He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3016 Gun-beaked Bird: When will I have sex with the Sniper Tree Owl?

Chapter 3016 Gunbeak: When did I ever fight with Sniper Owl?

Not only the group of small darts, Xiaozhi also heard anxious shouts from a distance.

"Hey, hey, hey!! That's my sweet bamboo, not fruit!!"

But in the distance of the jungle, Mao was chasing the group of small darts, shouting loudly.

However, along the way, there were either broad leaves covering the way or tall fallen horizontal beams, and even had to worry about whether there was a cliff below. Mao, who was tall and slender, was not good at running and chased very reluctantly.

"Hoo, hoo!"

Beside him, Shui Lian was holding her ball sea lion, jogging with a tight face, just like practicing lap running in the school playground.

There was no way, the body structure of the ball sea lion made it difficult to run in such a jungle area.

Earlier, the two were still concentrating on taming the wild sleepy mushroom, the latter's strength was the same as Mao's sweet bamboo.

After a fierce battle, the opponent was finally defeated and the ball was successfully thrown to capture the opponent.

Before the victory was settled, more than ten little Du'er suddenly jumped out from the depths of the jungle, and scattered around to grab the fruit.

There are many wild fruit trees growing where this sleeping mushroom is located. Now is the time for them to mature and bear fruit. The little Du'er will come here regularly to pick them.

It's just that the "odd species" Mumu Xiao mixed in among them, I don't know if it's blind or stupid, and didn't grab the fruit on the tree, but turned the gun head and pounced on the sweet bamboo on the ground.

The latter had just finished the battle and had no time to defend. He was directly caught in the air by the sharp claws of Mumu Xiao, and then followed the large group to fly back to the bird's nest until now

"Duk-duk!" "Duk-duk!"

Seeing that the two humans were about to chase to the old nest, the three little Du'er flew over directly and blocked in front of Mao and the others, making sharp calls to try to drive them away.

"Uh, I just want my sweet bamboo back."

Mao held his head in great distress. Would these little birds eat his Pokémon?

Seeing that the humans were not leaving, the three little Du'er immediately attached white light to their beaks, flew down, and used the basic move of pecking!

"Ball Sea Lion, use the water balloon!!"

Shui Lian immediately threw her ball sea lion out. The latter understood and raised his head high. A bubble of water sprayed out from the tip of the pink nose, and it expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it reached a width of three meters.

And this is not a simple bubble. It contains nearly 2/3 of water.

The sharp pecking attack of the little Du'er did not pierce the water balloon, but was directly "swallowed" by the water balloon.

Then, as if entering a drum washing machine, the body rolled upside down in the water balloon.


When the water balloon burst, the three little Du'er were washed down with the water flow, all turned into drowned rats, and fell in a messy state.


Xiaozhi and Lilia were watching from a distance. Seeing the moves of the ball sea lion, he couldn't help but praise it.

The basic moves of the three water-attributed starter here are not bubbles, nor water guns, but a combination of the two moves?

Just the action of the water lotus also aroused the hostility of the group of small druids. Soon, a much larger "small druid" flew down from the high branches.

The trumpet pecker is the evolution of the small druid. In the tribe, it is not responsible for finding or carrying tree fruits, but is the team leader responsible for managing the team.

When encountering an enemy, it will naturally attack!

The red feathers on the collar of the trumpet pecker are like wearing a bow tie, and with the black and white feathers, it is like an arrogant butler consul.


"Come again, water balloon!!"

The ball sea lion used the same trick again, blowing up a huge water balloon with the tip of its nose again, ready to swallow the latter together.


However, the trumpet-pecker let out a low cry, and its slender beak suddenly aimed at the water balloon, and "da da da" fired a series of green seeds

Seed machine gun!!

The slender beak, like a real gun barrel, maximized the power of the seed machine gun.


This time, the water balloon was not close yet, and it was pierced by dense seed bullets and exploded in mid-air.

Da da da!!

Not only that, the attack of the trumpet-pecker has not ended yet, and the seed machine gun continues to shoot, continuously exploding on the ball sea lion.

The effect is outstanding!

Even Shui Lianmao and the two people behind were covered by the seed machine gun and could only dodge in panic.

This is also a trumpet-pecker with the "continuous attack" characteristic. Once the seed machine gun is released, it will not stop.

"Pikachu, use the electric net!"

At this time, Xiaozhi finally took action.

The Pikachu on his shoulder leaped up and threw a lightning net into the distance, which was stretched out by the surrounding tree trunks.

In an instant, the net became a protective barrier to protect Shuilian and Mao, and all the seed machine guns were deflected.

Seeing the familiar moves, Mao stopped dodging and showed joy:

"It's Teacher Xiaozhi!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi was waving to him on the slope in the distance.

Shuilian also relaxed all of a sudden, holding her ball sea lion carefully.

As soon as they saw Xiaozhi, they instantly felt confident.

During this time, the little Duers also put the fruits they picked in the nest, including orange fruits, pomelo fruits, eggplant fruits, etc., and soon they piled up into a small mountain.

Owl was the last to arrive, and placed the sweet bamboo on the top of the fruit pile.


Then Owl landed in front of the musketeer who was guarding the nest, raised his little head proudly, and a circle of red dimples appeared on his cheeks, as if he wanted the former to praise him.


The musketeer looked at the pink "mangosteen" rolling down from above, and the two short legs on the chassis were still swinging, and his brows frowned deeply.

Although some flying birds and raptors like to eat meat and will eat some weak insect-attribute and grass-attribute Pokémon,

but their whole family is vegetarian!

Especially looking at the smug Owl in front of him, the musketeer frowned even deeper, and the huge beak began to turn red and heated up due to high blood pressure.

In his mind, he remembered that when he raised the temperature of his beak to achieve the "flame body" effect and could hatch ten Pokémon eggs at the same time, the other nine eggs successfully hatched healthy and lively little Duer babies.

There was only one egg, which had been incubating for a long time without any sign of hatching.

Under the acceleration of its "flaming body" beak, the egg that might have taken three years to hatch finally hatched within three months.

But what came out in the end was a ball! ?

The newly hatched Wood Owl looked like a brown ball, which was very abrupt among the group of little birds.

Gun-billed Bird: ""

It didn't even know when it had a fight with the Sniper Tree Owl? !

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