the overlord's aura?

Immediately, the overlord Orchid Mantis faced Mao directly. The three-meter-tall huge body was extremely oppressive, and even the two serrated arms that looked like petals shone with a sharp cold light.

The first test is completed, and naturally the next step is to face the Overlord Pokémon!

"I see.!"

Mao's face tightened instantly, his heart was pounding, and he tried to calm himself down.

He sent out both of his Pokémon with his backhand.

"Please, Sweet Dancer, sleep on the sleeping mushroom!!"

Tian Wu Ni and Sleepy Mushroom looked at each other. Although the Overlord Orchid Mantis was strong, in the end they mustered up the courage to jump up side by side and face the powerful enemy.

"So fast?!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi has not yet found the Pure Crystal of Grass Z, but he does not want to miss the battle between Mao and the overlord Lan Mantis, so he can only call Emperor Yan to return to the entrance position.

It’s important to watch the battle first!


Emperor Yan roared, and his hind limbs sank to gather strength. In an instant, his tan figure turned into a blue arc of light and suddenly rushed out.

What a speed!

The three holy beasts in the Johto area all have the potential to master quick and powerful moves.

Almost in the blink of an eye, we arrived at our destination.

Shui Lian felt a strong wind coming from the side. The next moment, Emperor Yan's mighty and sturdy figure had fallen beside her, which frightened Shui Lian and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"What an amazing speed!"

Shui Lian exclaimed.

Teacher Xiaozhi’s Yandi not only has a keen sense of smell, but also acts as a treasure hunting dog.

Even if used for battle, it seems to be very powerful!


Emperor Yan seemed to have noticed Shui Lian's thoughts, and his eyes couldn't help but squint.

This little girl belongs to Tiangang!

"Just right, not late!"

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't take Yan Emperor back and watched the game from behind.

At the beginning, the enemy and we have not taken action yet.


However, faced with the siege of Mao's two Pokémon, Overlord Orchid Mantis suddenly let out a loud roar.

The next moment, a gray-white balloon-shaped Pokémon floated down from the nearby tree and landed leisurely next to Overlord Orchid Mantis.

Xiaozhi immediately recognized this Pokémon and said slowly:

"Sure enough, he started calling his companions again. This time it was floating bubbles!"

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