Chapter 3068 The Ultimate Investigation Team? !

After the all-out celebration, the battle is over, and the awards ceremony comes at the end.

"Then this is the prize for the winner of the All-Out Celebration. It's up to you, Teacher Xiaozhi!"

Hala, the king of the island, walked to the center of the ring as the presenter and handed the Z bracelet to Xiaozhi.

There is also a Z pure crystal with fighting attributes embedded on it.

And Xiaozhi already has a Z bracelet, which means that he has obtained a responsibility similar to the king of the island, which can be transferred to other trainers.

"Thanks, Mr. Halla!"

Xiaozhi took the Z bracelet and looked happy.

Of course, the point is not the Z bracelet, but the fighting Z pure crystal on it, with a small fist pattern on the surface.

"Fighting Z-move.?"

Xiaozhi thought about it in his mind. Whether it's Mumu Xiao, Eevee, or even Pikachu, he can use this Z move!

"Then this is the dance move of Fighting Z!"

Hala, who was beside him, also took advantage of the opportunity to teach a new set of fighting Z-move dance. It is a set of continuous punching movements, which is quite fierce.

Xiaozhi secretly remembered it in his mind, so he could try it out when he gets home at night!

Warm cheers and applause erupted again around the ring, congratulating Xiaozhi.

Even among the towering and dense treetops around Lili Town, Kapu Mingming revealed half of his face, staring directly at Xiaozhi in the center of the town.


Celebrate with all your strength, and it is watching the whole process.

At this moment, I see that the winner of this celebration held to commemorate myself is the human being who knocked me upside down not long ago.

Kapu Mingming felt a little mixed.

On the ring, Xiaozhi walked off the stage at just the right time. At the end of the celebration, everyone danced around the bonfire to celebrate.

Mao, Kaqi and others have dragged Xiaozhi to the middle, holding hands and dancing around.

"I reject!"

Xiaozhi also wanted to bring Man Yue in to dance with him, but Man Yue immediately raised his hand to reject it and backed away to keep a long distance.

"I'm coming, I'm coming~!"

Hawu, on the other hand, was completely familiar with himself and directly joined the school's small group, singing and dancing with a smile.


The all-out celebration officially came to an end, and the lively atmosphere of Lili Town began to gradually dissipate. Most of the tourists scattered and left, leaving only some locals and staff cleaning up the mess.

Of course, Ash and everyone from the Pokémon School also stayed to help clean up.

During the process, Xiaozhi's ears were sharp and he heard Hawu next to him making a request to Hala to challenge the latter and complete the big test of Melemele Island.

No matter how he challenged him in the past, he was no match for his grandfather. This time when he returned to Melemele Island, in addition to participating in the all-out celebration, Hawu's primary purpose was to challenge his grandfather again.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to see your current level, Hawu~!"

Hala smiled and agreed immediately.


Next to him, Xiaozhi, who was bending down to pick up the empty bottle, straightened up immediately and looked at Hala with a question mark.

Don't you mean you don't have time?

Do you have time to treat your grandson? Do you have the inside story?


After Hala said it, she noticed Xiaozhi's questioning gaze and coughed a few times, feeling a little embarrassed:

"I remember wrongly. I haven't been able to accept your challenge recently. Hawu, you can go to the next island to practice for a few more months."


This time it was Hawu's turn to scratch his head, looking puzzled.

By the time the cleaning was over, it was getting late, and people were gradually starting to leave.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, when you go to Akala Island to challenge Mr. Shadow Tiger one day, please inform me. I want to watch the battle!"

Ilima made a serious request to Xiaozhi, and left each other's contact information.

Of course, the latter is the key point, he finally got Xiaozhi’s contact information!

Although it can't be seen from the outside, Ilima's inner admiration for Xiaozhi at this moment is even higher than that of Kachi.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed, after all, it was Ilima who informed Ibrahimovic.

After seeing off the pleased Ilima, Hawu came up to him again.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, you are really awesome. I hope we can have another duel next time~!"

Ha Wu, being the dumbfounded young man of Alola, cheerfully initiated the invitation to his rival.


Xiaozhi nodded. For some reason, the black-skinned boy in front of him reminded him of himself when he first started traveling.

Hearing this, Hawu also ran towards Hala with joy.

It’s rare to return to Melemele Island, so just stay at home and help grandpa do some work these days~

The one who finally came up to say goodbye surprised Xiaozhi.

"Alola, Ash~!"

Two strangely dressed men and women in protective suits walked up. They were the opponents from the previous full-scale celebration, Amamo and Dals.

"Oh, it's you."

When Xiaozhi came to his senses, he found that these two people were considered by him to be "not from this world". They just didn't know why they appeared in the Alola area and participated in the full-scale celebration.

"We are not locals, but we are very interested in the ecology, nature, humanities, and the Pokémon that live in the Alola region."

Dals put his hands behind his back and said seriously:

"If you want to call us something, you can call us the Ultimate Investigation Team."

"Hehe, I really liked the celebration dance just now~ Alola is so interesting~!"

Next to him, Amamo said with a smile, and his tone was in sharp contrast to Dals.

"Ultimate Investigation Team?"

Xiaozhi blinked. This was the first time he heard the name of this organization. It sounded like a great thing.

However, Dals did not say much about his identity.

"Thank you, today we have seen what a 'powerful trainer' is. Pokémon battle is indeed not an easy path."

Finally, he nodded to Xiaozhi, his face straightened, and he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

"We should meet again in the future, and I look forward to seeing your wonderful performances in the future."

"Hehe, goodbye Xiaozhi~!"

Amamo waved from the side, and then the two mysterious men turned and walked away.

"What a strange person."

Xiaozhi looked at the backs of the two of them with a strange look on his face.

The ultimate investigation team, so what are they investigating?

At this time, there was a cold and alert voice coming from beside him.

"I don't feel like a good person."

Xiaozhi turned his head and found that Man Yue had walked over at some point. This surprised him a little. He thought the latter had already slipped away while dancing just now.

However, Xiaozhi was noncommittal about Full Moon's judgment.

I guess this cold woman's evaluation of all strangers is that she "doesn't feel like a good person".? (End of chapter)

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