He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3043 Man Yue: Why is this teacher so weird? !

After a while, Xiaozhi had already pulled everyone to the playground for training.

The students lined up one by one, and Xiaozhi stood in front like an instructor.

"Beep! Received the latest news, the Full Power Festival will be held in Lili Town next Saturday~!"

Rotom floated on Xiaozhi's shoulder and reported as an assistant:

"The Full Power Festival is held to commemorate Tapu Mingming's protection of Melemele Island. At that time, there will be a battle between trainers. Lotom~!"

The expressions of the people in front of him were different. Kachi was shirtless, with sweat on his dark skin, and his momentum suddenly erupted like a volcano.

"Full Power Festival? I want to participate!!"

As for the others, their interest was not as high as Kachi.

It was just a full power festival, which was held once a year, and they were used to it.

And this festival was only a festival on Melemele Island. The other three islands also had their own island guardian festivals. Strictly speaking, it was not a top priority in the Alola region.

So Xiaozhi raised his hand and made a decision for everyone:

"Then as a test of the results of the practical course, everyone must participate in this full-strength celebration!"

After the words fell, a long complaint came from the audience.

During the full-strength celebration, the contestants have to go to the ring, and there are many people watching. They are all neighbors, which is a bit embarrassing!

"Of course, I will participate!"

Xiaozhi added that he also wanted to see if there are any powerful trainers in the Alola region.

This made Kachi's originally high-pitched expression suddenly drop.

How can we fight like this! ?

Professional trainers are prohibited from participating in amateur competitions!

"In short, there is about a week left, so everyone should hurry up and practice the signature combo skills they have imagined!"

"It doesn't matter whether you can achieve results or not, the important thing is to show your own battle results!"

Xiaozhi said loudly, which made everyone look much better.

Even if you are eliminated in the first round, you shouldn't be deducted points, so it doesn't matter.

"Let's go, Flower Dance Bird. Today we have to master the Feather Dance moves completely!"

In the battle field, Kachi was the first to respond. He took the newly captured Flower Dance Bird to a place with the strongest sunlight and started practicing dancing.

It was not just Flower Dance Bird that was dancing, Kachi also followed behind. The scene was somewhat eye-catching.

"We can't lose, Sweet Bamboo, Sleepy Mushroom~!"

Mao also found a sunny place to train. The sunlight can make grass-attribute Pokémon more active.

"It's so hot."

Mamane stuck out her tongue, and her chubby figure began to sweat.

"Let's go to a cooler place."

Sui Lian suggested, fanning the wind with her palms in front of her. She didn't like sunny days.

"Yeah yeah.!"

Lillie nodded in agreement, holding her ice Vulpix and ran to the center of the school to practice under the shade of the towering tree.

Fortunately, this little Vulpix has successfully used the special plaster purchased at a high price from other places to change its characteristics.

Combined with the frozen rocks it carries, once it enters combat mode, light snow will fall in the area two meters around it.

Although the snowfall feature is not very powerful under the sunny sky, it has also lowered the surrounding temperature a lot. Mamane and Shuilian both came to train nearby.

Xiaozhi walked around and watched everyone training enthusiastically, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, everyone~!"

From time to time, he gave some pointers. Of course, more of them were Rotom's illustrated book.

What new trainers need is basic teaching, and Rotom's systematic teaching in this regard is naturally more effective.

Xiaozhi plans to teach them his "Perseverance Battle", "Rejuvenation Roar", and "Reverse Attribute Battle Method" when everyone has a certain combat power.

"Then everyone come out!"

Then Xiaozhi turned around and released his Owlmoo and Eevee, and joined the special training team together.

His current Alola team is too immature. If he encounters any masters at the All-out Festival, it will be difficult to win without sending Pikachu.

For example, Man Yue, who was sitting in the shade of the tree next to him, had a Sniper Owl that was not low in level. Unless he sent his own Pikachu, Eevee and Owl were no match for him.

Seeing that the powerful teachers were training seriously, the lazy ones began to work harder and doubled their training.

And under the shade of the giant tree, Man Yue was propping up her chin, curiously observing Xiaozhi's outdoor battle class.

As a new official, she happened to have nothing to do, so she simply followed Xiaozhi's class down.

Her position was close to where Lily, Ai, and Vulpix were training, and her face could still feel the cold breath of snowflakes, but it was not too hot.

It was just Xiaozhi's battle class.

"Uh, why is this new teacher so weird?"

Man Yue frowned and complained in her heart.

She used to live in Dr. Kukui's house and didn't pay rent, so sometimes she would follow Kukui to school to help with some work, so she was not unfamiliar with the environment of the Pokémon School and even her classmates.

But after seeing so many teachers, Xiaozhi was definitely the weirdest one.!

While teaching, the teacher started to warm up? !

"And this person."

Man Yue stared at Xiaozhi in the distance, and the Pikachu who was paddling next to Xiaozhi. She couldn't help but think of a trainer from another place that she met half a year ago.

"He looks very similar to that person, and he also carries a Pikachu?"

Is it popular to carry Pikachu in the Kanto region?

Man Yue curled her lips and didn't think too much about it. Compared to working hard in the sun and sweating profusely, she prefers to stay in a cool place and do things slowly.

But everyone is working hard on training. She thought about it and didn't sit idle.

There was a stone mortar on the wooden stake in front of her. Man Yue put two dark red, striped bean-shaped tree fruits in it, crushed them gently with a stone pestle, and added some grass leaves, as if she was making some secret juice.


Until the tree-pillowed bear rang the bell for the end of get out of class on the bell tower next to her, everyone stopped their actions and gathered in the shade of the giant tree, intending to take a break.

No, I'm going to get heat stroke!

Mamane fell directly to the ground in the shade of the tree, gasping for breath, and complained:

"Huh, I still like to take classes indoors"

At this time, it's better to get closer to Lillie's Ice Vulpix!

And Man Yue has placed six small cups on the wooden stake in front of him, each of which is filled with half a cup of brown juice.

"This is the heat-relief juice I made."

Man Yue did not get up, but just smiled faintly and said to everyone.

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