He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3091 Dr. Kukui is going to create a human being!

The next group of people did not continue to be crowded at the pier, walked out of the pier, and officially entered Kangdai City.

This city is the gateway city of Akala Island. It does not have a developed technological economy, but is a pure tourist city.

The streets are filled with a dazzling array of merchandise shops, service and entertainment shops, as well as many tourist hotels.

But this time, Hala booked the local Tingtao Hotel for everyone.

Although it is not as luxurious as the Haonohono Resort east of Kandai City, it is still one of the top large hotels in the Alola region.

The location of Tingtao Hotel is not far from the pier. After exiting the pier, walk all the way north. When you go down the stairs on the left, you will see an open beach. On the back, you can already see a European-style hotel.

Everyone planned to go to Tingtao Hotel to put away their luggage before officially starting their respective travel itineraries.

"So you are the new teacher from other places? You are really young."

On the way, Lizi walked with everyone and communicated with Xiaozhi:

"Hala has already told me that you are on a tour of the islands and plan to challenge me."

When dealing with ordinary challengers, Lizi would usually require them to pass one of the three tests on Akala Island before they could challenge her.

However, this young man was the one whom Hala focused on, so he did not need to pass any pre-test.

All the way to the entrance of Tingtao Hotel, Lizi also stopped.

"You are going to stay here until Sunday night, right? In that case, come to Kanico City on Sunday morning. I will accept your challenge, Xiaozhi!"

Li Zi said in a deep voice, with a rare solemn expression on her face.

Hala spoke highly of Xiaozhi on the phone, which made her somewhat interested in the young man.

It is said that a powerful trainer who can defeat Kapu Mingming has recently appeared on Melemele Island, and he is not easy to deal with.

But if it's just a new teacher, it doesn't matter.

"Sunday morning. 2 days later?"

Xiaozhi lowered his head and thought for a moment, it's Friday morning now, do we still have to wait two days?

But when I think about the big test of the island tour, maybe the Queen of the Islands needs time to prepare some other matters, which is not unacceptable.

In short, as long as you can challenge it!

"OK! I will go to Kaniko City in 2 days!"

So Xiaozhi patted his chest excitedly and replied.

To the north of Kandai City is the tourist hotel, while to the south is adjacent to Kenico City. You only need to pass through a gopher hole in the middle to reach it.

"Then I will go back and get ready first. Everyone, you are also welcome to come to Kenico City~ You can come to my gem shop then~!"

Before Li Zi left, she happily greeted Shui Lian and the others, as if she was taking a tour group into a local jade shop to spend money.

After seeing off the enthusiastic island queen, everyone entered the hotel. Kukui had already finished negotiating with the front desk.

"I have booked two double rooms and one triple room. The four of you girls can share two rooms. As for the boys, although Kachi will live at home, the room has been reserved for you~"

Turning his head, Kukui handed Xiaozhi a room card with a smile and gave Man Yue two room cards.

Xiaozhi was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"Where will Dr. Kukui live?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter what I say, why not save some money."

Kukui's face turned red, he scratched his head vigorously, and laughed twice.

Then he quickly changed the topic and said seriously again:

"Then everyone, put your luggage in the room and you can disperse your activities. You are free to move around these three days and two nights. You can do whatever you want to research."

"However, after returning home after the trip, everyone must submit a trip report, which will be included in the personal score!"

"So everyone, stay safe and see you on Sunday~!"

With a final reminder, Kukui turned around, walking lightly and humming a tune.

He ran out of the hotel lobby in a few steps like a dancing bird.

Xiaozhi was greatly touched by this. Is the school's funding insufficient? Does Dr. Kukui plan to sleep on the street for these two days?

In fact, if four people squeeze in, it can be accommodated.

"Hey, don't worry about Kukui-sensei."

"I feel like he should be careful about safety."

"Let's go check out the room. This is my first time coming to Tingtao Hotel~!"

However, the people behind him all looked at it with a look of disbelief, and no one felt pity for Kukui.

I guess Mr. Kukui left the hotel and went straight to Dr. Barnett!

Man Yue looked helplessly in the direction of the door, wanting to complain.

Based on Dr. Kukui’s current frequency of leaving home, it is estimated that humans will be created next year, right?

So a few people boarded the elevator and quickly found their rooms according to the room card number.

The three rooms are consecutively numbered, and when you walk to the balcony, you can see each other's balconies from the side.

"Let's go Mamane, Kachi~!"

As a teacher, Xiaozhi took the other two people into the three-person room on the far right.

The room was simply decorated with a very common Kalos style decoration, which reminded Xiaozhi of his recent trip to Kalos.

There were three large beds placed side by side inside, with the mattresses and sheets neatly placed. Xiaozhi and Mamane each placed their luggage on them.

As for Kaqi, he was carefully looking at the furnishings in the room.

Although his home is next door, it is only 10 minutes away by riding Charizard, but this is the first time he has stayed in such a hotel.

Why not stay in the hotel today and experience the life of the petty bourgeoisie?

Although Kachi's family has a vast pasture, he is still quite tight on money. He has to ride Charizard to deliver milk everywhere every day to earn extra money.

As for the girls, Mao and Shuilian lived in the double room in the middle.

Man Yue and Lilia lived in the double room on the far left.

"Mr. Man Yue, please give me more advice in the next two days!"

Putting the luggage on the bed, Lilia said with a somewhat nervous tone.

Before this, Man Yue was her psychologist, then became half of her teacher, and now became a roommate?

"We are not much different in age, just call me Man Yue~"

Man Yue smiled gently and said casually.

Such a smile made Lilia relax a lot.

After a while, everyone put away their luggage and reunited in the corridor.

So a new problem was put in front of Xiaozhi.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, I want to challenge the dominant Pokémon on the Wera Volcano. Come with me to witness the collision of the fiery flames!"

"Teacher Xiaozhi! Let's go to the Green Shade Jungle together. I'm a little nervous. Can you help me escape?!"

"Teacher Xiaozhi, I want to invite you to go to the Murmuring Hill with me and complete the island tour test there!"

At the same time, Kaki, Mao, and Shuilian invited Xiaozhi together.

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